
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

36 Days Ago
Add Facepunch Copyright to comply with zlib license
36 Days Ago
Improve cycle detection Format
36 Days Ago
Fix out of bounds in overlappoly Hacky path cycle detection
40 Days Ago
Make all the fun stuff internal
40 Days Ago
Prevent NavAgent/MoveTo from triggering replan if target pos is the same Vectorize all the things. Now comes close to native performance.
40 Days Ago
Nav Agents/Crowds & pathing are now entirely handled in c#
40 Days Ago
Get rid of some of our C# detour abstractions (agent, query), since we now have direct access in managed.
41 Days Ago
Copy over dotrecast detour and detourcrowd Yeet IO stuff Remove csprojs Use our own numerics instead of recast/detour stuff Hope I didn't make any typos while refactoring because I will regret them for all eternity. Remove C++ version of detour and detourcrowd