
12,675 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.36cph!

4 Years Ago
Fixed UI left/right/up/down not scaling Fixed background properties not being inherited Support for background-size: cover + contain HotloadManager outputs exception on errors Fix panel event exception when hotloading fucks up on Action<bool> Allow access to Library.Spawnable Entity Spawn Menu Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Balloon uses BaseSpawnerTool
4 Years Ago
Add BaseSpawnerTool to avoid duplicate preview drawing code
4 Years Ago
Rewrite sandbox tools using new tool system
4 Years Ago
PlayerInfo to PlayerScore Added Tool system
4 Years Ago
Tweak wood impact
4 Years Ago
Implemented physics sounds
4 Years Ago
Fixed SceneObjectUpdater leak
4 Years Ago
Cleaning Model.Create
4 Years Ago
Draw water stuff just before drawing translucents
4 Years Ago
Add SceneLayer to ModelEntity Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Added Physics.TestPointContents Entity.InternalEntityKeyValue gets called with a list of map entity keyvalues Added [HammerProp] for setting entity properties from hammer/fgd shit Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Put WaterSea on water scenelayer
4 Years Ago
Organize scenesystem definitions, start binding ISceneLayer Add per-basemodelentity scenelayerid and bind it Tiny adjustments to CreateRawModel Handle Water layers, assign custom scene layer ids
4 Years Ago
Add RenderMeshFile bone parent to modeldoc (reskin all verts of a mesh to a bone)
4 Years Ago
removing a bunch of unused stuff from vr_complex
4 Years Ago
Added Trace.HitLayer( layer ) Fixed ModelEntity.ClearCollisionLayers (takes no args) CollisionGroup.Trigger is bullshit, just do EnableSolidCollisions = false Water surface can be shot Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Enum
4 Years Ago
Clientside ragdolls float in water Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Cleanup and add option to fade to global cubemap if out of bounds Fix seamless cube bounds
4 Years Ago
Remove unsed water stuff Player controller swimming
4 Years Ago
Added PhysicsBody.FindClosestPoint( vec ) Added PhysicsBody.Density Fail gracefully if Assets.Load couldn't deserialize Added BBox.Size, Volume, RandomPointInside Water: splashes are clientside, splash sound, objects denser than water sink, flat objects lay flat on the surface of the water Water sounds Update usermessages.proto
4 Years Ago
Water cleanup
4 Years Ago
Shitty water physics
4 Years Ago
native struct RnCapsule_t is Capsule Bind CollisionProp.SetupPhysicsFrom* Added PhysicsGroup.SetSurface( surface ) Added ModelEntity.SetupPhysicsFrom(Model/AABB/OBB/Capsule) Create sea physics object
4 Years Ago
Cp,[iled editor tool shit Added Physics.GetPointContents Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Disable screen aligned triangles for now and make water wave happen at the center rather than pointing up
4 Years Ago
testmap with sea
4 Years Ago
Sea model for hammer
4 Years Ago
MeshSystem.CreateWorldModel returns a Model WaterSea sets the mesh as its model instead of creating a new scene object
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Load all addons/config/*.fgd
4 Years Ago
Balloon rope uses new bone attachement stuff Try porting over drone
4 Years Ago
Fix 2 lobe speculars Add NumEnvMaps to shader part of the constant buffer
4 Years Ago
Pass number of envmaps to the shader D_VIEWMODEL_PASS combo was accidentally set on VS rather than PS Seamless cubemap blending Add two lobes and cloth support to smooth cubemap transitions Normalize cubemaps to maintain appropriate specular/diffuse balance Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add CMsgQuat Bone following particle offset network properly
4 Years Ago
Particles.SetEntityAttachment PATTACH_BONE, BONEFOLLOW Compile fix Fix balloon rope being predicted out Added Particles.SetEntityBone SetEntityBone has offset Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add viewmodel combos to shaders that would be used in viewmodel Fix met crashing when loading a material with invalid sshader Move light management stuff to C++
4 Years Ago
Fixed forwarded key bind commands triggering twice
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Bind DemoEyeQuat Added Sound.SetVolume, SetPitch, SetPosition Replace old EmitSound with new Sound object
4 Years Ago
Sounds via SoundOpGameSystem sound op system support host suppression Rename ParticleSystem to Particles
4 Years Ago
Particle system creation uses hostindex, so can be prediction supressed
4 Years Ago
Don't use source's SuppressHost stuff Client can ignore incoming RPCs if they already predicted it Added Global.IsPlayingDemo Fixed Assets not loading when playing demos Don't suppress when playing demos Added JsonConverter for Material Fixed assets not loading in demos proper Debug output
4 Years Ago
Fix ropes attached to world, destroy rope on balloon destroy
4 Years Ago
Added Transform.RotationToLocal, RotationToWorld
4 Years Ago
Fixed ClientInput.StopProcessing not getting reset
4 Years Ago
Fixed bakeresourcehelper debug output Fixed coreclr debug output NRE fix Bind g_pResourceSystem Material store its ResourceId Entity can be sent via RPC Move Prediction.cs Assembly Library AssemblyWrapper hosts OnRPC Networking can deal with global RPCs CodeGen can handle global RPCs RPCs can send Rotation RPC can read rotation Decal global RPC for placing decals return after remove in AssemblyLibrary GetBoneTransform returns shit serverside now Decals are networked via our RPC
4 Years Ago
Uncomplicated CalculateBakePath Remove unused var reference Ignore *_bakeresourcecache.vpk
4 Years Ago
Rope fix
4 Years Ago
Added missing hammer materials etc
4 Years Ago
Rope particle attempt