
14,713 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.37cph!

4 Years Ago
Basic image loading Fixed scroll direction
4 Years Ago
Mouse wheel scrolling basics
4 Years Ago
some ui_ debug convars Remove F_STENCIL_MASKING from ui shaders Added NativeRect Bind RenderContext.SetScissorRect UI overflow != visible scissor culls
4 Years Ago
Cull panels if overflow != visible
4 Years Ago
Text tweak Panel children sorting Friend list ordering Fixed redrawing text for no reason Update baseaccess.txt Classes use HashSet Design tweaks
4 Years Ago
Friend List
4 Years Ago
Update steam_api64.dll Adding Facepunch.Steamworks steam_client forwards steam callbacks, so we don't have to fuck about with shit Remove old manual steam stuff and use fpsw instead
4 Years Ago
API Tests
4 Years Ago
Steam client callbacks
4 Years Ago
Steam Client boilerplate
4 Years Ago
UserData + Replicated Convar binds
4 Years Ago
Cleaning up
4 Years Ago
ui_text shader alpha fudge
4 Years Ago
DeleteChildren can trigger outro's too
4 Years Ago
Update Sandbox.Test to use preview packages Fixed multiple nested &selectors not always working
4 Years Ago
Tweaked transition behaviour, so we can transition from "current" height etc
4 Years Ago
Added :outro selector, which a panel will set on deletion, and will delete properly after transitions are finished
4 Years Ago
Added :intro selector - which is automatically added for the first frame of a panel's life - allowing easy creation of intro transitions
4 Years Ago
Hotreload using mat_compileshaders instead of mat_reloadshaders ScreenQuad with margin Update Margin.cs moving UI materials into addon Fixed crash in CTextureManagerDx11 Added TextShadow to UI tests Updated shaders Box shadow tests, fixes ui_cssbox cleanup
4 Years Ago
Pass the transform matrix to the shader
4 Years Ago
Detect change and launch shader recompile from C#
4 Years Ago
Placeholder dev_notice_add for sam to add progress
4 Years Ago
Added RealTimeUntil Fixed console commands not always working in menu Made dev notices more generic (so we can use them for shader compiles) Fixed layout propogation
4 Years Ago
Matrix.Identity fix Added transform property Transform rendering wip Transform transitions
4 Years Ago
Bind Matrix Add RenderContext.SetMatrix Remove unused Add Rect.Center
4 Years Ago
Added Style.SkipTransitions
4 Years Ago
Menu system hotloads
4 Years Ago
F keys are game buttons, run binds even when in the menu ui UI test cleanup
4 Years Ago
Dedicated server console output now kicks ass
4 Years Ago
Restore and Save the predicted vars from c++ around simulation
4 Years Ago
Update sandbox.entity.def Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Finish cheap ocean shading, update test_water vmat
4 Years Ago
LastButton prediction fixes Added Time.Tick
4 Years Ago
Fixed dedicated server errors Don't bother with the assetlist right now
4 Years Ago
Alternate replication attributes, Net, NetPredicted, NetLocal and NetLocalPredicted Write the other network var groups
4 Years Ago
Added SbDataTable Bind DataTable Move network data get/set to DataTable object Fix citizen walk speed not networked Merge branch 'master' of sbox Fixed dark outline around text
4 Years Ago
Iterate on water, start shading it Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add Transform.Zero Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fix auto shader compiler not working on addons
4 Years Ago
Support multiple box-shadow Aadded text-shadow support Text shadow shader (broken as all fuck) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Water, WaterSea and WaterVolume Add TransmitState to managed Add TransmitState to Entity Re-enable Material.Create, let me know later why I shouldn't do this yet Merge branch 'master' of sbox Don't bind UpdateTransmitState since that's implicit Fix shader compiler progress spewing beyond 100% on consecutive compiles Gotta reinitialize these too Set custom material name on CreateRawMaterial Update shadertest map Update construct blockin with better computed lighting Add stub for Sbox VSCode extension Iterate on water Update gitignore Unbind Set/GetTransmitState, redundant as there is TransmitType Add sbox_water shader and screen aligned planes Warn when a shader file is empty when processing it Update test_water with our sbox_water shader Remove old code from WaterSea and WaterVolume Fix projection on sbox_toolgunball looking weird Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Loading screen cleanup
4 Years Ago
Weapon cleanup
4 Years Ago
Moved ViewModel logic to BaseCarriable (should it be BaseCarryable????)
4 Years Ago
Don't recompute skeleton during entity deletion Added Entity.IsFirstPersonMode Gun adds effects to viewmodel only in first person mode
4 Years Ago
Fixed viewmodels not showing up in demos Clean up native viewmodel rendering code Only draw viewmodels if IsChildOfViewEntity
4 Years Ago
Fixed double viewmodel on start recording demo Added Panel.Delete() Delete HUD properly when HUD entity is deleted
4 Years Ago
Use prediction rules when broadcasting rpcs Only UsePredictionRules if GetPredictionPlayer exists Cleanup
4 Years Ago
Added IBaseInventory Added BaseInventory (in addon code) Added BasePlayer.TickActiveChild Added Entity.IsActiveChild() IBaseInventory takes care of dropping, picking up Update Viewmodel Positions in Gamemode's PostCameraSetup
4 Years Ago
sbox_game tier0 Stop thread console spew on startup