
15 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!

2 Years Ago
Make ParticleAttachment public Hammer.Skip works for enum fields Engine's string to particleattachment type supports string numbers Model.GetData<>() supports deserializing to enums ModelParticle class uses ParticleAttachment enum Merge ModelDoc.ListAttribute into ModelDoc.GenericGameData, and rename it to ModelDoc.GameData Demote Model.TryToGetData()'s error to a warning Update base_modeldata.fgd
2 Years Ago
Fix recent changes
2 Years Ago
Attribute suffix for ModelDoc attributes
2 Years Ago
FGDTypeAttribute can now provide choices to fgd properties
2 Years Ago
Added Model.TryGetData<>
2 Years Ago
Fix missing 'using' in FGDWriter
2 Years Ago
Remove no longer needed interop methods
2 Years Ago
FGDWriter can use ComponentModel.DisplayName & JsonPropertyName Attributes ComponentModel.DisplayName replacing Property.Title JsonPropertyName replacing Property.Name If a class as no properties with [Property] attribute, all properties will be exported to .fgd Delete ParticleAttachmentType Switch ModelGameData back to JSON for deserialization Update BasePathNode.cs
2 Years Ago
Obsolete Model.GetJson, GetData(str), HasData(str) Update ModelExtension.cs
2 Years Ago
Cleanup Fix Model.GetData<>() not working with structs ModelBreakPiece works with Model.GetData<>()
2 Years Ago
FGDWriter can output classes as "choices" selector in tools This is a workaround to be able to use strings as data in fgd choices type, which c# enums do not allow. Move 'particle' (particles_list) modelgamedata to c#
2 Years Ago
More strict usage for AutoGenerate, FGDType and BitFlags attributes Classes can dictate their own FGD type via FGDTypeAttribute (So you don't have to put the attribute on every property every time) Rename ParticleAttachment fields to be consistent
2 Years Ago
Move door_sounds modelgamedata to c# Move prop_data to c# Update models_gamedata.fgd Move explosion_behavior to c#
2 Years Ago
Delete IModelGameData, Add ModelDoc.GenericGameData Attribute
2 Years Ago
GenericGameData fgd autogen