
14,712 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.37cph!

4 Years Ago
Turns out for clientside entities to animate the graph nodes need to all be set to ClientSimulate
4 Years Ago
Disable this assert
4 Years Ago
Removed debug Buffer active child setting so we can get reliable callbacks Replace old broken viewmodel code with new broken viewmodel code
4 Years Ago
css cursor: pointer etc works
4 Years Ago
IMenuSystem cleaning Compile notifications
4 Years Ago
Stylesheet parsing errors show file and line left, right, top, bottom transition background obeys opacity Fixed DevUI - exception notification
4 Years Ago
CEntitySpawner - spawn by name if spawning by name
4 Years Ago
Cleaning, vprof'ing ui Cleanup, Fix Tests border-left, -right, -top, -bottom Unused Moving as of yet unused old layout stuff into ui2 Manage.cs is unsued Fix menu addon
4 Years Ago
Disable panorama/clientui stuff in vpc Don't include all this UI stuff
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Always return true in RenderCoordination_EngineIsRenderingThisFrame to always render viewport when when not focused Added text-align Menu nav spacer
4 Years Ago
Layout uses Yoga Merge branch 'master' of sbox Cache text measurements Rect.Contract had left/top swapped Added align-content, align-self, align-items
4 Years Ago
Add compiled version of construct blockin with water
4 Years Ago
Fixed border radius order Added Panel.DeleteChildren Layout Test Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Construct01 Block in
4 Years Ago
SelectionIndex/SelectionSub Inventory selection (with temporary hacks) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Update generated css files for console to fix resize indicators and responsiveness Add test_water.vmap Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Stripping some unneeded bot code Making HasAmbientOcclusionProxies non const Entity.FindByIndex Fixed mousewheel being fucked Added UserInput.SelectedEntity
4 Years Ago
Added Entity.IsValid() which also checks for null Delete inventory contents when dying HUD boilerplate
4 Years Ago
Delete in game ui after leaving game (this isn't proper but it works) position: absolute - right and bottom Panel Tick Box shooter
4 Years Ago
Fixed shadow spread Fix display: none behaviour Cleanup debug shit dm player: Add gun to inventory on spawn
4 Years Ago
border-left test to remind me to make this work
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Rotate grabbed physgun object with owner yaw
4 Years Ago
TraceResult returns physics body and shape hit
4 Years Ago
Add implicit casts from joint types to physics joint handle
4 Years Ago
Split physics related enums into their own files
4 Years Ago
Tweaking cssbox so it doesn't have big borders when there's no border 🤦‍♂️ Render background if it has a border, even if it has no background color Fixed colour equality shit border: 0 should set the border sizes to 0, not null Color Parser test Fixed Border size tests to reflect new behaviour Styles Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Move target distance with mouse wheel
4 Years Ago
Mouse wheel part of UserCmd/Input Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add basic physgun
4 Years Ago
Added KeyModifiers Text selection Added Panel.MousePos Added Label.GetLetterAt( pos ) Send an onmousemove to active element Added Label.ShouldDrawSelection Added TextEntry mouse drag selection Lable: don't be 0,0 if string is empty, be the normal line height Only count as a double click if the cursor didn't move significantly Added Panel.OnDoubleClick Select word if double click Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Physics joints and bodies can remove themselves by going through the physics world
4 Years Ago
Expose some parts of physics world
4 Years Ago
Add WithBasis helper to joint builders. Add Rotation.Conjugate
4 Years Ago
Add WithPivot helper to joint builders
4 Years Ago
Set :focus selector on focused element Added OnKeyTyped Focus element on click TextBlock.GetCaretPos Rect.ToString Panel.HasFocus, HasActive, HasHovered Focus on mouse down instead of click On KeyCodeTyped convert to buttoncode before passing it to managed Added Panel.OnButtonTyped( buttonname ) Fixed NRE in Panel.Switch Added UI.Renderer generic DrawRect for caret rendering TextEntry boilerplate Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Remove unused variable
4 Years Ago
increase aoproxy size for boxes a little bit Add CompileShaders and AllowDynamicShaderCompile to MaterialSystem2 interfaces, add method to compile single shader Add EShaderState Implement EShaderState rather than just bValid and show uncompiled shaders on shader list, compile them when selected Run ShaderCompile_CompileShaders method rather than the mat_compileshaders concommand Fix bug where met would think dynamic shader compiler would be enabled by simply VfxDll being loaded Implement ShaderCompile_CompileShaders() for a single string Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Suppor border: none If a length doesn't have px or %, assume px Added style.BorderWidth, style.BorderColor Add UI scaling Merge branch 'master' of sbox Update Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk Don't scale ui by default because it breaks all the tests 🤦🏻‍♂️ nuget updates Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Solid weld proof of concept testing code
4 Years Ago
Add AO proxies to a bunch of Citizen props
4 Years Ago
Double the length of aoproxy distance calculation
4 Years Ago
Bind physics shape and shape cloning (collision merging)
4 Years Ago
Fixed ragdoll errors
4 Years Ago
Fixed warning spam
4 Years Ago
Remove/disable panorama
4 Years Ago
Border radius, shadow shit
4 Years Ago
BorderRadius from styles Don't commit these
4 Years Ago
Add edit vfx icon to met