
11,098 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.35cph!

1 Year Ago
Whitelist System.Diagnostics.StackTraceHiddenAttribute
1 Year Ago
Better error handling for Asset.Party uploader Do not display OMG SUCCESS on failure, and actually display relevant errors to the user
1 Year Ago
updated glass mats and ad billboard texture
1 Year Ago
Improve color picker's layout & design, add an alpha slider
1 Year Ago
Drop targets don't need to be public MapNode creation/deletion has to be done on main thread, add asserts Null safety checks on map node shit Update to .NET 6.0.10
1 Year Ago
Implement multi file drag'n'drop for asset list/browser
1 Year Ago
Fixed an exception in DragData.Url Added DragData.Files Some tools drag'n'drop related docs Asset lists support multi file drag and drop
1 Year Ago
Do not try to auto generate mips for static textures that provide their own Rename Sound Definition to Sound Event for consistency
1 Year Ago
nullptr checks for Hammer.ActiveMap MapEntity / MapMesh constructors will default to active map doc if not specified MapView wraps CMapView so we can use it in addon space Add `[CanDrop( string AssetFileExtension )]` that support `IMapViewDropTarget.DragEnter( Asset ... )`, make it all accessible to addon space Move MaterialDropTarget to addon space Hammer: Add SoundDropTarget - creates snd_event_point for .sound assets
1 Year Ago
Add Widget.OnKeyRelease
1 Year Ago
Delete unused/non functioning fog override convars Delete fog properties from sky_camera - they do not work
1 Year Ago
Make Asset.TryLoadGameResource<T> work on compiled assets w/o source files by implementing in EngineGlue::LoadJsonAsset for compiled files
1 Year Ago
Added test for adding properties with default values Support for log value histograms
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass for SceneWorld and related classes Obsolete non implemented methods of SceneSkyBox Zero out native pointer of SceneWorld in its Delete() method Fixing up TextureBuilder documentation Rearrange texture builder methods
1 Year Ago
Simple color picker for color properties Snap to color on mouse press Add comments to new publics Merge pull request #573 from Facepunch/color-picker Simple color picker for color properties
1 Year Ago
Hook up the CMapView's CToolCamera so we can have the camera pos/angles and able to build rays from 2d coords Hammer traces return their hit MapNode by managed handle so can do `if ( tr.MapNode is MapMesh mesh )` now Add MapMesh.SetMaterial( Material ) Real simple drag handler for material packages - this code is all getting shit though time to rip it up Refactored map view drop targets into an interface with attributes: `[CanDrop( Package.Type.Model )] class ModelDropTarget : IMapViewDropTarget` Once I wrap CMapView I'll make this public and make it work with standard AssetType too, so you'd be able to create custom drop targets for your game resources.
1 Year Ago
Readd single string constructor for TagAttribute
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass VertexBuffer index methods throw if buffer is not indexed Obsolete TextureArrayBuilder
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Hides Prop.weldParent, Prop.childrenProps and Prop.clonedShapes TagAttribute can now accept multiple tags at the same time
1 Year Ago
Add Hotload.AssemblyResolver, warn if not assigned when needed Set HotloadManager.AssemblyResolver for client / menu / server
1 Year Ago
Fixed some histograms being offset horizontally Only show histogram markers that are in range
1 Year Ago
Fix double filesystem dispose with addon config Closes #498
1 Year Ago
Split Hammer save/load logic into different file and document all the internals so anyone other than me can know what the fuck is going on
1 Year Ago
Hammer Map Nodes API
1 Year Ago
Fixed Resources not loading when networked from server Fixes shatter glass being invisible for clients who are not the host
1 Year Ago
Updated all surface assets Added grass surface & footsteps
1 Year Ago
Add description attributes to Surface asset for the editor Make "clear" option available for "Unknown asset" in AssetProperty editor Fixed "Collection has a fixed size" error when trying to remove items from an array in an asset
1 Year Ago
ModelDoc: Clean up code for new morph frame compiling now that we know it works
1 Year Ago
Calculate lod level clamps to max lod level of model
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: misc. fixes
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Dirt footsteps for testing
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Obsoleted Soundscape.MasterVolume, Surface.Dampening, Surface.Sounds.SmoothScrape and RoughScrape on the account of them not being used anywhere
1 Year Ago
Try compiling morph frames with an empty weight list instead of setting bones to bindpose
1 Year Ago
Throw ObjectDisposedException instead of NotImplementedException when accessing a disconnected clients pawn
1 Year Ago
Fall back to fetching top scores if no scores around user
1 Year Ago
Revert "Add some extra checks for file watchers" This reverts commit 00719712d06cd2ea5f06166a561c640476dd3409.
1 Year Ago
Add some extra checks for file watchers
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: buttoned shirt LODs
1 Year Ago
Added Leaderboard.GetHistogram() Basic leaderboard histogram drawing Show markers on friend scores in histogram
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Hidden Water.Think Obsoleted Water.EnableShadows, EnableFog & EnableRefraction Hidden GradientFogEntity.TickFrame, ParticleSystemEntity.OnMapCleanup, PrecipitationEntity.ClientTick Implemented ParticleSystemEntity.SetControlPoint Hidden SoundEventEntity.OnStartSound, OnStopSound Made SoundEventEntity.StartSound, StopSound public Added srcds genereated file to gitignore
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Cookie system does backups on save, add warnings on load failure Trying to track down an issue where all cookies get reset Hide a bunch of internal entity methods Do not fire BaseTrigger outputs if its disabled Renamed TriggerMultiple.Wait to Cooldown
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: buttoned shirt skinning pass
1 Year Ago
Fix color picker stomping hsv sometimes
1 Year Ago
Fix black sky
1 Year Ago
A working example for the VirutalScrolling ui test
1 Year Ago
Citizen: more misc. fixes
1 Year Ago
Fixed text alignment
1 Year Ago
Make _metal and _trans suffixes actually work in create material from image
1 Year Ago
Fix addon editor getting squished and not scrolling
1 Year Ago
Asset Browser: use User order for cloud assets so you see your shit first Asset Browser: can search for cloud materials Hammer Asset Browser: double clicking a cloud material will install and set the current material to it