
11,168 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

4 Months Ago
Add Preferences class with sensitivity and fov Input uses sensitivity preference CharacterController uses SceneTrace, added GroundObject, GroundCollider, TraceDirection( dir ), added auto IgnoreGameObjectHierarchy CharacterControllerHelper uses SceneTrace Link to new documentation on the welcome screen Fix CitizenAnimationHelper NRE's
4 Months Ago
Handle func_brush creation Handle prop_physics etc
4 Months Ago
Fix and tidy up terrain data serialization
4 Months Ago
Add MapInstance.IsLoaded
4 Months Ago
Set SceneObject shadow casting flag before setting model / transform so we don't need to update the object again
4 Months Ago
Re-plug in speech synthesizer play return
4 Months Ago
Framing a GameObject switches to SceneView Add GameObjectFlags.Deserializing when deserializing Fix performance hit by setting SceneObject properties unnecessarily Only draw envmap bbox when selected Scene.GetAllComponents<T> can find interfaces Use GetAllComponents where we were doing recursive ActiveScene.Components.GetAll Removed SceneObject.Angles (Rotation works exactly the same) Don't render game view when not visible (fixed)
4 Months Ago
Clear QPixmap on create so it's not full of uninitialized data
4 Months Ago
Add InitializeFromLegacy for SkyBox2D Add InitializeFromLegacy for VolumetricFogVolume Add InitializeFromLegacy for EnvmapProbe Handle env_combined_light_probe_volume
4 Months Ago
Guard unnessecary transform change in managed instead of native
4 Months Ago
Fix build failing, can't access TerrainData cref in sandbox.engine
4 Months Ago
Only set body group defaults on model change when sceneobject exists so it doesn't get reset on deserialize
4 Months Ago
Compress TerrainData heightmap/controlmap data with deflate, simple rle is probably best
4 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Transform Normal can output in tangent or world space (default is tangent to match material output) Don't save the file 9 times everytime in Asset.SaveToDisk Store TerrainData in a versioned gameresource with custom serialization, so we can reuse it in multiple scenes and not have absurd file sizes
4 Months Ago
If the collider is static, make the rigidbody static, fixes colliders trying to add keyframed body twice
4 Months Ago
Notify transform change when changing parent #4386
4 Months Ago
GetAuthToken returns string without quotes Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4381
4 Months Ago
UI: Apply `image-rendering` mode to masks
4 Months Ago
Smaller PackageCard Add Maps List Fix hitbox GameObject weirdness Don't trim Label content Add Button.Disabled Delete FormGroup.razor Clean CreateGameModal (refactoring to Launcher) Add Launcher to project Launch mode
4 Months Ago
Add support for `white-space: pre;` Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4345, can see this being useful for rich text, syntax highlighting, etc.
4 Months Ago
VR: when saving off the HMD matrix, use the one we get directly from openvr - don't do any processing or bullshit
4 Months Ago
2D Skybox has inifnite bounds too
4 Months Ago
When a map is re-compiled from Hammer reload any MapInstance components to reflect the changes
4 Months Ago
Meant to upload spritecard not skin
4 Months Ago
ToolsVisHandleTransmissiveLighting just takes two params now
4 Months Ago
Move UpdateAmbientOcclusionProxy from SceneObject_PostFlagsUpdate, was causing asserts
4 Months Ago
Don't change SceneObject transform if it didn't change Don't render GameView when it's not visible (in editor)
4 Months Ago
Update citizen with per-vertex curvature and update materials to match new shader changes
4 Months Ago
Put CubemapFog and Tonemapping in Post Processing category
4 Months Ago
Menu close the game properly Add Game.Close() - properly clears launch params
4 Months Ago
Fixed not loading the startup scene fallback when loading a project
4 Months Ago
Only mount projects in editor mode Fix not always finding the map from a map package Fix StartupResources being filled with duplicates Show Launch With Map.. option Use map launch startup scene
4 Months Ago
Fixed decals projecting down instead of forward
4 Months Ago
Can use HideInEditor to hide components in component selector
4 Months Ago
Fixed play toggle not working while focused on the game You'll probably need to bind this manually, so if it still doesn't work for you, type "bind F5 play_toggle" in console
4 Months Ago
MenuPanel.Open oipens in the right place Start using webpanel for modals
4 Months Ago
Game doesn't try to put cursor into UI mode if the game isn't playing Update SceneCamera from Component as part of the render
4 Months Ago
Fix map loading stripping off path
4 Months Ago
Reduce shader compile spam (add -robot)
4 Months Ago
MapCollider's physics body will resolve to component Fix NRE in scene trace filter
4 Months Ago
Model renderer resets body groups to models default mesh group mask on model change
4 Months Ago
Fix directional lights dissapearing after going away a wee bit from origin, set up a bounding box that's big enough to enclose the whole universe
4 Months Ago
Don't try to normalize a black texel for hue/saturation shift on baked light cookies, fixes NaN when using cookies on baked lights
4 Months Ago
CSceneSunLightObject doesnt exist anymore Add transmission debug view Fix subsurface scattering shadowing, let transmissive mask be computed at lighting level, unify transmissive terms from skin and whatever else, should fix transmission in non-shadowd lights as well Update skin shader
4 Months Ago
Add GameObject.IsRoot, GameObject.Root
4 Months Ago
Simulate UI in main tick, rather than during output
4 Months Ago
Game project can set MapStartupScene Add MapInstance.OnMapLoaded Don't close previous map until new one is downloaded and ready Add Scene.Directory.FindByName
4 Months Ago
Add a bunch of helper ActionGraph components
4 Months Ago
When we dispose of a SceneCamera, queue the native volumetric fog to be disposed of at frame end since a render view with it is likely already queued
4 Months Ago
GameObject flags for "loading" and "error" Add Range to some post processing Show load/error status in GameObject tree