
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

6 Months Ago
Update renderstate
6 Months Ago
Merge latest rendersystemvulkan changes
7 Months Ago
[pick] Fix Graphics.GenerateMipMaps downsampling an invalid mip at the end
7 Months Ago
Uncomment this stuff with updated vulkan headers 32 bit depth buffer doesn't imply reverse depth Pixel center always 0.5f
7 Months Ago
Initial Vulkan update merge New rendersystem interface bits Base rendersystem updates Sync rendersystemempty w/ public Partial update rendersystemdx11 scenesystem updates rendersystemvulkan bits and bobs Minor glossary of differences we keep with upstream rendersystemvulkan Update thirdparty/vulkan, custom Valve changes Some more shit Can use these vma internals now Keep numStages at 5 for offset calculation (for now) vk: check what depth format is properly supported msaa stuff
7 Months Ago
Minor glossary of differences we keep with upstream rendersystemvulkan
7 Months Ago
New rendersystem interface bits Base rendersystem updates Sync rendersystemempty w/ public Partial update rendersystemdx11 scenesystem updates rendersystemvulkan bits and bobs
7 Months Ago
[pick] new aligned memalloc methods [pick] CResourceNameGetter refactor Initial Vulkan update merge