
11,178 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

6 Months Ago
Add Expose attribute to StereoTargetEye
6 Months Ago
VR Refactor (#1286)
6 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs Support for node plugs in title bars Support for overriding getting relevant nodes without an input type
6 Months Ago
Vulkan BarrierHelper Use barriers for the multipass texture downsampling, this was messing up our depth pyramid making mips look like this:
6 Months Ago
Move these procedural layer renderers to not be inline, drop Vr prefix from quad renderer Move tiled light culling to it's own layer renderer ( this should be per-view in the lightbinner really, but I can't touch that right now ) Buffer barriers on the culled lights buffer
6 Months Ago
Make GraphView.FormatTypeName public
6 Months Ago
Reference Facepunch.ActionGraphs, NodeEditor abstraction (#1311) * Allow references to Facepunch.ActionGraph in editor code * Add some basic node definitions * Expose TypeLibrary members as nodes * Refactor NodeGraph to support dynamic nodes * Hotload: fix before / after constraints on upgrader ordering * TypeLibrary.GetSerializedObject overload accepting a getter * Add [Flags] to DockProperty * Allow custom exception stack trace inspectors * Skip HideInEditor properties in ControlSheets
6 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: fixed foot IK parameters also affecting hands
6 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: new parameters for "manual" / code-side IK, removed b_vr
6 Months Ago
Fix OnEscapePressed
6 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.Surface, PhysicsShape.Surface Add Input.EscapePressed
6 Months Ago
FPArms: another pass at movement anims
6 Months Ago
Fix native dsn again Fix not writing .version etc if commit message was empty
6 Months Ago
Remove "This AddShape method isn't properly implemented yet. Sorry." it should be now
6 Months Ago
Rename some of this intersection stuff
6 Months Ago
Keep AO proxies updated after animation
6 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece! - Football Shoes
6 Months Ago
Fix NRE in Gradient
6 Months Ago
Clean resource names of textures further to not mistake for absolute path
6 Months Ago
Fucked it
6 Months Ago
IRenderDevice: delete 360 only method GPU Resident Textures debug menu Set debug names for c# loaded images Use schema-less RuntimeTextureSpecificationFlags_t, remove redundant flags
6 Months Ago
Test for null get / set methods in ILHotload (#1287)
6 Months Ago
Add TypeDescription.BaseType fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3660 fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/2611
6 Months Ago
If package starts with local. then don't find by exact name Throw exception in CodeEditor.OpenFile if passed path is null or empty Disable Panel go to source is source file is empty Handle not found exception in MenuUtility.Storage.GetStorageFiles() Fix NRE in LoadAllAssembliesFromPackage, if a package failed to load
6 Months Ago
Update sentry native dsn
6 Months Ago
Only share parent view's atlas if it has a lightbinner, fixes avatar menu, I'll revisit this tomorrow
6 Months Ago
Pass current view to be used as parent view in RenderTools.RenderScene, this lets lightbinner cache shadows properly between SceneCamera views on the same world, but doesn't affect SceneSunlight though
6 Months Ago
Failing to create hull or mesh will still add a valid shape (insignificant sphere) Define IZ_UNITS_PER_METER in engine2
6 Months Ago
Remove deleted bodies and shapes from m_CollisionEvents
6 Months Ago
Ignore world by looking for world tag, instead of entity == 0 (because it's always 0 in scene system) Trigger ignore if both have no touch events - not just one Fill out the ContactEnd struct Add PhysicsShape.Collider object
6 Months Ago
Re-order VPhysIntersectionNotification_t to make it more c# interop friendly Add IPhysicsWorld.ProcessIntersections Add Gizmo.Draw.LineSphere easy mode Add PhysicsBody.OnTouchStart, OnTouchStay, OnTouchStop
6 Months Ago
Hammer: Fix crash trying to simulate softbody
6 Months Ago
Fix mistake in hull copy when adding transformed hull
6 Months Ago
Add experimental SceneModel,SetBoneOverride
6 Months Ago
Fix zero radius capsules in some maps crashing the game, clamp to convex radius
6 Months Ago
Izabu Physics (#1308) Replaced the physics library to provide us with easier updates and bug fixes. No softbody (yet)
6 Months Ago
Handle upgrading ParameterInfo (#1287)
6 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece! - Football Shorts Adjustments to the goalie glove textures
6 Months Ago
FPArms: camera is now handled separately on a different path & made additive so that simultaneous jump/land/airborne + attack anims don't stomp each other unpleasantly
6 Months Ago
Citizen: move foot attachments into prefab
6 Months Ago
Add generic TagSet
6 Months Ago
Transform Json serializable ControlWidget don't fall through OnContextMenu by default
6 Months Ago
Add Paint.MeasureText easy mode Speed up PopupWidget fade in Add ITag.SetFrom
6 Months Ago
Unmount/Re-mount Vpk After Map Compile (#1309) * Initial commit * Test mount/unmount VPK methods * Remove file extension when passing to Mount/UnmountVPK * Use ChangeExtension instead as apparently this preserves the path... * Fix IsVPKMounted check not working * Fix docs * Use correct log channel * Rename to OnPreCompileFinished + OnPostCompileFinished
6 Months Ago
Add SceneMode.OnSoundEvent
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.OnGenericEvent
6 Months Ago
Fix CUtlString copying crash in animevent_t
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.UpdateToBindPose() Add SceneModel.OnFootstepEvent Update FootstepEvent Give citizen foot_L and foot_R attachments back, so footstep events work
6 Months Ago
Add CSceneAnimatableObject.SetBindPose More keyvalues binds Disable a ton of anim events (until someone tells me they were using it) Anim event callbacks
6 Months Ago
Goalie Gloves adjustments + Black Rubber Gloves Also some adjustments to the skinning of the chef shirt!