
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Fixed CResourceCompilerContext::ContentPathToFullPath for new layout if we're compiling in %temp% then don't treat as an addon because the paths will be all fucky Call AddAddonsSearchPaths in standalone resourcecompiler.exe CResourceCompilerPathScope - don't limit/remove search paths - we don't give a fuck about that shit ComputeVpkName can be a shit ton simpler
3 Years Ago
Remove material debug FileSystem:AddAddonsSearchPaths (review this later) Hammer map target location fix
3 Years Ago
Add ignore tools_thumbnail_cache.bin SetModGameSubdir - skip the logic, always set it to sbox Fixed IsAddon logic being backwards in ComputeOutputFileName Local lightmap compilation is assumed Properly close clr host on shutdown
3 Years Ago
Fix SkipToModRelativePathFromGameOrContentRelativePath in fileutils to work with our layout
3 Years Ago
Fixed model editor
3 Years Ago
Lets treat any files ending with _c as lfs citizen skin lfs
3 Years Ago
Allow loading from any "mod" in hammer
3 Years Ago
Changing default console port (vconsole fucks with it) Resource Compiler, compile to the right folder when addon I'm going to assume we don't need all this readonly shit Load asset info again material editor, hammer working with addons and addon *_src Citizen addon Colours Don't mark mod paths as read only ModIsVisibleToAsset always returns true
3 Years Ago
Adding +assetsystem to sbox_game move content\sbox to game\sbox_src move content/core to game/core_src Asset system content is in *_src instead of ../content/* Path Fixups Material editing works with new *_src paths Rust addon