14,460 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.37cph!
voice_loopback false by default
Added TryMoveWithStep to MoveHelper
Navmesh optimizer
Update SDL2 to v2.0.14
Should fix plugging in a new audio device crashing the game
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Improved jump & land animations
Fixed native filesystem not following symlinks when searching for files
Fixed NoMoving buttons not firing OnIn/Out
Fixed NoMoving buttons not respecting reset time
Fixed view interpolation doing funny when teleporting the player
setpos now also has arguments for angles (used by getpos)
ModelEntity, AnimEntity extra constructors
NavMesh.BuildPath that adds to list of points
Clothing model fixes
Fix label text sometimes wrapping when it shouldn't
Add Capsule.FromHeightAndRadius
Add BBox.FromHeightAndRadius
Trace.Size can be a bbox
Citizen skin 3 tweaks
Support for :empty, :first-child, :last-child, :only-child
button sets the tag has-label if it has a text label
Button icon property from templates works
Added IconPanel defaults to base.scss
Panel has support for value property
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Citizen animgraph/vmdl updates
Fix crash trying to compile invalid wav file
Don't force pointer-events: none on hud root panels
add "cursor: crosshair" support
pointer-events: auto behaves as advertised
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
NoclipEnd transition state can now be interrupted by landing
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Panel templates .console events work again (onclick.console="quit")
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Reimplemented getpos/setpos/setang in C#
Fixed the landing animation sometimes causing IK chains to flip out
Entity.BuildInput does most common first person stuff by default
.addon file doesn't need gamemodes or name section
.addon file doesn't need depends section
Game class doesn't need specific [Library] name, we'll create the leafiest non abstract class
Added Nav Mesh to Construct
Construct now has a nav mesh
Compute orthographic areas on runtime created box shapes, fixes incorrect drag in water
Remove phys_fastaddcloneshape, always do it the fast way, should be both faster and more reliable
Rebuild mass when welding and unwelding, should improve buoyancy on welded props
Add Model.HasData (json keydata) Only try to explode prop if the model has explosion behavior
Chain prop explosions with a delay
AddBoxShape sets default interacts layer to solid
Add PhysicsBody.AddBoxShape
Fixed dev hotspot
Fixed material not looking for rect file
Making SetAnimParam obsolete to avoid confusion between SetAnimFloat and SetAnimInt
Added SetAnimLookAt
Warning Fixes
NavMesh.BuildPath returns points
Report gamemode startup errors
Some alternative citizen skins
Make water triggers ignore world
Adding yoga project
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added ComIntegration to gitignore
Added look-at chains for both eyes + let landing animation be interruptible by jumping again
Triggers now have OnStart/EndTouch
Fixed Toggle input on trigger entities
Fixed trigger entities firing their OnTrigger output every "wait" seconds, now do so only when first walked into
Autodoc for TraceResult
Added basic trigger_teleport
Added watermelon prop with gibs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed damage less than 1 being treated as 0
Fix implementation of Mathx.CeilToInt
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Construct; Added shop row b prefab and selection groups
Added shop row b prefab
Selection groups
Fixed Hammer Entity outputs not respecting delay
Fixed FuncDoor resetting itself when TimeBeforeReset is -1
Don't bother showing stack traces in the HUD now we can view them in the console easily
When removing convars, use the flags we set
AccessControl cleanup
Take some responsiveness breathers when hotloading
Don't compile base addon when hot compiling (makes it about 6x faster)
Updated Construct vmap
Updated Construct
Separated shops into prefab
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed GridLayout being one row too big
Should fix [Local] not networking
Clean-up Library class auto enrolment
Added WaterLevel.Clear()
Fixed player leaving water volume by the side being able to fly
Make a bunch of stuff in WalkController virtual
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove unused voxel material