
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Months Ago
Disable the option to open the menu if NetworkMode is not Object - no point allowing to change these settings for objects that arent networked
9 Months Ago
Add RadioSelect widget for use with advanced network settings as it makes sense ( )
9 Months Ago
Modify style
9 Months Ago
Store current val outside scope
9 Months Ago
Adv network settings button next to Network Mode in inspector - opens drop down menu to set net orphaned mode / owner transfer mode
9 Months Ago
Move out to its own widget - this is gonna be a button that drops down for advanced network settings
9 Months Ago
Make sure NetworkOrphaned and OwnerTransfer modes get serialized / deserialized Move over to setting NetworkOrphaned/OwnerTransfer on the GameObject directly (with multi-select)
9 Months Ago
Start adding support to edit Network Orphaned and Owner Transfer options in Inspector (visible when Network Mode is set to Object)
9 Months Ago
Start adding support to edit Network Orphaned and Owner Transfer options in Inspector (visible when Network Mode is set to Object)