
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Backport latest texture manager changes from Valve, fixes for race conditions in async hookup jobs Suppress texture frame updates for render hooks, fixes bound textures with no references getting deleted before the frame fully ended Revert ScreenEffects workaround from not being able to Material.Load within RenderHook Fix leaky strong handle from RenderTools.RenderScene on unused returned ITexture
1 Year Ago
Fix leaky strong handle from RenderTools.RenderScene on unused returned ITexture
1 Year Ago
Backport latest texture manager changes from Valve, fixes for race conditions in async hookup jobs Suppress texture frame updates for render hooks, fixes bound textures with no references getting deleted before the frame fully ended Revert ScreenEffects workaround from not being able to Material.Load within RenderHook
1 Year Ago
Actually spell suppress correctly
1 Year Ago
Suppress texture frame updates for render hooks, hopefully fixes textures from being deleted from under us
1 Year Ago
header cleanup
1 Year Ago
CTextureManagerBase::AllocateResource race condition fix - set the ResourceHandle->Data mapping as soon as SetFinalResourceData is called > When loading / reloading textures, the handle can be null instead of the new texture when the async work starts, causing the load to make crazy things happen CUtlIdGenerator Actual headers for texture residency info
1 Year Ago
Backport latest texture manager changes from Valve, hopefully managed to not stomp our own additions & fixes disalbe these asserts for now CTextureManagerBase::AllocateResource race condition fix - set the ResourceHandle->Data mapping as soon as SetFinalResourceData is called > When loading / reloading textures, the handle can be null instead of the new texture when the async work starts, causing the load to make crazy things happen Try suppressing resource manager frame boundary work during an IProceduralLayerRenderer - this seems to fix resource loads within render hooks in game mode... but not tools mode
1 Year Ago
Backport latest texture manager changes from Valve, hopefully managed to not stomp our own additions & fixes