
11,176 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

1 Year Ago
Rubikon: Add some error checking in broadphase update
1 Year Ago
Crack down on warnings in Sandbox-Engine
1 Year Ago
More helpful error message when trying to get default value of new field
1 Year Ago
Warn rather than throw if a dictionary key becomes null Failing test reproducing #933 Warn when unable to find a scope method, instead of error Fixed error delegates causing an error themselves on upgrade Fixes #933
1 Year Ago
Don't use tools vis shading mode if we're not using a vis mode, fixes shader graph preview
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add vertex color node
1 Year Ago
Fixed a regression with assets not loading from base tools addon Fixes Hammer/ModelDoc tree view styling Update these 2 mats that still keep recompiling
1 Year Ago
WIP: ShaderGraph Comments (#907) * WIP Shader Graph Comments (some funky QT stuff going on though with GraphicsItem?) * Add select color choices for comments * Add description field too for tooltips * Jiggle position and reset each update to force a redraw and update hitbox (temp) * Snap to grid on resize * Let static RPCs be nested in other static classes * WIP Shader Graph Comments (some funky QT stuff going on though with GraphicsItem?) * Add select color choices for comments * Add description field too for tooltips * Jiggle position and reset each update to force a redraw and update hitbox (temp) * Snap to grid on resize * Call PrepareGeometryChange when resizing * Hide Comment Node, add seperate Add Comment option always on top * Update colors + add new one * Show description inside the box * Selecting a comment normally will automatically select any nodes inside of its bounds * Better selection handling for nodes inside * Added layla's resize stuff + KISS approach to selecting children. click the box selects whats inside. * Comments take priority for Property display * Deselect current nodes when pressing on comment if not already selected * Use LeftMouseButton instead coz it exists and it's nicer * Always keep inner nodes selected (check last mouse down) * Remove drag indicator from comment as not needed now * Comment UI tooltip updates when title/desc changed * When dragging a comment node on top of another comment node, alter its z index so its on top of that one * Greatly increase the max comment node size * Fix layering * Better layer system + normalize layers * Can just drag a comment node to select and drag its contents too. Double click a comment node to select only the node itself
1 Year Ago
Rubikon: Use growable stack for dynamic tree query and casting, fixes crashing with many overlapping object and is generally safer
1 Year Ago
Sandbox.UI.Panel documentation
1 Year Ago
adding concrete material variation Merge branch 'master' of sbox Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Added failing test reproducing #929 Stricter test for #929 Fixed #929 Fixed IServerDll hotload not being able to resolve package assemblies Fixed ReflectionExtensions.ResolveType Used to not respect the assembly load context of the target module
1 Year Ago
Prevent game crashes when overflowing string tables Add tooltips to sound preview buttons
1 Year Ago
Adjust VS project names for built-in editor addons Move tools.package.loaded event to ToolsDll Fixed obsolete warning
1 Year Ago
Fix not updating layout on screen scale changes
1 Year Ago
Unit test fixes
1 Year Ago
Remove Panel.SetNeedsFinalLayout Remove PanelStyle.sortedRules, no need to reverse AllStyleSheets Build style rules in parallel (prevent ui hitching) HashSet benchmarks
1 Year Ago
Remove SFM/Dota/Etc stuff from rendering pipeline (#904) * Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it * Delete all code, shaders and dependencies from other rendering pipelines * Rewrite visualize_physics without deferred and deprecated stuff, also fix a bug with depth sorting * Fix references to old pipelines on remainder of shaders * Fix debug_sunshadow, update all_shaders list and delete compiled shaders for stuff we don't use anymore * Remove HSL Grain and old Volumetrics from SFM, note that SFM lights already cast volumetrics in our pipeline without that * Fix crash on moviedoc on maps with volumetrics * Revert deletion of debug_sunshadow_vis.vmat * Put RecoverWorldPosFromProjectedDepthAndRay on shared code
1 Year Ago
Make asset browser custom asset types refresh on tool compiles again EditorModelAttribute: strip _c from path
1 Year Ago
Rubikon: Ray cast optimizations against meshes from Dirk
1 Year Ago
Tools always load local packages on active
1 Year Ago
USP fixes normal error fixed bodygroup setup improvements
1 Year Ago
USP Match Pistol art pass for the USP pistol includes viewmodel and worldmodel meshes
1 Year Ago
Fix loading addons in tools registering their events + cleanup Hammer package integration
1 Year Ago
Give menu addon an asset path again
1 Year Ago
Fixed project templates listview getting cut off
1 Year Ago
Mark some of our base libraries without HasAssets, hide them in asset browser - I'm not too sure about including base just yet
1 Year Ago
Fixed game window drag'n'drop being an error with multiple files sboxgame/issues/issues/3017
1 Year Ago
Quick fix to Monobrow grey .clothing file profile picture
1 Year Ago
New Hair! - Big Scruffy Beard
1 Year Ago
Include assembly name in type identity calculation Fixes a rare issue when there are multiple types with same full name. sboxgame/issues/issues/2939
1 Year Ago
Group Proxy preview updates when editing Transforms in the property sheet sboxgame/issues/issues/2990
1 Year Ago
When finding dependant assets always search the same path first before any other Fixes a case where the assetsystem would get confused and infinitely recompile an asset if it had a dependancy across 2 addons, e.g: dm98's dm_crowbar.vmdl depends on crowbar01.fbx which exists in: 1. addons/citizen/models/citizen_props/crowbar01.fbx 2. addons/dm98/models/citizen_props/crowbar01.fbx Now it'll always favour 2 because it's in the same addon
1 Year Ago
adding concrete hotspot mat/texture, updating bricks texture for tiling continuity Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Give a warning when hotloading asset but couldn't load json
1 Year Ago
Fix exception when reporting exception in
1 Year Ago
Report and skip when failed to install a local package
1 Year Ago
Fix crashes/weirdness when extruding subdivided faces in Hammer sboxgame/issues/issues/2987
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Max lightmap resolution 8k as 16k is impractical and never worked Hammer: Fix entities from remote packages by using new PackageManager API
1 Year Ago
Fix swapchain assert when closing editor window Fix typo in material compiler where it'd keep upgrading materials, provide some feedback too MET standardize shader to shader_c Recompile the rest of the materials that were using legacy paths before (hopefully this is all of them now)
1 Year Ago
Wrap initial package loading in a try get and noisily ignore load errors instead of bootstrap init false When loading a tool package, load toolbase too
1 Year Ago
Fix startup error when no ContentPath
1 Year Ago
Fix download speed
1 Year Ago
beer bottle changed from mesh phys to capsule and cylinder Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Package cleanup (#887) Added singleton PackageManager which handles all package downloading, installing. LocalProjects are self compiling and their assemblies are used to mock a Package.
1 Year Ago
material/prefab updates
1 Year Ago
Scenes rendered from Sandbox.Tools apply an SVF_TOOL_VIEW flag, primarily this will stop stereo rendering on it
1 Year Ago
Recompile all materials again Apparently they had old CRCs?
1 Year Ago
Fix error happening when using MET or recompiling assets due to null metadata in LoadTags
1 Year Ago
Fix static event exceptions throwing an error instead of showing the real exception