
11,136 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.35cph!

6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.AnimationGraph
6 Months Ago
Don't hit gizmo hitbox if too close FloatControlWidget observes [Range] attributes, creates a slider
6 Months Ago
Add Gradient type, editor, tests
6 Months Ago
Add CurveControlWidget Add SceneCamera.Bloom
6 Months Ago
Revert "Remove all vmat_c files from repo" This reverts commit 78190dfd8e5471286d0142df92a07cd8d3968e14.
6 Months Ago
Remove all vmat_c files from repo
6 Months Ago
Exclude .mayaSwatches from main repository too
6 Months Ago
Codegen Attributes (#1299) * Initial tests for static call wrap * Finally sort of got somewhere... bit of a nightmare to debug this right now. Allow multiple CodeGenAttribute. Remove from ClientRpc and add some tests locally instead * Support CodeGenType.Instance with CodeGenType.WrapCall * Added first version of WrapSet/WrapGet * Unit test stubs * Don't pass value for get accessor.. * Cast to original return type in get accessor when wrapping * Tests build * Let CodeGenType.WrapCall proxies return their own values. They can simple do "return resume();" if they wanna keep intended behavior, so we can also wrap methods that don't just return void * Fixed a bug with static set/get wrap codegen not passing correct method name. Now support also adding [CodeGen] attributes directly to a method or property bypassing an attribute alias, these don't require setting the Instance/Static flags. * Use nameof where possible * Fixed tests for WrapSet/WrapGet * Improve documentation * Improve docs for CodeGenAttribute * More documentation * Fixed logic in WrapSet * Added method validation. Compiler will let you know what methods you're missing when using CodeGen and what types, return types etc they need * Add some extra tests * Only allow CodeGen on custom attributes. Tidy up. CallbackName for CodeGenType.Static is the actual fully qualified name of static method to call * Auto generate backing fields for properties. Pass current value in WrapGet callbacks. Set backing field before calling WrapSet callbacks. Update method validation error prints appropriately * Fixed ValidatePropertyCallback * Can now propertly wrap setters/getters. Setter callback passes Action<T> you can call to run default behavior * Fix error if value statement empty * Update tests * Fix TestWrapSet * Run WrapSet and WrapGet if both are specified. When passing to static callback always pass propertyName or methodName as fully qualified name. * Support type argument for return type and Func param * Nicer error when can't find type to invoke on for passed callback name * CodeGeneratorFlags/CodeGeneratorAttribute renaming * Update tests * WrapPropertySet, WrapPropertyGet, WrapMethod * Fix tests + fix issues with props that only have set; or get; * No need to wrap getValue() body in {} as already have them * Use SemanticModel.LookupSymbols to find and validate methods taking inheritance into account * Remove leftover test code
6 Months Ago
Turns out none of this stuff was needed because I'd already coded it
6 Months Ago
Optimized compile for gizmo_line and gizmo_sprite, fixes on Vulkan
6 Months Ago
.gitignore: ignore all compiled content except shaders
6 Months Ago
Make RootPanel.IsWorldPanel virtual, so we can be more explicit with it Be a bit more accurate with Rotation equality Add SceneCamera.EnableUserInferface
6 Months Ago
Fuck all of that actually, just leave a better comment here
6 Months Ago
Make sure intermediate depth matches intermediate output color render target ComputePipelineRenderTargetInfo doesn't care if toolview is false This does the same shit r_textures_list_all - see all resident textures
6 Months Ago
tier0: new memalloc aligned16 accessors CResourceNameGetter inherits CResourceName Don't stub CSceneSystem::SetMainSwapChain in tools, why would we not want SCENE_RTSIZE_FRAMEBUFFER the correct size RenderTarget.GetTemporary uses 32 bit depth when needed fix options.cpp redefinition
6 Months Ago
Editor.Animate promoted to public
6 Months Ago
Add SceneCamera.OnRenderOverlay
6 Months Ago
BoolControlWidget: don't propagate mouse press to parent widgets
6 Months Ago
Added path for updating audio listener outside of client gameloop
6 Months Ago
Fix IgnoreFolders losing case insensitivity in Json by assuming it's not case insensitive
6 Months Ago
Extended info in editor startup when waiting for account information Skip null children in TreeNode list
6 Months Ago
Rotation Gizmo should return false if not rotated
6 Months Ago
Add Material.GetTexture( name ) (gets the texture by shader variable name)
6 Months Ago
Fix TypeDescription.Init exceptions Remove unused on ManagedTools Send an "game.loaded" event to tools when the game has loaded
6 Months Ago
oops obviously the assetsystem can be null from other contexts
6 Months Ago
When materials compile new textures register them immediately - fixes cases where recompiling the vmat with a new texture would result in a missing texture
6 Months Ago
Hash fog volumes and update clipmaps when they change
6 Months Ago
Add Decal.Place( SceneWorld, ... )
6 Months Ago
Add SwapChainSampleableDepth to gameinfo, we always want sampleable depth, fixes decals, light culling and reflections not working on Scene Use Complex & Dynamic Reflections to relevant dev_metal_rough/dev_nonmetal_rough materials Reenable r_tiled_rendering_depth_cull, r_tiled_rendering doesnt need to be fcvar_archive anymore
6 Months Ago
Add SceneLight.FogLighting Force update volumetric fog clipmaps when fog volumes are dirty (e.g editor mode)
6 Months Ago
Cleanup Change SceneCamera.VolumetricFog to a property Update VolumetricFog automatically, before render Remove GetMainCameraVolumetricFog (unused)
6 Months Ago
Fixed missing asset type icons
6 Months Ago
Scale WebWidget by dpi scale
6 Months Ago
Remove now obsolete tests
6 Months Ago
TypeLibrary stores and reuses TypeDescriptions and MemberDescriptions when swapping assemblies.
6 Months Ago
Network SkyCameraEntit.SkyboxScale and remove unused shit
6 Months Ago
Consolidate current game project logic further, make these tests better reflect use case
6 Months Ago
Switch from forked to stable MonoMod.RuntimeDetour Make sure we generate a sln and sync package manager when a project isn't launched straight from the .sbproj No more .addon upgrading This seems redundant and like it'll cause something unpredicted in the future Can load http:// images
6 Months Ago
If any HammerEntity fails to parse don't shit the bed for all of them
6 Months Ago
Added Tiling option to hotspot Tiling regions are defined in the SubRect tool
6 Months Ago
Remove references to vphysics2 Co-authored-by: Matt Stevens <>
6 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece! - Hair Net Now you can dress up as a fry cook at a fast food restaurant. LODs coming asap!
6 Months Ago
Highlight asset list folder when selected Fix baseitemwidget drag hover and drag drop logic being backwards
6 Months Ago
Don't try to make Application.CursorPosition fractional (fixes not being able to click on stuff on another monitor) Add Application.CursorDelta to make having a smooth cursor delta easier with a highdpi monitor Use CursorDelta in SceneEditor first person camera
6 Months Ago
Fix error when dragging asset into its own folder
6 Months Ago
Gizmo Sprite shader Customised gizmo line shader
6 Months Ago
Don't try to set property in PropertyDescription if it doesn't have a setter
6 Months Ago
Maybe this will fix the matrix menu
6 Months Ago
Add CloudAsset.Install
6 Months Ago
GameResources can load private properties marked with [JsonInclude] Add GameResource.GetReferencedPackages()