
11,179 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

3 Months Ago
Set the light transform on creation
3 Months Ago
Be able to get object from CodeGen wrapped prop/method
3 Months Ago
Setup attachments for bind pose animated objects, fixes incorrect attachment transforms on models not using animgraph
3 Months Ago
Simplify particle mode selection - with most likely presets
3 Months Ago
Make mode change button less obtrusive on ParticleFloatControlWidget
3 Months Ago
Draw indicator lines through range
3 Months Ago
Curve editor supports ranges
3 Months Ago
Fix motion blur not working, simplify it, make it use the same reconstruction technique as in dynamic reflections, I still don't like it but this gives correctness to it
3 Months Ago
Delete CurveProperty.cs Add CurveRange struct (between two curves) Add Random.Float() (faster to get float between 0-1) TypeLibrary allow access to Curve and CurveRange ConstrainToScreen doesn't call AdjustSize() Floating WidgetWindows don't need to constrain to screen Curve Editor WidgetGallery CurveControl tweaks Add CurveRangeControlWidget Make curve editor less obnoxious to look at Add CurveRange option to particlefloats Make value range work
3 Months Ago
Light components derive from a common base class
3 Months Ago
Called the wrong function
3 Months Ago
Fix game test not being in test mode
3 Months Ago
Don't try to init steam during unit tests (!)
3 Months Ago
Bootstrap more linearly Fix unit tests
3 Months Ago
Remove unused Bootstrap cleanup More Bootstrap cleanup
3 Months Ago
Can expand any output with right-click Expose ValueTuple, IList.Count, Array.Length to TypeLibrary DisplayInfo: Get rid of backquote in generic names Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph Fixed expanded output hiding logic
3 Months Ago
gaussian_bloom_blur compiled material to fix bloom on dev builds
3 Months Ago
hunch satisfied, fuck steamworks
3 Months Ago
New Hair - Tied Dreads!
3 Months Ago
Just testing a hunch
3 Months Ago
Upload to default branch (not staging) Fix NRE
3 Months Ago
Fix warnings
3 Months Ago
more NetworkTable unit tests Lift restrictions on Sync var types (it'll error now instead of silently ignoring)
3 Months Ago
Add GameObject.NetworkSpawn, obsolete Network.Spawn (redirect)
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE Split heartbeat message into ping and pong
3 Months Ago
Update packages in tools
3 Months Ago
ServerList modal
3 Months Ago
Exception wrap INetworkListener calls Move FriendsListModal
3 Months Ago
Map list right click menu Fix NRE in ClothingContainer.Apply Transition cards in
3 Months Ago
Remove unused These updated after a full resource build Package updates Update packages
3 Months Ago
Fix loading screen not being interactive
3 Months Ago
Fix build
3 Months Ago
Fix imprecise degrees <-> radians which was causing bad quat <-> euler Rotation.Angles(): at singularities pitch should always be +-(π/2) A few more tests around euler angles at singularities
3 Months Ago
Time out if we can't connect to a host when joining a lobby
3 Months Ago
Delete all vmat_c except a few required ones - should build correctly on CI since contentbuilder fixes Registering textures here shouldn't be needed anymore
3 Months Ago
Less spaghetti on project initialization: only load user projects in editor mode, add & compile built-in first and only error then, remove dead code paths
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Automatically mark record properties as expanded
3 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
3 Months Ago
Fix issues with loading compiled resource json in editor space
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Double-click on an input to start editing it
3 Months Ago
EditorSplashScreen remove StaysOnTopHint - intrusive to all other OS windows and hides exception dialogs Bail starting tools if our base projects fail to compile because nothing will work and it's impossible to recover
3 Months Ago
String table, empty entry unit test
3 Months Ago
Handle empty entry in StringTable Don't try to multiple Term GameObjects Differentiate between Network Root objects and network objects in tree Fix network object serialization Better errors when component deserialize errors Don't network spawn disabled objects
3 Months Ago
Actually use the sky_camera offset/angle/scale in native
3 Months Ago
Delete unused 2d skybox tracking CSceneWorld::m_skyboxes Restore deleted 3d skybox view layers Delete SceneCamera.Skybox - this was a stupid way to do it Add internal SceneSkybox3D, create this from skybox_reference in SceneMapLoader using its own MapLoader SkyboxMapLoader loads 2d skybox
3 Months Ago
Network spawn cleanup
3 Months Ago
When serializing network objects, don't include child network objects
3 Months Ago
Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
Handle exceptions in Panel.FinalLayout
3 Months Ago
Add Model.Cube, Sphere, Error Add Particle.Get, Set for storing extra data Add ParticleEffect.OnParticleCreated, OnParticleDestroyed Fix panel NRE