
13,852 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.37cph!

4 Years Ago
Added interop boxed flag, for things like CEntityIndex CreateClientEntityFromNetwork re-implemented activated server interop Bind CEntityClass Interop: better casting Create entity.system.def Added EntityManager.CreateServerEntity Cleaner way to create entities with a enginename override Explicit casting fixes Overide entity creation in GameEntitySystem Remove rubbish in GameRules Updated Binds Interop: Access to all baseclass functions without casting Rebuild binds Cleaning generated code
4 Years Ago
Exclude some files from steam upload
4 Years Ago
Don't print out every imported concommand Opening console opens our console
4 Years Ago
Added panorama.def Added Source.CBaseHandle Generated Added INetRuntime to singletons Panorama uses new sandbox.panorama instead of hopping on sandbox.client Don't need to define g_pNetRuntime here now
4 Years Ago
Bind IHandleEntity, CBaseHandle Bind CEntityInstance Bind CGameEntity
4 Years Ago
Create entity.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.ClientInput Don't mouse look if visible UI that wants mouse Bootstrap::Init later so we catch all the convars from client/server
4 Years Ago
Create input.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Fuck all this vgui input shit Call gameui_activate if escape pressed in game If we're turning layer input off, also call Blur() to keyboard focus Main menu call gameui_hide oncancel if in game
4 Years Ago
Cleaning so I can understand what's happening Cleaner gameloop binds Bind GameUI.GetInputContext
4 Years Ago
Fixed test panel particles not ticking Fixed dll location in addon csproj Show loading screen
4 Years Ago
Fixed Console idle cpu usage always -resizing Ignore Addon debris Panorama mouse inputs Send all events to managed Added RealTimeSince Schedule uses RealTimeSince Call UpdateRealTime from engine2 loop Update mainmenu.htm
4 Years Ago
Some fonts Fixed label assert Default to unlimited fps Added missing binds
4 Years Ago
Custom panorama filesystem GetPanelTypeOrOverride fixes
4 Years Ago
Client interop setup Add InteropType double Remove windows.h include in native interop gen, use Plat_FatalError to throw errors instead Ignore .gen folders Add g_pGameUIService binds Add g_pInputStackSystem binds Delete g_pMatSystemSurface binds delete gameuifuncs binds Delete PanoramaHelpers Update style.def Update panelClient.def Commenting out and fixing up the binds - just want to get panorama working for now Update panorama with functions made on source1 repo Update c_baseentity with shit from source1 repo Update clientmode_hlnormal.cpp Binding Gen Call MenuSystem::Init when loaded
4 Years Ago
Try to find a running devenv.exe when working out where it is from console Ignore tool build debris Bind g_pInputService Can run commands from our console
4 Years Ago
Engine Ticking
4 Years Ago
InteropGen adds a IsReady to binding setup Engine can print to our console
4 Years Ago
Copying over addons folder Create baseaccess.txt Ignore game/logs Bootstrap use GAMEROOT
4 Years Ago
Skip all the unittests in sandbox_all Ignore unittest folders Ignore unittest folders Compile fixes testmap update Latest binaries Update .gitignore
4 Years Ago
Full shader recomile
4 Years Ago
Update sbox_game.bat InteropGen Sandbox::IHost to INetRuntime CGameClient is now CServerSideClient IVEngineClient is now IVEngineClient2 Updated definitions to compile in new codebase Managed generated, stubbing engine2 include generated interop engine2 SetupInterop Call Bootstrap::PreInit, Bootstrap::Init
4 Years Ago
Latest Merge branch 'engine'
4 Years Ago
Fix compile with sbox_all
4 Years Ago
Text file telling people to install webview2 Blazor Console Tools Compiled Ignore Debris
4 Years Ago
Sandbox.Host isn't needed now adding bin/managed Update engine build locations, ignores Delete some build debris
4 Years Ago
Unused dll Sandbox Engine from sandbox.source
4 Years Ago
net 5.0.0-rc.1.20451.14 Load net runtime on startup
4 Years Ago
Put client/host/server in game/bin/ Added SBoxHost Load SBoxHost from engine as soon as possible
4 Years Ago
dynamic lighting enabled (needs shader recompile)
4 Years Ago
noclip sensible defaults Lets use panorama without v8 Can remove the v8 dlls Don't try to open p4 when editing shit in the panorama debugger Update .gitignore
4 Years Ago
cl_sbox/sv_sbox Bind the console key by default Fixed missing panorama fonts folder
4 Years Ago
Getting rid of GetServerGCLobby (nullptr crashes server on connect)
4 Years Ago
Steam upload fixes
4 Years Ago
None of this seems to be used either More decal test More unused shit Create steam_appid.txt steam upload Steam upload ignores
4 Years Ago
None of these seem to be used Decal tests
4 Years Ago
up to date content compile
4 Years Ago
Fixed content
4 Years Ago
Stealing more content
4 Years Ago
Stealing some test content
4 Years Ago
move shaders to sbox folder +renderingpipelines +scenesystem in sbox_game.bat
4 Years Ago
core shader rebuild Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add CSBoxInput to allow IsMouseLookEnabled and disable some calls to GetHud to allow mouse look
4 Years Ago
Fix annoying IsLocalPlayerResolvable spam
4 Years Ago
testmap compiled content Reduce maxplayers sbox_gamerules More debris ignore Compile fixes sbox_player
4 Years Ago
compiled content
4 Years Ago
lightcookie compiles Debris Create rebuild_sbox_content.bat Debris Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
missing sbox/materials/dev
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
shaders from hlsl (I don't think we have shaders for another pipeline or something) build bat change, ignore sln Added CSBOXGameConfiguration (GetDesiredRenderingPipeline needs to return "VR") More debris