
11,191 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

11 Months Ago
CSS Masks (#1040)
11 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Move graph serialization to it's own file ShaderGraph: Refactor codegen to keep it self contained in the compiler
12 Months Ago
Adjustments to tactical vest Plus small adjustments to the monobrow grey cap texture + a grey colour version of the slicked back hair
12 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Give pastes an ident so people know what it is
12 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Copy pastes now use a gzip with base64 to make them easier to paste to people
12 Months Ago
New Hair - Slicked Back Hair Slicked Back Hair, plus brown and black versions. All colour variations coming ASAP.
12 Months Ago
New Hair - Old Curly Hair Both full black and grey sides with black top hair colours available. Adjustments to the fluff on the hair to come soon.
12 Months Ago
Add Asset.GetUnrecognizedReferencePaths() - returns a list of paths this asset references that can not be resolved (missing from disk) Missing asset resolver when loading Hammer maps If your map contains missing assets when you load your map (after EditorReferences have been resolved), we will check if there are matching assets on and prompt the user to install them. We don't have to worry about updating EditorReferences here either, as this is automatically done on save if any asset refs have a linked package. After the assets are installed the user will be prompted to reload the map - this is needed to reload the missing assets.
12 Months Ago
Fix error reporting not always sorting menu/tools errors properly Add a group for hotload errors to make them discoverable Add an exception scope for ilhotload exceptions to make them findable
12 Months Ago
Add "open menu screen" option for game projects
12 Months Ago
First person: deleted unused sequences
12 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Refactor NodeResult
12 Months Ago
Allow underscores in parameter names Refactor writing parameter options Add bool IsAttribute to Parameter and Texture nodes If true, `Attribute( "name" )` option will be added Don't include UI options in generated code when using attributes (attributes don't show in the UI anyway)
12 Months Ago
Always allow mouse-related actions to "release" when UI pops up, but don't allow new presses. Matches keyboard behavior more closely. #1004
12 Months Ago
Modal popup cleanup Start cleaning package information popup Fix grab dragging not working unless the style was defined inline ! Package information popup cleanup
12 Months Ago
Fixed hair_longbrown_covered_test being able to be worn with other hair/hats
12 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix vec2, vec3 and Color components compiling as constants
12 Months Ago
Simplify cubemap priority calculation
12 Months Ago
Leave lobby by pressing cross in navbar Packagecard primary clicker is just the image Leave game button Package card pointer
12 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Add object space position node (i.vPositionOs from vertex input)
12 Months Ago
Asset list: show padlock on local assets without source content (issues/2364)
12 Months Ago
Show time played on package tiles Fix last update time not being timezone aware Fix texture loading errors
12 Months Ago
Multiple asset browsers (#994)
12 Months Ago
Don't mouse wheel scroll if overflow-y not set to scroll Add Box.Padding, Box.Border, Box.Margin Include padding in panel's scroll size Show more games in discovery Constrain drag velocity to only scrollable axis Only drag game tiles if clicked a game tile Add RealTime.SmoothDelta Make scrolling less jittery Don't update hover state when dragging
12 Months Ago
Fix drag threshold not working navbar cleanup
12 Months Ago
Assume an UAV texture written to lightcookie atlas should always be updated as well
12 Months Ago
Fix console colors
12 Months Ago
Add overflow-x, overflow-y Fix editing styles in editor not doing anything Store textures pointers differently to avoid array out of bounds errors Add Int/Long.KiloFormat() Clean up Package.List so it doesn't return #local packages Remove Menu.RenderOverlay Use package list for front page instead of that fucking mess I made 6 months ago
12 Months Ago
Update complex shader
12 Months Ago
First person: changed bindPose to have its height zeroed out (such that camera height = 0), like in the punching animation set
12 Months Ago
Don't clamp curve remap
12 Months Ago
Move PanelEvents to their own files MathX.Remap clamps by default, added unclamped version Add Panel drag events, can scroll panels by mouse dragging
12 Months Ago
Let transmissive mask use tint color in complex shader Allow scaling roughness on legacy shaders
12 Months Ago
Fix sequential fog transforms being fucked, fix fog contribution always being at minimum of 0.001, cleanup
12 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece - Labcoat LODs and skinning adjustments coming ASAP.
12 Months Ago
Add Widget.SizeHint virtual function Paint.MeasureText, Paint.SetFont works outside of paint Move BaseStyles to Engine.dll so it can be accessed by tools Throw an exception if trying to send network messages in another thread Fix WebSurface.Url not working (sorry!)
12 Months Ago
Fix an obsolete warning
12 Months Ago
Failing test for #1007 Fixed stack overflow when searching for methods with certain parameter types Fixes #1007
12 Months Ago
Fixed another InputActions NRE
12 Months Ago
Fix Gizmo.Draw.SolidCircle transforms
12 Months Ago
Fix InputActions NRE if ServerConfig hasn't loaded by the time ServerInformation is recv'd
12 Months Ago
Remove unused InfoPanel string table Hide autocomplete on escape Clean up autocomplete internals
12 Months Ago
Hammer: display download progress of cloud assets using gizmos
12 Months Ago
Can publish shaders & shader graphs
12 Months Ago
Consolidate convar bindings/remove unsued Clean up console binds Remove support ConCmd overloads Don't allow managed convars to stomp native, or menu convars. Warn and ignore if creating convars with the same name. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
12 Months Ago
Update ProjectConfig.Ident MaxLength (16 -> 32)
12 Months Ago
Hammer undos for sndscape and sound drops Hammer: cloud materials don't stick to everything they've hovered, and can be undone now
12 Months Ago
Migrate usp over to sbox-assets to upload to asset party
12 Months Ago
History API for Hammer Hammer: add undos for models & dragged entities
12 Months Ago
Restrict WebSurface to non-local http + https requests