14,699 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.37cph!
Increase model turn speed if ducked
Fix WishVelocity calc
testmap with duck jump tests
Duck jumping
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Move vfxcompile headers to Common fodler
Make vfxcompile compile as an importable library
Modify Vfxcompile to be hookable to materialsystem, expand methods to flexibilize how shaders will be compiled, add namespace to shared vfxcompile methods
Add vfxcompile to materialsystem2
Expand shadercompile concommand, hook modified VFXCompile::CompileShaders method to it
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added DebugOverlay.ScreenText
Fixed player getting stuck in corner
Moved 'kill' convar to managed
Correctly state which addon a shader comes from for tools
Clean up how vcs shaders are loaded
Added basic third person camera
Toggle first/third camera with mouse2
Start on DebugCamera - switch to it using E
Added CRenderComponent.SetClientAllowDraw (this component is networked so calling SetRenderingEnabled clientside gets stomped)
Added Viewer property to Camera
Simplify C_BaseEntity::UpdateVisibility
Call UpdateVisibilityAllEntities when g_ViewEntity changes
C_BaseEntity::ShouldDraw returns false if it's g_ViewEntity
FirstPersonCamera test, show the player model when holding attack1
net5 has problems with structs and [UnmanagedCallersOnly] - so pass as a IntPtr Unsafe.AsRef if var has flag asref
Added ViewDesc shared struct
Call GameLoop.GetView from SetUpView to set up the view params
Added Camera class
Added GetActiveCamera to Gamemode
Added Camera property, GetActiveCamera to Player
Added FirstPersonCamera
Test gamemodes use FirstPersonCamera
GameSceneNode: if in prespawn or no heirachy, redirect SetLocal* to SetAbs* [RISKY]
Bind EntitySystem.ExecuteQueuedCreation
Update gamescenenode.cpp
We can use sizeof now instead of Marshal.SizeOf
Fixed interop reporting struct size mismatch causing false subsequent mismatches
Skip trying to download files if we're a listen server host
Simple event system to allow PlayerController to store messages for PlayerAnimator (and Player if it wants them)
Rotation.Clamp optional overload returns the amount clamped by
Shuffle feet when rotating (disabled because no aniamtion for it)
Clean/Document StandardPlayerAnimator
Moved Player.Tick, Respawn, OnKilled to BasePlayer
Added Rotation.Difference
Added Rotation.Angle()
Added Rotation.Slerp
Added Rotation.Clamp
Added PlayerAnimator system
Added Entity.WorldToLocal( vec )
Made Player abstract, created BasePlayer in Sandbox.Base addon
Output changed [Replicate] properties to the .codegen
Add body groups to citizen, add ModelEntity.SetBodygroup
Added Rotation.LookAt 😅
Keep player model upright
Don't SetLocalAngles in c_baseplayer
Binding a bunch of animgraph functions
Fix crashes with bad animgraph input (ankles)
Added basic walk animgraph for citizen
Added Rotation.Inverse
Added AnimatingEntity.SetAnimParam
Renamed AnimatingEntity to AnimEntity
Fixed UserInput forward/side/up not properly clamped
Added temporary SetAnimParam to WalkController
Players call AnimFrame on server after simulating
Don't call animrame in WalkController
Update AnimatingEntity.cs
Run/Walk keys work
Rename PlayerController.Run to PlayerController.Tick (avoid ambiguity)
Add animationsystem to sbox_game
Fix crash in CGroundIKSolveInstanceData
Citizen animgraph start
Don't get stuck in the ceiling
Added TraceResult.SurfaceFriction
CMoveData, IGameMovement no longer needed
WalkController Clean
Removed AirAccelerate, Accelerate can do it
tweak model sizes/physics
testmap update
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Allow for shaders to be referenced or open from addons, modularize loaidng
Initial methods to allow easy compilation of Vfx files in engine
Reenable mat_reloadmaterials
Add test shaders addon
Add shadertest map, will be used in the long term for rendering reference
Initial commit of user shader headers
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added ModelEntity.ViewOffset
PlayerController can set the ViewOffset
Don't try to rotate skeleton if it has no bones
Gravity property
TestMap update
Trace can take mins/maxs
Real player body size
Switch DebugOverlay to use ISceneViewDebugOverlays directly
UserInput has Pressed( button) and Released( button )
Walk Controller ported (missing swim and ladder)
Bound DebugOverlay (partially)
Adding GroundEntity, BaseVelocity to PlayerController
Update WalkController.cs
Bind GroundEntity, BaseVelocity
Deathmatch gamemode base
Walk move foundation
Fixed ProjectGen not finding dependancy projects if caps different
Fixed ProjectGen not loading .addon config properly
List gamemodes on menu (temporary development shit)
Dependancy resolution can be simpler now
Dropped .code (compiler config)
.addon config contains dependancy info
Initializing addon code doesn't mark for compile
For now, client mounts all addons when joining a server
Addon directly sets compiler dependancies
FileSystem.ReadJson - allow comments, ignore case, allow trailing commas
AddonConfig contains Gamemode definitions
Use Gamemode Name from ConVar
Whitelist RuntimeHelpers.InitializeArray
Procedural model experiments
Rotate bindpose when using import rotation. Set import rotation to zero to avoid nan values.
Player networks their own name
Removed playerresource
Don't set up physics by default on all ModelEntitys
Fixed button definitions not matching engine
SoundEvent can define volume (temporary)
Update FlyingController.cs
Fix import rotation crashing with bones
Added import fbx rotation
Rotate a couple of models to test
Minimal soundstacks
Add custom "general" soundstack
Adding modeldoc to sbox_game
Avoid crashing when reading fbx skin weights
citizen clothes
Added soundsystem to sbox_game
Clothes compile
Fix resource compile crash when sound event doesn't exist
Disabled Content codegen - needs some more thought
Cable compiles
Don't load hlvr soundstack
Create preview_flat.vpk
Change default sound event type to core_simple_3d (until we have our own)
re-export broom with updated exporter
Citizen prop exports
Compiled models
Updated unity export scripts
Merge branch 'master' of sbox