
26 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

8 Months Ago
Update tool.minimal
8 Months Ago
▌▄▊ ▋▉▉▇▉█▍▌▌▌▋.▌▅▇▇▅█, ▉▊▆▄ ▌▊▆ ▊█▅█▌▉▋▄ & ▉▍▍▊▌▄ ▄▅▆▆█ ▉▍ ▇# ▉▊▅█▋▆ ▅▋▉▌▍ ▇▋▅▆▉▄ ▇▅▋▇▆▇▋ ▆▇ ██▄▌█▄▇ ▇▍▉▇ ▇▋█▌▋▇▄ ▊▉▇▍▍▋ ▆▅█▅ ▍▇▆▇▅▇▋▋▋▋█▍▄▇▆▋▅▊▉▊▍▊▌ ▆▅ ▋▄▉▉▆ ▊▆▊▅▇▊ ▆▍▆█▊▅▄ ▊▊▋▉▍▋ ▆▉▉▉▋▆ ▇█▄▆▇▇ ▆▆█▅▅://▆▌▍▉█.▆█▅▄▌▊▆▊▇.▆▄▌/▇▋▄▋▌▌/▄▅▆▊▌▄█▌/▉███▊▍_▅▋▆▄_█▋█▋▆▇▍.▅▇▇ ▌▋▄█ █▍▍ █▆▉▊▄▊▍▄ ▋▆▍▊▄▋▉█▍▆▄ █▇▌▌▋▊ ▋▄▄▌. ▇▍▍▊▄▋ █▋█▇▅▉ + ▊▉▅▍▉▆ ▊▆▆▅▅▇ █▉▉▇ ▋▍▇▉▍▆▇ ▆▍▍▍▄▅▋ ▉▌ ▍▍▋ ▇▋▋▅██▋ ! ▊▆▋▊▅▉▅▅▍ ▉▄▉▉█▅▌ ▄▉▇▉▅ ▉▊▆█▉▌▅ ▉▍▌▌▅▅.▊▅█▆▋█▌▄▋▍▌▇▇▆▆ ▍▊▉ ▅▌▉▄▊.▉▅▊▊▄ ▉▍▋▆██▌▄: ▇▋▌ ▌▋▅▋▊█ ▄▅▉▍ ▊ ▆▆▊▆▊▉█ ▍▅▅ ▋▌█▋▆ ▉▌▍█▆▉ ▍▋▇▅▇▆▄▄▅▉ (#▄▄▌▊) * █▊▆ (▋▆▉█▊▊▅▌ / ▊▄▇▌▅▅▅ / ▊▅▇█▇▅▆ / ▆█▍▍▊▊).▋▊▄▌▍▊ * ▅▅▊ ▅▆▄▅ ▆▋▆▋▅▍.▇▍▇▊▇▍ ▇▄▉▄▅▉▊▄▉ ▄▄▍█▍█▄ * ▄▍▄▅█▅▌▉▍▊▋▄▇▊ * ▇▍▋▌▊▊▊▄▉▉▉▍▊▅ * ▊▇▆▆█▆▌▇▊▅▉▅▆▄ * ▄█▋▊▋▌▋▄▅▊▆▌ * █▍██▉█▉▋ (+ ▌▊ / █▉ / ▉▄) ▌▍▇'▊ ▇█▇▉ ▄▅▌▍▆ ▌█▊▅▊▍▊ ▌▍▍▆▉ ▄▊▉▆█ ▍▆▅: ▋▄▋▋▉▇ ▌█▌▍▆▊▊ (#▅▋▆▅) █▌▊▍▅▌ ▄▅▄ ▆▌▌▇▉▅▉▋█▋▋ ▍▊▆▅▅▄▍ ▋▉▌ ▍ ▍▆▄▍▅ ▊▅▊▅ ▋▊▉, ▄▍▊ █▇▄▄▌▋▍▉ ▆▌▉█▌▄ ▌▆▉▅▇▍▊ ▇▊▄▍-▊▌▊, ▄▆▄▆▅▉▉▊▊█/▍▅▍▋▋▄▉▅▇ ▉▆█▄▇▋▍ ▍▅▋▍▅ ▆▌▆▉▍▋▇▆ ▇/ ▉▆▊▄-▅▅▍▍▉▉▉▋▆ ▇▇▊▆▋█▆▉, █▍▊ ▇▋▇▋▅▌▆▆▌▄ ▄ ▄▋▄▅▊ ▍▄▊ ▅█▇▍▉ ▍▌▋▄▌▄▋▅ ▇▍ ▊█▌▆▋▋▆▇▍▆▆▇▌▅ (▉▌▆█▋▋▆▄ ▋▋▌ ▇▄▆▇▌▆▍▊ ▌▇▋'▌ ▋▇▌▌▅ █▊ ▆▉▄▉ █▄▋). ▆▇▉ ▊▊▊▄ ██▊▄ ▄▄▍ ▇▊▍▌▌▄▉▅▍▍▅▉▄█▆▆█▌▆▄▍▊▄▅▊▄▋▇▌ ▆▌▄▇ ▋▍▍▄▋▉▄▆▅() █▊ ▉▅▉▉▆▅▅▅ ▋▄▄▋▉▌ ▅▌▆▆▆ ▊▅▄▅▇▉▆ ▆▋ ▆▅▌▌▅█▉ ▉█▆▅▋ ▄▊▇▇▊▆▇▆, ▉▋▌▍▌ ▋▉▉▍▆▄▍▍█▍/▊▅▅▉▅▆▊▇-▍▅▉▊▉ ▋▌▊▇▌▍▅ ▉▇▌▄█ ▌▄▉▆▆▅ ▋▉ ▊▋▅▉▊▆▍▍█.▌▌▆▄▄▌▅▉▊ ▄▍▇█ ▆▇▅▄▆▅▄▄▋ ▍▌▅▌ ▄▊▅▊ ▊▄▅▄▉▍▋█▌ ▆█▋ ▉▅▋▆▆█▋ ▇▊▄▋ ▍▇▄▍█▍▆ ▋█▇▄ █▍▅▇▋▇▇▊ █▍ "▊▇▆▌", ▄▌▊▉ ▌▋▄▊▆▆▋ █▄ ▆▉▊█ ▍▇▉ ▋▌▄▌ ▋▇▄▍▊▌▇ ▍▌▅█▄▊▆▉▊▍▌ - ▊▍▊▆ ▇▅▅▋ █▊ ▍▊▄ ▆▌▋ ▋█▋▄ `▄▇▍▋-▊▍▌█▄▆`, `▇▋▊▍▅▅-▆▉▄▌▌▌█` ▊▄▅ `▄▆▆▌-█▄▌▌▌▆▍` ▍▉▇▆▊▋▆ ▆▆▄▅▄▊, █▆ █▌▆▅ ▍▆ ▋█▍▊ ▆▅▋▆▍ ▋▅▌▅ ▇▍▋'▊ ▆▄▆█▋▅▍▅▉▇ ▅▊▄▊▊ ▇▋▅▅█▊▇▉█▍▇ ▇▄ ▅█▅▆▊▆▍▅▋▌-▍▇▄█ ▋▋ `▊▊▌▅█` ▉█▅▌▆▍ ▍█▌██▌▍▍▄▆.▌▍▋▊▉▊▍▆▋ █▅▉▌▌▇█▅▉▊, ▄▍██▆▄▊▍ ▇█▉▄ █▊▉▋▊▅ █▍▍▉▌ ▄▌▌▇▊▄▅▄▊█ ▇▄▆ █▉▉▊▌ ▊▉ ▌▆▇▋ ▍▇▄▋▇ ▋▉▋ ▉▅▇▉█ ▊▄▌▅.▇▍▊▅▊▆ ▆▄▉▋▅▆ ▍▄▌█ ▅█▇▍█▋▌ ▌▉▉▅.▄▍▅▄.▌▋██▇▊▉▆▄▌▊▋▍▇▉▉ (▄▉▅▆▅▊▍▋/▊▄▌▉▅▅#▆▄▇▋) ▆█▉▉▉▌▉ ▅▆▄▌▍▍ (#▉▄▍▄) █▌▌▌▅▌▊ ▌▆ ▌▍▅▍▊▉▇▅ ▄▄▄ ▉▄▆▋▍ █▍ ▍▊▅▆▉▅ ▄▋▆▉▍▅ ▊▌ ▋▆▍▊▄ ▇█▆▊▋█ ▍▍ ▉█▉▅▌ ▋▍▋▅ ▅▉█ ▄▌▍ ▇▌ ▆▍█▅ ▋▋▇▅▍▄ █▊▄▇▌▉ ▅▉▆▊▇▄▇▋_▅▊▅▇▅ ▍▉▉▍▋ ▉█▉▌▌▊ ▆▄▌▋█▄ ▅▋▊▍▌▆▊▋, ▉▅▉▋▄▄ ▊▍ ▍▍█ ▌▋▆ ▌█ ▍▇▋ ▊▇▆▅▊▆▄▉█▋ ▆▄▇▍▆▆ ▇▌▌▌▋▄ ▇▅▌▆▉ ▇▌▌▆▍ (▉█▍▇ ▆▍ ▍█▍▉ ▅▆▋▍▅▍▉▄?) ▉▉▅▉▄▉▄▅▆█▋: ▋▊▊█ ▆▉▌▍▌▍ ▇▍▇▌ ▅▌▄▇▍▄▊ ▋▌▆▋ ▌▄█▇▆▅▊ █▋▆▌█▋█ ▇▇▍▊▄ ▅▉▋▊ ▌▋ ▍▋▇▇▅▍▌ (█▊▇█▇▉, ▊▌▊█▊▉▆█▇, ▍▉▋▊▄▋▄▆▅▇ - ▉▊▆▇▇▅ ▊▇▄▄ ▅▅ ▍▍▇▄▅█▄▄) ▄▊▇▊▌▋ ▉█▌▄▇█▆▄▋▍█▉.▇▇▄▆▆▇▅▌▊▋▆▄▊ (▉▅▄▇▍▇) ▉▉▊▊▅█▍ ▋▊▌▌▅ █▉▉▅▋▄ ▌█▍█ ▄▄▋▆▋ ▇▋▆▆▋ ▌▉▌▄▋▊ '▌▋▆▉▉▍' ▌▊▋▉ ▄██▍▉█-▇▄█▉▌▌-▋ ▉▄█▊▄ ▇▍▊▉█
8 Months Ago
Nicer component selection, categories, icons
8 Months Ago
Allow no root object, root object dictates entity or gameobject workflow
8 Months Ago
Fix alignment
8 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.GameObject (for non entity) Cleanup editor ui
8 Months Ago
Fix up editor for entity workflow
8 Months Ago
Using abs here tries to use stdlib and it's not linked, use V_fabsf instead
8 Months Ago
Add VerticalLayout, clean up layout system
8 Months Ago
Fix not loading entity prefabs
8 Months Ago
Fix editor FirstPersonCamera not obeying dpi scaling Cleaner selection
8 Months Ago
Add EntityPrefab.JsonValue (replaces Value, which is still there for backcompat) Add Json.ToNode, Json.FromNode Serialize/Deserialize [Property]'s on IPrefabComponent manually Changing prefab interface names
8 Months Ago
Ignore SourceLocationAttribute in ILHotload Fix edge case for FindDeepestNodeContainingSpan
8 Months Ago
TypeSerializedObject handles editing value types from multiple TypeSerializedObject's Float and integer controls have draggers Fix ControlWidget.Create sometimes selecting wrong types Add AnglesControlWidget RotationControlWidget Added TransformControlWidget Add MarginControlWidget Add RectControlWidget Add BoolControlWidget
8 Months Ago
Failing test reproducing #1257 Fixed #1257
8 Months Ago
Add non inherited variant of GetTypesWithAttribute Integer editors Added TypeLibrary.GetEnumDescription Enum/Flags controls Fix error on startup
8 Months Ago
Color.TryParse fixed Added ColorControlWidget
8 Months Ago
Add TypeDescription.Fields TypeDescription and MemberDescription include SourceFile and SourceLine (allows sorting properties by line number) Add ControlSheet to Widget Gallery Switch prefab editor to use ControlSheet
8 Months Ago
Refactor Redraw widget when dropped on status changes
8 Months Ago
Refactor, more lenient on type conversion WIP widgets
8 Months Ago
Test support for deep tree SerializedProperty
8 Months Ago
Add Sandbox.System to TypeLibrary Add SerializedProperty.TryGetAsObject
8 Months Ago
Expose TypeLibrary.GetSerializedObject Add alternatives to Asset for loading with a Type instead of generics Make SerializedProperty more useful Lets start converting widgets over to using SerializedProperty
8 Months Ago
Fix AssetInspector causing a repaint every frame Set PropertySheet size mode Component sheet cleanup
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Add generic interfaces for prefab system Prefab editor doesn't need to be an entity