branchwiseguys/main/UI/Trigger Serializationcancel
24 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixing a couple of issues with the checkpoint trigger
Project version update: 2018.3.0f2
King of the hill UI layout adjust, and add target score info.
Removed some debugging from UI
Generic user scores no longer uses string label, made a proper prefab for it all.
Getting the client some more info it needs
All trigger types should now sync their data to clients whenever the data changes. Not yet tested.
UIUserScores is now a generic component
Hack for the trigger results RPC
No need to send results from the start trigger.
Revert accidental HUD changes + RPC cache update
Results data sending can now be totally contained in the trigger itself. Thought about removing results data entirely, but it's a useful service (particularly for finding out if the local player is considered a "winner" or "loser".
Remove UIWaitingReason sync. Client can get it directly now.
Clean up Gang class, adding Client/Server partials.
Don't need so much data sync in the triggers. Clients can get some of it from looking at PlayerComponents that already sync
Doing some serialization. Needs some setdirty calls etc. first.
Added components to all relevant modes
EntityBehaviour Triggers (HH)