
7 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
No need for a mutex on AllocateTransforms
1 Year Ago
Use MSAA friendly discard for foliage, cleanup Object files for base addon shaders
1 Year Ago
Yank the internal includes out of foliage shader, make it work in our API Make Water compile with our new API, optimize it, have more accurate reflectance constant Add USE_CUSTOM_SHADING flag to skip default combos Make ToMaterialMultiblend compatible with our new API Object compile of base shaders with structured buffers working as intended 🙏
1 Year Ago
Temp disable multiview instancing combo to speed up compiles remove F_UNLIT and F_DISABLE_TONE_MAPPING from Complex, unlikely to help Trim complex a bit more
1 Year Ago
Adjustments, refactoring, cleanups and new strategy to bind transform buffers Rename BindTransformTextureAndInstanceIDBuffer to something friendlier Use thread safe allocations for transforms, fix transform alignment
1 Year Ago
Allow usage of VS_INPUT in geometry shaders Add new shaders with new transform slot sequence strategy
1 Year Ago
Squashed merge structured transform buffers Merge branch 'master' of sbox Add toon example shader Cleanup Use precision padding to make up for low precision upload to GPU, fix instancing padding on vr_lighting