
11,115 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.35cph!

9 Months Ago
Make stats flush less spammy
9 Months Ago
Api for getting player stats
9 Months Ago
Clean up CLoopTypeClientServer::Update (I think this makes sense?) Fix client tick input context not pushing
9 Months Ago
Clientside Anim Fix (#1188)
9 Months Ago
Register model meta as file dependency Allow managed to add to modeldoc tools menu Add viseme editor Compile viseme data into citizen model
9 Months Ago
Throw an exception when Package.Download gets cancelled, fixes #1184 and sboxgame/issues#3677
9 Months Ago
This UI shader tweak makes it so that full screen panels don't have a 1 pixel gap around the edges Editor play controls Fix stylesheet absolute paths not resolving on listen server Add Service.Stats.FlushAsync - Send any pending stats to the backend and wait for ingestion Can edit stylesheets when paused in listen server Fix FlushAsync
9 Months Ago
Tentative fix for rich presence setting steam_player_group to invalid SteamIDs, grouping players incorrectly
9 Months Ago
Fix clothing container causing assert when calling SetBodyGroup on a entity with no model
9 Months Ago
FPArms: added new debug animations for twist constraints, moved debug anims into prefab
9 Months Ago
Rubikon: Sphere shape keeps a unscaled copy so rescale can never be incorrect, fixes sphere scale out of sync on client. Sphere and Capsule refresh debug shape on rescale.
9 Months Ago
Fix devcam inputs
9 Months Ago
Fixed game menu Input not working
9 Months Ago
Added ThreadSafe.CurrentThreadId (fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3679)
9 Months Ago
Re-organise these UI files to be less confusing Re-organise these UI files to be less confusing Add Input.Context Fix gamemenu losing mouse cursor Merge fix
9 Months Ago
Moved more core assets to asset party
9 Months Ago
Update compiled shaders with AO changes
9 Months Ago
Attempt to treat mousewheel input more logically Continue to update mouse position in relative mode even though it makes no sense
9 Months Ago
[Pick] Composite baked AO into diffuse lighting
9 Months Ago
When setting GameLobby.Game set withLocal to true so that we actually load the local version if we're starting from a local version. This also fixes FileSystem.Data not using the folder with #local in when it should be.
9 Months Ago
Fix mouse delta fuckups (fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3672)
9 Months Ago
StartServerAsync empties savedgame, gamesettings, extensions ConVars Create Game on default menu actually respects Min/Max players in the project settings Using min doens't make sense there actually
9 Months Ago
HandleAnalogValueChange never used Flow input actions to gamemenu if it's visible, there's no client and no keyboard focus Return Vector2.Zero for Vector2.Normal if IsNearZeroLength, instead of NaN 🤯
9 Months Ago
New Hair! - Long Bob 7
9 Months Ago
Move Rust vehicle parts to asset party
9 Months Ago
Ignore some mega early IME WM events until the engine is initialized, should fix Proton crashing at startup
9 Months Ago
Fix Input.ClearActions, Input.ReleaseActions not working
9 Months Ago
Fix doubleclick triggering all the time [fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3683]
9 Months Ago
Key binds work again Fix stupid bot time hacks Fix bot inputs
9 Months Ago
ServerListPanel: Add Create Game button if we don't find any servers
9 Months Ago
Fixed game view sometimes not rendering, getting stuck on loading screen forever
9 Months Ago
Fix gizmo interaction in engine
9 Months Ago
Citizen: added visemes animation prefab containing a set of viseme morph frames
9 Months Ago
Much more accurate and faster way to calculate max depth on tiled light building by using depth hierarchy, increase tile size to
9 Months Ago
[Pick] add MinMax downsample operator for Hi-Z depth buffer, this will help us do some GPU occlusion tests and trace what's between SSR geometry Fix atmospherics not showing up on editor for shadingmodel shaders Compiled shaders
9 Months Ago
Input is available in the game menu * Setting Mouse.Position works again * Fix ButtonEvents not flowing to UI * GameMenu fills out Game.Server partially, loading input actions * Add Panel.ButtonInput * Fix Panel capture mode not working * Fix cursor disappearing during loading * Restore the cursor back to its original position after capture mode * Fix game keys not unreleasing when another context takes over * Pass escape down to panels, hold escape to close game * Fix cursor not showing when it should
9 Months Ago
Handle exceptions when using -project
9 Months Ago
Native Plat_ExitProcess calls managed Environment.Exit, this way AppDomain.ProcessExit events will always execute such as to flush Sentry events Move bootstrap error dialogs to managed, display exception and make sure it lands in Sentry
9 Months Ago
When loading game project (through welcome screen), if it fails to compile, don't immediately bail - load the project but don't show menu
9 Months Ago
Saving a game stores current MaxPlayers in metadata. Fixed default menu Load Game not working, make it look OK.
9 Months Ago
Disable all game projects when entering content mode
9 Months Ago
Remove default pitch * 1.5f from Entity.BuildInput, just something we kept moving around from Source native
9 Months Ago
Make Package.IsMounted() work clientside on listen server hosts
9 Months Ago
Defer OnAfterTreeRender until end of tick to ensure children processed first and references set (#1180) * Defer OnAfterTreeRender until end of tick to ensure children processed first and references set * Only update (run pending events, tick, scroll velocity) after render once - reset that flag on hotload if render tree becomes dirty * Revert "Only update (run pending events, tick, scroll velocity) after render once - reset that flag on hotload if render tree becomes dirty" This reverts commit aae36e1777d11a5649c24985c0f8802ced3397b4.
9 Months Ago
Input Cleanup (#1183) * Strip inputstacksystem * Delete inputsystem.dll * Rip out all the analog input stuff * UserCmd is all generated in c# now * Add Input.MouseCursorVisible
9 Months Ago
Update all entities network hash after a server package has been installed - sboxgame/issues#3635 Adding a new server package would correctly change the DynamicAssemblyHash on both server and client, however all current entities would still have the old DynamicAssemblyHash. This would mean the clients would receive no [Net] updates for this entity. So to fix this we explicitly reset all entities network hash with Entity.UpdateAllNetworkHash() on OnServerPackageInstalled. Reinitializing the network tables would've also worked but would be wasteful since we know all our exisiting entities have not been changed unlike if the DynamicAssemblyHash were changed from hotload
9 Months Ago
Make !activator work for target entity on outputs Remove unimplemented procedural entities !caller, !player, !game_mode from combo box Entity IO: !game targets the GameManager so you can have [Input]s on it
9 Months Ago
Make sure log files use process path since CurrentDirectory is too early from getting set here
9 Months Ago
Fix NRE with WaterController See sboxgame/issues/issues/3664
9 Months Ago
New Plump Lips and New Eyebrows Plus subtle simple face makeup!