
7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Pack helper shaders too
3 Years Ago
Update baseshader Fix normals on base shader
3 Years Ago
Common base shader stuff
3 Years Ago
Add default compile target and make parameter optional
3 Years Ago
Allow for usage of PixelInput, VertexInput etc instead of PS_INPUT, VS_Input
3 Years Ago
Set default shader modes if none were found in shader
3 Years Ago
Intial work on ShaderProc to pack shader headers CppPacker in ShaderProc Add ShaderProc to sandbox tools sln Empty interop.shaders header file for building in dev Support reading shaders from interop shaders header Definition file for ShaderProc Put interop.shaders on vpc ShaderProc publish profile and bind it to the build pipeline Refactor ShaderProc Speedup querying on packed shaders Start minifying shaders, refactor ShaderProc update interop shader headers update gitignore