
11,220 Commits over 1,338 Days - 0.35cph!

5 Months Ago
Delete mostly everything networking related from engine2, should make it possible to delete networksystem
5 Months Ago
Fix every warning in Sandbox.Engine
5 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: fix potential animation snaps caused by the reset signal used to reset the movement cycle phase sometimes overlapping the frame you start moving (especially while holding SHIFT). Rather than send a reset signal if you were idle for at least 300ms *and* you start moving, simply send a reset signal if you've been idle for 300ms at all
5 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: also nest the long transition from post-jump airborne back to normal state
5 Months Ago
Shut the couldn't find driver version warning up Fix anim subgraphs not compiling with contentbuilder because there's no assetsystem
5 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: use a nested State Machine (single transition, conditionless) to always fade in the post-jump airborne state over a longer period of time than the downstream SM allows (see commit comment) If we go straight from grounded to airborne (without a jump) then we still want to fade the airborne state quite slow... but we also want a fast snap-free state transition back to grounded if we land almost immediately. Snaps happen if a transition out of a state engages while you're still transitioning into this state. The 'protection' against snaps is done by using 'Time in State' conditions that are slightly longer than the previous transition's blend time. But if we keep that time too high, having very fast transitions (e.g. land-grounded-airborne-grounded-airborne) can look really off. You'd be in the airborne state for a noticeable period of time even though you're running. Therefore a very short 'protection time' below 200ms is required. But with such a short time, going straight from grounded to airborne is too snappy. Therefore, inside the state, we use a new SM, with a single conditionless transition, to always fade in from the upstream state gracefully, over a longer period of time. Because it's effectively a nested SM, it doesn't matter that the downstream state transitions are 100ms long. And because the jump-to-airborne transition is quite long, not only does it barely matter that this fade-in always happens, I also think it makes it look a bit better... The SM always needs to receive a reset from downstream to restart the fade-in from the start, so I have to use yet another 'makeshift reset blocker' to prevent the upstream movement states from getting reset. (Otherwise you'd see a snap as soon as b_grounded went false)
5 Months Ago
VR: More docs for `VROverlay` and `VROverlayPanel` VR: VrInput -> VRInput, extra docs for VRController
5 Months Ago
VR: Docs, rename Input VrHand to VRController VR: Normalize prefix casing to `VR` instead of mixing `Vr` and `VR` VR: VRHand component doesn't fetch skinned model renderer automatically, match behaviour of all other components instead
5 Months Ago
Get rid of angle pitch jitter in scene view
5 Months Ago
Make `Matrix` numerics value internal, similar to the one on `Vector3`
5 Months Ago
VR: Move `VROverlayPanel`, `VROverlay`, `VROverlayInput` into `Sandbox.VR` namespace
5 Months Ago
VR: Generate extra `GetXActionData` functions with `ulRestrictToDevice` = `k_ulInvalidInputValueHandle` VR: Menu chord bindings / action VR: Remove legacy layer, move VR stuff into Sandbox.VR namespace VR: Hook up WorldScale VR: Do a reset whenever GameMenuDll.ResetEnvironment is called, just resets world scale for now VR: Shorten Sandbox.Engine.VR to Engine.VR, maybe we should rename this class entirely VR: Move `VR` class into Sandbox.VR VR: Remove `VR` class, move any relevant properties over to `Input.VR` All of this was input-related anyway, this feels like a better place to have it. Modifying the anchor is done through `Input.VR.Anchor` now. The only exception to this is checking if we're running in VR; use `Game.IsRunningInVR` instead. This avoids us clashing with the `Sandbox.VR` namespace and causing a bunch of problems. Shouldn't be too different anyway as most things should be covered by our components. VR: Components don't update if VR isn't running
5 Months Ago
Update these vmdls that are failing to compile, using some mega old schema text
5 Months Ago
ci: test-managed depends on built content ci: turn off orphan deletion on contentbuilder
5 Months Ago
Delete all compiled content under "/game/core/models/" from the repository
5 Months Ago
Delete all compiled content under "/game/addons/citizen/" from the repository
5 Months Ago
Move Input to engine (we should be able to massively simplify this shit)
5 Months Ago
Fix Input not working
5 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: make head look more reactive and bouncier
5 Months Ago
Apply the same .gitignore wildcard fix that I had made to sbox-assets to prevent compiled files from being committed (*_c to *.*_c), with the explicit exclusion of !*.shader_c
5 Months Ago
Remove looptypeclientserver Delete demos Delete rcon Remove clockdriftmgr Delete gameeventsystem Remove userinfochangeservice
5 Months Ago
Remove unused
5 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece - Raincoat Raincoat asset added! Lods and skinning adjustments coming shortly.
5 Months Ago
Fix [Broadcast] requiring `using System;` statement in file
5 Months Ago
Kill the server list
5 Months Ago
Make Transform / CTransformUnaligned non uniform Use non uniform scaling when setting SceneObject transforms
5 Months Ago
Fixed order of SceneProperties (fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/4169)
5 Months Ago
Fix trace exception Fixed scene prefab guid getting lost
5 Months Ago
Automatically convert .object to .prefab when loading scenes (for now)
5 Months Ago
Change prefabfile extension from .object to .prefab
5 Months Ago
Move SceneFile into Engine Fix startup errors (!)
5 Months Ago
Fix hitbox traces not returning the hitbox Make Hitbox constructors internal
5 Months Ago
Delete ISource2Client and ISource2Server
5 Months Ago
Rotation: SmoothDamp is static, implicit conversion to/from Angles Remove BinaryStreamExtension Make all these Rotation members readonly while we're breaking api again Make a bunch of other stuff readonly Remove GameEvent Unexpose Event system, remove from whitelist, don't instance Sandbox.Event (phasing it out) Some easy deletes Api protocol++
5 Months Ago
Add damping to physics component
5 Months Ago
Add material group to model renderer
5 Months Ago
Document capsule collider
5 Months Ago
RMB to zoom in and out of orbit
5 Months Ago
Dragging models from asset browser adds collider component
5 Months Ago
Add ColliderCapsuleComponent
5 Months Ago
Scene Editor orbit around focused selection Fix NRE in legacy particle system
5 Months Ago
VR: fix some stereo-related render warnings
5 Months Ago
VR: perform copy before adding layers & don't create temporary back color buffer VR: overlays don't block input if there's a game running, use high quality rendering now that works again
5 Months Ago
Fix incorrect velocity adjustment when clipping 2 planes
5 Months Ago
TreeView's shift select can handle items that aren't in view
5 Months Ago
Citizen: polish Land_Crouching a bit
5 Months Ago
Remove ConVar.Replicated and associated code Editor: Remove Game tab, moved "Project Settings" to Edit, moved "Open Project in Explorer" to File
5 Months Ago
Remove ConVar.ClientData and associated code
5 Months Ago
Remove f5 screenshot from user_keys_default.vcfg Add Edit/Play menu option, with F5 keyboard shortcut
5 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: rip out the Selector node that oversees move_style, and replace it by a State Machine implementation; solves a moderate animation snap if you go from idle to full-on sprint, and also safeguards against repeated large snaps if tapping SHIFT