
11,184 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

3 Months Ago
Network spawn cleanup
3 Months Ago
When serializing network objects, don't include child network objects
3 Months Ago
Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
Handle exceptions in Panel.FinalLayout
3 Months Ago
Add Model.Cube, Sphere, Error Add Particle.Get, Set for storing extra data Add ParticleEffect.OnParticleCreated, OnParticleDestroyed Fix panel NRE
3 Months Ago
Fix crash in ComputeMass
3 Months Ago
Send ClientReady after snapshot load Fix not waiting for OnLoad when joining server Trim debug output
3 Months Ago
Refactor SteamLobby Update SteamLobbyConnection id from ConnectionInfo
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE when reporting project errors
3 Months Ago
Remove some unused properties from voice
3 Months Ago
All sounds can compute amplitude now, add Voice.Amplitude and SoundHandle.Amplitude
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Output plug labelling
3 Months Ago
Expose Editor.Application.FocusWidget Update Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
Simplify ActionPlug<T> Split up ActionNode.cs Implement EnumControlWidget.IsControlActive ControlSheet: return created widgets ActionGraph: Fix some undo edge cases
3 Months Ago
Fix documentation
3 Months Ago
Load/reload prefabs with SmallNetworkFiles. Read compiled json with c# fs instead of using native (#1440)
3 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: do some move/wish trickery to improve the look of changing direction while swimming (sort of like leaning while running)
3 Months Ago
We don't need to route EngineLoop.Exiting via native
3 Months Ago
Fix engine convars not saving
3 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: added Swim_S, updated Swim_N, new Swim_Idle
3 Months Ago
Warnings as errors in PRs to match main CI
3 Months Ago
Remove PartyLobby (it's all broken, lets remove it and re-implement when we implement it)
3 Months Ago
Reset launch args when joining a server Join active session by default, on map list
3 Months Ago
Make steam's richPresence kind of work
3 Months Ago
Move GameNetworkSystem.QueryLobbies to Networking.* Don't initialize Id and Ip sockets yet, it's gonna cause confusion Set the lobby map name better
3 Months Ago
Map instance loads particles
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Undo / redo ActionGraph: Undo / redo property changes
3 Months Ago
Add GameObject.Network.OwnerConnection
3 Months Ago
Extract VoiceManager from VoiceComponent Add Application.IsMicrophoneListening, IsMicrophoneRecording Mic overlay
3 Months Ago
Add IsValidType and use that for now instead of IsValueType on the property. Support using `string` for Sync
3 Months Ago
Delete rendering world session, not used anymore
3 Months Ago
Don't support FIELD_VARIANT (not used) to get entity2 usage out of tier2
3 Months Ago
Don't include entitykeyvalues where it's not needed
3 Months Ago
CharacterController Sync vars don't have to be query now we have codegen NetworkHelper respawn will auto use SpawnPoint components if available
3 Months Ago
Replace entitykeyvalues with keyvalues3 for map game data node
3 Months Ago
Trim down entitykeyvalues some more
3 Months Ago
Default fps_max to 200 instead of unlimited
3 Months Ago
When calling SetMaterialOverride with a null texture, remove just that entry instead of clearing
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Allow modelphysics to disable collision sounds
3 Months Ago
ModelPhysics bodies sets their gameobject CollisionSoundSystem doesn't rely on collider so allow it to run without one
3 Months Ago
Remove last remaining networking code from animgraph (I think)
3 Months Ago
Remove last remaining CLIENT_DLL and SERVER_DLL defines
3 Months Ago
Remove these daft unused damping functions from physics interface
3 Months Ago
Optional params for SoundStream.Play
3 Months Ago
Add GetBodyGroup to ModelRenderer
3 Months Ago
New project wizard creates a directory in your selected location instead of you explicitly selecting the location
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed not being able to set properties
3 Months Ago
Change EditorWindow.StateCookie so everyone on main gets a sane default layout reset on them when staging is flipped
3 Months Ago
Unused networking engine events Delete some unused VR specific stuff from scenesystem