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10 Months Ago
New TerrainMaterial & TerrainStorage assets, improve terrain creation, no more manual vtex layers New TerrainMaterial asset, can be used on multiple terrains, copied from other projects * Replaces TerrainData.TerrainLayer which used manual packed vtex files * Accepts source images for: albedo, normal, rough, ao, height * Compiles into 2 generated vtex_c * Contains other properties for metalness, uv scale, uv rotation * AssetPreview is used for editor UX too, instead of hacky shit before * TerrainMaterialEditor auto populates _normal _rough etc. properties from albedo * Drag drop TerrainMaterial assets into Terrain component * Open for expansion to grass/clutter properties TerrainStorage * Replaces TerrainData & TerrainDataFile * Make use of IJsonConvert to avoid all the crazy crap I was doing before * Drag drop TerrainStorage asset into scene Terrain component editor: * Support creating or linking TerrainStorage if none is attached * split settings into its own tab, add filter properties * Don't force Terrain creation through GameObject menu, don't hide terrain asset generation in here, don't hide the Terrain component * Remove special terrain save logic from SceneEditorSession, use scene.saved editor event * Disable specular on terrain Terrain: Mark all TerrainMaterial textures as used and wanting max quality. In the future this could be smarter and not want max quality for textures used far away Basic height blend JsonUpgrader for TerrainStorage: Resample ^2+1 heightmaps to just ^2, use non-nested format Fix warning Heightmap import resamples if non pow2 given Recompile shader Terrain height scale scales the normal strength Import splatmap New Terrain Material button TerrainMaterial default images
10 Months Ago
Fix warning Heightmap import resamples if non pow2 given Recompile shader
10 Months Ago
New TerrainMaterial & TerrainStorage assets, improve terrain creation, no more manual vtex layers New TerrainMaterial asset, can be used on multiple terrains, copied from other projects * Replaces TerrainData.TerrainLayer which used manual packed vtex files * Accepts source images for: albedo, normal, rough, ao, height * Compiles into 2 generated vtex_c * Contains other properties for metalness, uv scale, uv rotation * AssetPreview is used for editor UX too, instead of hacky shit before * TerrainMaterialEditor auto populates _normal _rough etc. properties from albedo * Drag drop TerrainMaterial assets into Terrain component * Open for expansion to grass/clutter properties TerrainStorage * Replaces TerrainData & TerrainDataFile * Make use of IJsonConvert to avoid all the crazy crap I was doing before * Drag drop TerrainStorage asset into scene Terrain component editor: * Support creating or linking TerrainStorage if none is attached * split settings into its own tab, add filter properties * Don't force Terrain creation through GameObject menu, don't hide terrain asset generation in here, don't hide the Terrain component * Remove special terrain save logic from SceneEditorSession, use scene.saved editor event * Disable specular on terrain Terrain: Mark all TerrainMaterial textures as used and wanting max quality. In the future this could be smarter and not want max quality for textures used far away Basic height blend JsonUpgrader for TerrainStorage: Resample ^2+1 heightmaps to just ^2, use non-nested format
10 Months Ago
Graphics.PrepareTextureForUse -> Texture.MarkUsed (Doesn't need a graphics context now) Terrain marks all its textures as used for streaming - this could be done more intelligently in the future with certain regions only using certain textures Fix sbuffer packing Fix errors TerrainMaterialEditor autofills _normal _rough etc etc Basic height blend
10 Months Ago
TerrainMaterial resource with custom compiler which generates 2 packed vtex_c from 5 PBR source images [pick] DragAssetData.Parse: Resolve local assets first before trying to package ident Don't force Terrain creation through GameObject menu, don't hide terrain asset generation in here, make it so you can add a Terrain component Add TerrainMaterial AssetPreview - we'll use this for the editor ux too Replace horrible TerrainData/TerrainDataFile combo with TerrainStorage GameResource Stub TerrainStorage ResourceEditor Remove special terrain save logic from SceneEditorSession, use scene.saved editor event Terrain component editor supports creating or linking TerrainStorage if none is attached Terrain component editor split settings into its own tab, add filter properties TerrainLayerList -> TerrainMaterialList - much simpler, use the TerrainMaterial's AssetPreview thumb DragDrop TerrainMaterial into TerrainMaterialList TerrainMaterials GPU buffer, shader uses BCR/NHO textures with 2 channel normal, adding height and AO parameters PreviewTerrainMaterial: Add nho texture, make previews way bigger [pick] Material API specular obeys S_SPECULAR same as Valve's PS_FinalCombinerDoLighting (you can turn it off) Disable specular on terrain TerrainMaterial add metalness TerrainDropObject