
11,136 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.35cph!

3 Months Ago
Remove atlas resizing, feels overengineered, way we have adaptive shadow render size makes it feel pointless Let shadow frusta be calculated entirely on shadowcache, removes redundant calculations and makes the data flow saner, remove bullshit from LightEntry Add support for clearing rects from shadow atlases properly, queue them, fixes shadows on multicam views and childrens, note that shadow caching will still only happen on children views for now
3 Months Ago
Gizmo.Select: allow unselect of object selections Shift allows multi select too but without deselecting SceneViewWidget.UpdateHovered: Just because we're already selected doesn't mean we can't be hovered, otherwise how will you deselect me Deselect game object when nothing is clicked
3 Months Ago
Tidy up AfterUI render stage and use that for after-UI post-processing effects, rename to `AddHookAfterUI`
3 Months Ago
SceneCamera viewport caps size properly Bail out of CameraRenderer if no valid viewport
3 Months Ago
Unused resource glue Log_Detailed these rendersystemvulkan messages Fix crash with symlink resident resource reloading
3 Months Ago
Add `CameraComponent.AddHookAfterOverlay`, supports running post-processing effects after UI is drawn
3 Months Ago
Foliage: Fix depth alpha tests Foliage: fmod phase to avoid jittering imprecision at high time/world offsets
3 Months Ago
Show mouse cursors inside scene view, wrap them to canvas rather than locking to center, panning follows same direction as other engines If you preferred the previous panning behaviour there's an option for inverting it
3 Months Ago
Scene view orbit camera: account for mouse X axis, add invert options to editor preferences sbox-issues/issues/4663
3 Months Ago
Add convar for toggling version overlay
3 Months Ago
ComponentSheet: Default to showing actions if no non-actions exist
3 Months Ago
Fix tests from non fully init engine
3 Months Ago
PackageManager Mount/Unmount reloads symlinked resident resources
3 Months Ago
Expose some basic stuff in PhysicsWorld / PhysicsBody etc to ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
Remove InputActionName struct, InputNodes, decorate original methods with [InputAction], use for InputActionControlWidget
3 Months Ago
Whine about very old nvidia drivers to the user Vulkan: Always allow mutable swapchain format Vulkan: Update swapchain texture spec if overridden swapchain format videorecorder: convert image format if not RGBA
3 Months Ago
Add Scene -> Close All, Close All But This (
3 Months Ago
Citizen: small adjustments to WalkFast_N + remade WalkFast_NE
3 Months Ago
DoF doesn't need to grab depth buffer, we can use the depth prepass (thanks Matt) Don't need to grab depth for any other post processing effects either (because they don't use them) Compile shaders Undo changes to Graphics.GrabDepthTexture to avoid problems
3 Months Ago
Correctly resolve textures fetched from Graphics.GrabDepthTexture DOF uses DepthBuffer texture again + clean up a bit
3 Months Ago
Update DOF post-processing to use new Depth::GetNormalized() instead of accessing non-existent texture
3 Months Ago
Forgot we're not using #nullable
3 Months Ago
Add Clone Game Object node
3 Months Ago
recast update latest Update compat with recast Add detour
3 Months Ago
Basic prefab unit test
3 Months Ago
Fix gradient fog not showing in the editor Fix SceneFogVolume not updating because ID is 0 Update CubemapFog.cs
3 Months Ago
Add parameterless constructor for Transform which sets Scale to 1, add a test for it
3 Months Ago
Add ProceduralHitReaction to CitizenAnimatonHelper, expose Hitbox to DamageInfo since I think it'll be used by most people
3 Months Ago
Expose GameObject.Tags to ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
IRenderOverlay should have never existed
3 Months Ago
Keep track of referenced component types in ActionGraphs
3 Months Ago
Fixed not being able to drag in gameobjects to component control widgets, my bad
3 Months Ago
When a component isn't found, create a MissingComponent. When saving, save the original data so that missing a component isn't destructive.
3 Months Ago
Disable a couple more crappy Vulkan overlays in editor mode Project creator: doesn't matter if directory doesn't exist becuase we're gonna make it
3 Months Ago
Add Prop.IsStatic Add boit icon to switch between actions and properties in component sheet Add game/core/shadercache/vulkan/shaders.cache to git ignore
3 Months Ago
Fixed a bunch of cases where creating custom nodes would fail
3 Months Ago
Fix built in modeldoc game nodes not loading
3 Months Ago
Delete ExampleEditorTool.cs
3 Months Ago
Fix orbit camera stomping everything
3 Months Ago
Remove caching on ToTitleCase (causes more harm than good) In CloudAssetDirectory, cache off the database instead of accessing every time Faster, less accurate Asset.IsCompiled() (but still does what we want it for)
3 Months Ago
Can put evaluations in float inputs
3 Months Ago
Fix bitvec startup assert Temporary fix for RenderSceneToPixmap
3 Months Ago
NetList, NetDictionary (#1447) * Initial commit * Make NetworkTableContainer into an internal interface INetworkTableContainer. Use explicit interface implemention to keep members from being exposed to public API. * Add some exception handling * Let the INetworkTableContainer handle writing/reading whether it's only changes or a full update * Backwards compatibility for IList and IDictionary but it isn't ideal so throw a warning to use NetList and NetDictionary * Fix some documentation. Add ExchangeNetList test. When new instance of NetDictionary or NetList is created, add Reset change immediately. We want clients to know it's completely changed. * Add appropriate unit tests * Fix for hashcode * INetworkCustom. Add tests for NetList, NetDictionary. * Add example usage * Better formatting
3 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraph Mark constant nodes as obsolete Node input value widgets now respect attributes like [Range] Some node reorganisation When ambiguous, default to types like string, float, Vector3 Nicer display for constant color inputs Filter out obsolete nodes from node list TypeSerializedObject: ignore static fields / properties Optional default group for ControlSheet.AddObject Action Graph property panel cleanup
3 Months Ago
Add a test for FindInPhysics because chances are I'm going to forget this fix when izabu updates
3 Months Ago
Fix CastShape on mesh shape not returning hit fraction when toi is overlapped
3 Months Ago
Update editor play button when using F5 hotkey sbox-issues/issues/4529 Add button to open code editor if we fail to load a project
3 Months Ago
Forgot to delete results
3 Months Ago
Add Scene.FindInPhysics( sphere ) and Scene.FindInPhysics( bbox )
3 Months Ago
Dragging a model into the scene will spawn a prop if applicable