
11,134 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.35cph!

1 Year Ago
Simple color picker for color properties Snap to color on mouse press Add comments to new publics Merge pull request #573 from Facepunch/color-picker Simple color picker for color properties
1 Year Ago
Hook up the CMapView's CToolCamera so we can have the camera pos/angles and able to build rays from 2d coords Hammer traces return their hit MapNode by managed handle so can do `if ( tr.MapNode is MapMesh mesh )` now Add MapMesh.SetMaterial( Material ) Real simple drag handler for material packages - this code is all getting shit though time to rip it up Refactored map view drop targets into an interface with attributes: `[CanDrop( Package.Type.Model )] class ModelDropTarget : IMapViewDropTarget` Once I wrap CMapView I'll make this public and make it work with standard AssetType too, so you'd be able to create custom drop targets for your game resources.
1 Year Ago
Readd single string constructor for TagAttribute
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass VertexBuffer index methods throw if buffer is not indexed Obsolete TextureArrayBuilder
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Hides Prop.weldParent, Prop.childrenProps and Prop.clonedShapes TagAttribute can now accept multiple tags at the same time
1 Year Ago
Add Hotload.AssemblyResolver, warn if not assigned when needed Set HotloadManager.AssemblyResolver for client / menu / server
1 Year Ago
Fixed some histograms being offset horizontally Only show histogram markers that are in range
1 Year Ago
Fix double filesystem dispose with addon config Closes #498
1 Year Ago
Split Hammer save/load logic into different file and document all the internals so anyone other than me can know what the fuck is going on
1 Year Ago
Hammer Map Nodes API
1 Year Ago
Fixed Resources not loading when networked from server Fixes shatter glass being invisible for clients who are not the host
1 Year Ago
Updated all surface assets Added grass surface & footsteps
1 Year Ago
Add description attributes to Surface asset for the editor Make "clear" option available for "Unknown asset" in AssetProperty editor Fixed "Collection has a fixed size" error when trying to remove items from an array in an asset
1 Year Ago
ModelDoc: Clean up code for new morph frame compiling now that we know it works
1 Year Ago
Calculate lod level clamps to max lod level of model
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: misc. fixes
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Dirt footsteps for testing
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Obsoleted Soundscape.MasterVolume, Surface.Dampening, Surface.Sounds.SmoothScrape and RoughScrape on the account of them not being used anywhere
1 Year Ago
Try compiling morph frames with an empty weight list instead of setting bones to bindpose
1 Year Ago
Throw ObjectDisposedException instead of NotImplementedException when accessing a disconnected clients pawn
1 Year Ago
Fall back to fetching top scores if no scores around user
1 Year Ago
Revert "Add some extra checks for file watchers" This reverts commit 00719712d06cd2ea5f06166a561c640476dd3409.
1 Year Ago
Add some extra checks for file watchers
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: buttoned shirt LODs
1 Year Ago
Added Leaderboard.GetHistogram() Basic leaderboard histogram drawing Show markers on friend scores in histogram
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Hidden Water.Think Obsoleted Water.EnableShadows, EnableFog & EnableRefraction Hidden GradientFogEntity.TickFrame, ParticleSystemEntity.OnMapCleanup, PrecipitationEntity.ClientTick Implemented ParticleSystemEntity.SetControlPoint Hidden SoundEventEntity.OnStartSound, OnStopSound Made SoundEventEntity.StartSound, StopSound public Added srcds genereated file to gitignore
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Cookie system does backups on save, add warnings on load failure Trying to track down an issue where all cookies get reset Hide a bunch of internal entity methods Do not fire BaseTrigger outputs if its disabled Renamed TriggerMultiple.Wait to Cooldown
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: buttoned shirt skinning pass
1 Year Ago
Fix color picker stomping hsv sometimes
1 Year Ago
Fix black sky
1 Year Ago
A working example for the VirutalScrolling ui test
1 Year Ago
Citizen: more misc. fixes
1 Year Ago
Fixed text alignment
1 Year Ago
Make _metal and _trans suffixes actually work in create material from image
1 Year Ago
Fix addon editor getting squished and not scrolling
1 Year Ago
Asset Browser: use User order for cloud assets so you see your shit first Asset Browser: can search for cloud materials Hammer Asset Browser: double clicking a cloud material will install and set the current material to it
1 Year Ago
Citizen: further updates & misc. fixes around the head & its shoulder seams Previously updated clothing included in this commit
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass Internalize BaseFileSystem.Watch/Watch(string), WatchEnabled Only used internally. Added PhysicsPoint.Transform Added debug overlays for constraints (ent_text), clean up accessibility & docs
1 Year Ago
Allow non power of two textures in materials, strip some gameinfo image preprocessors code we'll never use too
1 Year Ago
Can publish materials to same way as models
1 Year Ago
Add global:: to codegen EditorBrowsable attributes to avoid errors if the class has a property called System
1 Year Ago
Complain when sending too many console commands
1 Year Ago
Fix exception when uploading over 2gb
1 Year Ago
Fixes sbox/issues/554
1 Year Ago
fix docs for Material.AmbientOcclusion Fix Vector3 left & right documentation Fix anisotropy spelling error
1 Year Ago
Just code cleanup to make diffs easier, NULL -> nullptr that sort of shit Backport improved DX11 buffers; these changes mainly focus on structured buffer alignment Remove DX9 only concepts from binding buffers Kill IRenderContext::SetUserClipPlane (Not supported since DX9) vfx_dx: remove dead dx9 code Smarter binding of UAV slots to not conflict with RTVs Fix MAT_OP_STORE_RS_MULTI_SAMPLE_ENABLE never working Backport GPU Buffer methods ( we should be using these for tiled / transform buffers ideally ) DX11: IBs get their SRVs bound differently to VBs Merge fixes from Valve for DX11 renderer - nothing massively major here, some asserts, wrong enum fixes, CopyTexture can use DX11 CopySubresourceRegion instead of shaders DX11: ensure there is always a viewport set for a draw - fixes warning "There are no viewports currently bound. If any rasterization to RenderTarget(s) and/or DepthStencil is performed, results will be undefined." Delete all source files for DX9 & OpenGL renderers
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Rename "Models" dock to "Bone Merge" to make it obvious its for bone merging models
1 Year Ago
Fix ConsoleSystem.SetValue not setting native convars
1 Year Ago
Drop the title label too since it's pointless now
1 Year Ago
Show only SM5.0 attributes in material editor