
10 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Alias w/h
1 Year Ago
Get rid of svg cache Cleanup Use svg's default size if none is specified
1 Year Ago
Update SkiaSharp & HarfBuffSharp to latest This includes a patch to work around SKBitmap.Decode failing on images from web, this problem didn't exist in our previous SkiaSharp version Get SVG drawing worked out Load svg from filesystem SVG image loader Revert previous iteration Add a testing page Update Sandbox.Engine.csproj Svg panel & updated test page
1 Year Ago
Svg panel & updated test page
1 Year Ago
Update Sandbox.Engine.csproj
1 Year Ago
Add a testing page
1 Year Ago
Update SkiaSharp & HarfBuffSharp to latest This includes a patch to work around SKBitmap.Decode failing on images from web, this problem didn't exist in our previous SkiaSharp version Get SVG drawing worked out Load svg from filesystem SVG image loader Revert previous iteration
1 Year Ago
SVG image loader Revert previous iteration
1 Year Ago
Load svg from filesystem
1 Year Ago
Update SkiaSharp & HarfBuffSharp to latest This includes a patch to work around SKBitmap.Decode failing on images from web, this problem didn't exist in our previous SkiaSharp version Get SVG drawing worked out