
14,730 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.37cph!

4 Years Ago
Update ci.yml
4 Years Ago
Add LightShadowMode enum Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Update ci.yml
4 Years Ago
Add LightGlue Split lightentity into a header Update LightGlue Bind LightGlue definitions Bind stubs for LightEntity, LightSpot, Ortho, Directional and Env
4 Years Ago
Panel cleanup
4 Years Ago
For now: MarkSurroundingBoundsDirty Add ModelEntity.EnableHitboxes Add ModelEntity.SurroundingBoundsMode Add ModelEntity.AddCollisionLayer/RemoveCollisionLayer ModelEntity default to CollisionLayer.Solid Create SurroundingBoundsType.cs Update collisionproperty.def Removed SetupPhysicsFromUnscaledModel Debug Shit Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
physgun server checks
4 Years Ago
Implement physgun as a BaseCarriable
4 Years Ago
Create citizen hitboxes Add CollisionGroup.Prop Fixed semiauto physics box size DevCamera oobb highlight rotate properly Trace is MASK_ALL by default Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Atmosphere, stars, sky, temp rebind skyatmosphere to env_sky, bind SetSkyLighting
4 Years Ago
Lock render thread when hotloading
4 Years Ago
Scoreboard update, centered - open on tap Highlight local player in scoreboard
4 Years Ago
Deleting unused dll
4 Years Ago
Update groups.vgc
4 Years Ago
Added PlayerInfo which is a way to network the players and generic attributes for use for things like the scoreboard Added scoreboard poc
4 Years Ago
Compile fix
4 Years Ago
CI update
4 Years Ago
Fixed exception getting Label.SelectionStart before it has a textBlock No scrolling with OverflowMode.Hidden Addons can use regex Mouse input obeys overflow rules Console stacktrace, code jumping
4 Years Ago
Re-add menu_reload Move DevTools Fixed doubleclick going to active instad of hovered Fixed TextEntry errors Added RobotoMono Ingame console wip Open outgame console with F1 (for now)
4 Years Ago
Restored :picture: emoji
4 Years Ago
Test compile fix Menu System cleanup
4 Years Ago
Update ci.yml
4 Years Ago
ci: Forget caching for now
4 Years Ago
Update ci.yml
4 Years Ago
Switch to self hosted
4 Years Ago
Create ci.yml
4 Years Ago
Compile fix
4 Years Ago
Add stub for sbox_sky shader Add GetCurrentSceneWorld() to GameGlue Bind CSceneSkyboxObject, SceneSystem and stub for CSceneLightObject SunLightManager and SceneWorld Add SkyboxObject to Sandbox.Game Add C# reimplementation of env_sky Stub for env_sky_atmosphere
4 Years Ago
Base KillFeed
4 Years Ago
Fixed compile errors with multiple classes using ClientCommand
4 Years Ago
Added Game.PlayerDisconnected( player, reason ) ClientCommand generated overload functions copy accesibility Join/Disconnect notices in chat
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Cleaning Don't compile addons on code changed if they're not active Added Compiler.BuildAsync MenuSystem doesn't use addon system, creates its own compiler Fixed Panels not hotloading (readonly fucked me again) If we start compiling the main menu as soon as possible it'll be done by the time the rest of the engine is ready to go Text entry blur on escape Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fix flickering on box probes
4 Years Ago
Fixed errors when recreating game
4 Years Ago
Prop fixes
4 Years Ago
Hotloading cleanup
4 Years Ago
Hardcode menu filesystem
4 Years Ago
Menu Commands work
4 Years Ago
Moved menu to its own context
4 Years Ago
Fixed text measuring fuckups Scale min/max width/height Enable UI scaling by default (need to make this configurable)
4 Years Ago
Fixed text getting cut off
4 Years Ago
Invalidate styles on screen size changed
4 Years Ago
Don't try to render panels without any styles
4 Years Ago
Added Emoji translator TextEntry can replace :emoji: as you type
4 Years Ago
TextEntry fires an onsubmit on enter Base Chat Box
4 Years Ago
Don't register console commands when loading the menu (I need to sort this fucking shit out) Clean up texture loading Can load texture "avatar:<steamid>" to load a steam avatar (also avatarbig: and avatarsmall:)
4 Years Ago
Interop: for resource types add CopyStrongHandle - which creates a new StongHandle pointing to the exact same resource
4 Years Ago
Added Player.SteamId
4 Years Ago
When making cursor visible, put it in the same position it was when it went invisible