
11,132 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.35cph!

36 Days Ago
Support per triangle physics surfaces on mesh shapes
36 Days Ago
Editor startup cleanup & remove Editor.Utility
36 Days Ago
Fix path stretching asset browser size - fixes sbox-issues/issues/4609
36 Days Ago
If we pass in an invalid transform to Steam Audio, just ignore it
36 Days Ago
Fix SerializedList/Dictionary not converting property - fixes sbox-issues/issues/5104
36 Days Ago
Refactor Networking/Connection - fixes sbox-issues/issues/4676
36 Days Ago
Add [RequireComponent] Postprocess components use [RequireComponent]
36 Days Ago
Move Json.Upgrader out of Sandbox,Game, have it filter by type Add GameResource.ResourceVersion Inject version into gameresource saves Change DeserializeToObject to use JsonNodes GameResources can define JsonUpgraders v1 upgraders for SceneFile and PrefabFile Add GameResource.LoadFromJson and use that anywhere we load a GameResource Fix PrefabFile upgrader doing nothing Fix tests, supply upgraders
36 Days Ago
Authority RPC now correctly uses invoke permissions from the AuthorityAttribute. When calling Authority RPC, if there's no owner, the target would be the host connection
36 Days Ago
Authority check for network destroy - can never arbitrarily destroy unnetworked objects
36 Days Ago
In the PrefabFile upgrader, upgrade Id to __guid as well if possible, fixes corrupt prefabs from before when it was called Id
36 Days Ago
Fix NRE if destroying object in animation event
36 Days Ago
Ensure PanelComponent finds its parent If PanelComponent gets enabled before WorldPanel it fails to find a valid parent Resolves sbox-issues/issues/5024
36 Days Ago
ImageFormat.Default uses RGBA8888
36 Days Ago
Fixes unable to parse guid error when trying to load properties called "id" but the type is not a guid (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5181)
36 Days Ago
Izabu: Don't try to destroy null proxy
36 Days Ago
Make PhysicsBody Enable and Disable actually work, remove shapes from broadphase and insert them back on enable Don't trace disabled bodies
36 Days Ago
When a component is added to a GameObject after it has been network spawned, and it has Sync vars we should register them with the network table Don't do on the root though save that for the multi-comp PR
36 Days Ago
Update SceneEditorMenus to use MakeIdGuidsUnique instead of MakeGameObjectsUnique
36 Days Ago
Set hitbox surface
36 Days Ago
Revert "Put in guards against people having a property name of "id" (case-insensitive) on a component. Warn them if they do, don't serialize that property or try to deserialize it. Catch exception if trying to deserialize Id as a Guid but it isn't one." This reverts commit 55d6e5c51d2fd6b663391d9e22c191a6a810603f. Switch GameObject/Component.Id to be serialized as __guid Upgrade PrefabFile on load Merge fix
36 Days Ago
Unforseen but when we link component reference from a prefab to property on something else in scene, we should still store component reference like we used to. We'll try to find the component in the scene directory by id if we can, but revert to old behavior if not
37 Days Ago
Put in guards against people having a property name of "id" (case-insensitive) on a component. Warn them if they do, don't serialize that property or try to deserialize it. Catch exception if trying to deserialize Id as a Guid but it isn't one.
37 Days Ago
Allow turning off sound air absorption, turn it off on 2d sounds by default
37 Days Ago
And some more
37 Days Ago
Null checks in RefreshContacts
37 Days Ago
Component Ids (#1501) * Component id + prune those for refresh as well * Serialize id properly * Add unit tests for component id serialization / deserialization - make sure references to Components with Property are properly restored to the correct components by id * Update GameObjectInspector to use Component.Id to determine already seen components. This makes it rebuild properly for multiple components of the same type * Serialize as Id not __id so also picked up by MakeGameObjectsUnique * Scene unique component ids - update serialization test accordingly * Phase out storing GO guid and component type * MakeGameObjectsUnique -> MakeIdGuidsUnique (make old method Obsolete and redirect to MakeIdGuidsUnique) * Unit test for clone with references * When adding component or game object to Directory - check is there a component or game object with that id already, if so, force change it to a new one and spit a warning out. No component or game object should ever be able to share the same guid anyway but this makes sure * Add test for loading old reference model type from prefab / json * Test both old and new formats * Let's not make this elseif - always check both
37 Days Ago
Fix unit tests, add SerializedProperty method test
37 Days Ago
Don't include special name methods in TypeLibrary (getter/setterr spam) SerializedObject can handle methods ControlSheet supports buttons/methods Add [Button] Add break button to Prop component Simplified ComponentSheet, makes use of ControlSheet logic more Editor style tweaks
37 Days Ago
Refresh physics contacts on tag change
37 Days Ago
Fix exception when deleting object in update SoundPoint can override distance attenuation, occlusion, reflection
37 Days Ago
Allow both Sync and HostSync on a property. It means that both the Owner and the Host can control the value. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5153
37 Days Ago
Fix some Assets not loading properly from cloud folder on startup
37 Days Ago
FileSystem.Write/ReadJson - add AllowNamedFloatingPointLiterals to options
37 Days Ago
Add Panel.TooltipClass - fixes sbox-issues/issues/4746
37 Days Ago
Completely strip PackageDownloadMode Cancelling loading cancels properly - fixes sbox-issues/issues/4623 Make download cancelling more convincing, add more download lanes
37 Days Ago
Try to store package revision id in lobby
37 Days Ago
Store lobby owner in lobby data, for access from list - fixes sbox-issues/issues/5141
37 Days Ago
Fix ParticleGradient defaults not saving properly - fixes sbox-issues/issues/5144
37 Days Ago
Tick UI before resetting input - fixes sbox-issues/issues/5169
37 Days Ago
Drag & drop components to change their order Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4254 EditLogs for when a component is moved
37 Days Ago
Fixed joint keeps the bodies fixed where they are at the moment of joint creation instead of snapping Joint gizmo just draws a line from self to target game object
37 Days Ago
Fix prismatic disabling limit when it shouldn't Create slider with 2 pivots and an axis, this makes the most sense Base joint passes two physics points for joint creation Do a pass on all joints to make sure their local frames make sense
37 Days Ago
Add RigidBody.MotionEnabled
37 Days Ago
Fix game setup's Launch Mode always falling back to default LaunchMode.Normal Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4923
37 Days Ago
ICollisionListener & ITriggerListener have default interface methods + docs Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4852
37 Days Ago
Izabu: Move triangle shifting further up the callstack so the fix gets applied to sphere and capsules too
37 Days Ago
Fix async warning in PreviewMesh
38 Days Ago
Make joint more robust in finding physics bodies, improve the gizmos a bit Better anchor points for spring joint
38 Days Ago
Add Vector3.CatmullRomSpline, Vector3.TcbSpline Add SceneLineObject Add LineRenderer component Add line prefab Fix NRE