
11,161 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

50 Days Ago
When joing via new instance, Project.Current is null - this can break <style> because it can't get relative path of current file. Fix that by just using absolute path in that case. Remove unnecessary assert
50 Days Ago
Mascot LODs
51 Days Ago
These url checks should no longer be needed
52 Days Ago
Populate some missing TypeSerializedField virtuals (fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5042)
52 Days Ago
Support serializing field containers
52 Days Ago
Fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#5048, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5044
52 Days Ago
Scope to the active scene when running commands
52 Days Ago
Move primitive builders to Editor.MeshEditor
52 Days Ago
SteamAudio traces happen in c#, tweak reflection settings, tweak transmission settings
52 Days Ago
Citizen - Mascot Skin New Mascot Skin with colour variations
53 Days Ago
Disable audio reflective until I can fix it (snd_steamaudio_num_bounces 16 to enable)
53 Days Ago
Mixing thread locks the c++ sound mutex when mixing
53 Days Ago
Tweak audio sample function so we can find out why it's crashing
53 Days Ago
Fix sound system going silent after playing local sound in the middle of your ears
53 Days Ago
Disable error reporting in test mode Fix NRE in SoundPointComponent when SoundEvent is null
53 Days Ago
Fix mixing thread crash
53 Days Ago
Fix ShaderGraph input editor width regression
53 Days Ago
Fixed GraphView.SelectionBox
53 Days Ago
TypeLibrary.GetType( name, baseType ) To compliment GetType<T>( name ) Component.JsonRead: don't ignore component_type Fixes some of the bugs that #1449 will fully solve
53 Days Ago
Performance now shows the max, instead of the average Tweak steamaudio reflection settings to tide people over until I move it to a background thread
53 Days Ago
MixingThread tweaks Fix volume doubling
53 Days Ago
Don't show install for incompatible cloud package types
53 Days Ago
Revert "Move depth prepass to be the first pass of everything, we'll use it on lightbinner for light culling from now on" This reverts commit 65bc314734f0003a9d2dc5c10e5f7da3a11a8db0.
53 Days Ago
Move depth prepass to be the first pass of everything, we'll use it on lightbinner for light culling from now on
53 Days Ago
Fixed #1470
53 Days Ago
Managed soundsystem (#1455) * Sound mixing moved to managed * SoundHandles have occlusion, transmission, reflection * SteamAudio is back * Still lots to do (orgs/Facepunch/projects/24/views/1?pane=issue&itemId=55046762)
53 Days Ago
Tentative fix for Facepunch/sbox-issues#5021
53 Days Ago
Improved node type filtering w.r.t. whitespace
53 Days Ago
Fixed #1477
53 Days Ago
Fixed Facepunch/sbox-issues#5022
53 Days Ago
Fixed Facepunch/sbox-issues#5009
54 Days Ago
Host can always drop ownership of a networked object Host can always network destroy a networked object
54 Days Ago
Node menu rewrite * Can search all possible node types * Properties / methods from TypeLibrary * Component getters of each type * Extension methods now appear like normal instance members * ActionGraph resources appear as normal instance members too * Output expansion isn't limited to properties any more * Editor knows which components exist on scene.ref targets * Improved formatting for node titles / parameters * Search truncates results at 20
54 Days Ago
Fix build (we don't support "display: inline", not sure if this was done on purpose?)
54 Days Ago
Add ability to fullscreen the scene viewport
54 Days Ago
Improved style parser errors (sbox-issues/issues/4541)
55 Days Ago
Fix scene asset drag drop not working while an asset is already selected
55 Days Ago
Slightly improve component selector search i.e. "MyComponent" will find the "My Component" component
55 Days Ago
Optimize use of Styles.IsDefault
55 Days Ago
Add Sweeper sample Don't query global stats for local games Add samples folder
55 Days Ago
Fix hotload error involving duplicate properties Some more hotload skipping for TypeLibrary stuff Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs Fix in parameters Fix node regression
55 Days Ago
Consider panels visible until their transitions have ended Create menu-main.scene_c style Overflow returns Scroll if -x or -y are scroll Add GameJam category
55 Days Ago
Panel Recursion errors no longer throw full exceptions
55 Days Ago
Catch razor errors, report them nicely Optimize LerpProperty When doing input, use panel's ZIndex to determine order MainMenu is a ScreenPanel Cleanup
55 Days Ago
Use SerializedObject.OnPropertyChanged for more reliable update, instead of relying on OnChildValuesChanged
55 Days Ago
Signal value changes for ResourceControlWidget too
55 Days Ago
Signal value changes for GameObjectControlWidget
55 Days Ago
Forgot the interop somehow
55 Days Ago
Compile GameResource if their source changes (external changes, disk saving)
55 Days Ago
Add Graphics.CopyTexture for GPU texture copying, format and size must be the same