256,252 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
[zombies] sometimes zombies will attack a wall if an existing entrance exists but is far away
added particle effects for footsteps/bullet impacts in water. fixed a bug with the blood impact not removing itself
Updating the base entity stuff.
Don't update reverb/highpass falloff every frame + additional sound profiling
[zombies] fixed some bugs with how zombies evaluate whether they should attack a structure
Tweaked position of lock on top tier door
Water, river and rock stuff.
Use the correct sound template for the cargo plane loop
Fix radiation sounds not playing
Setting NWVars clientside before they have been set serverside is now properly supported
Scaled down C4 damage to be in line with the new healths
Part way through implementing a networked message passing system.
Removed all entity classes and references
Added HorizontalAttribute to draw things in the inspector horizontally instead of vertically
Added fallback icon to terrain paint
Removed giant collider from warehouse
Removed phantom meta file.
Changed all remaining terrain normal splats to normalmap import type; changed all to compressed
Added vertex normal toggle to std legacy terrain shader
added dynamic walls to test_court environment, assigned correct materials, set temp lighting and skybox, staring to bring in court pieces
Revert "Changed `Arcade.Interior.Vector2i` to `GameAPI.Vector2I` in `Interior.proto` to fix a compilation error."
This reverts commit 380271460a345e55308c48c79a76582fe078562e.
Changed `Arcade.Interior.Vector2i` to `GameAPI.Vector2I` in `Interior.proto` to fix a compilation error.
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
New version of the protobuf generator, can now specify base classes for non-external message types.
Changed back to fullscreen window mode - exclusive mode is so 1998
Added InteriorTest scene with debugging camera
Started loading interiors from saved protobuf data
Changed admin "fast run" to admin "noclip"
Started work on a chat box to test networking.
Fixed airdrop gibs causing ridable rocket boxes
Added in-eye view mode
Admin F3 toggles first person, third person, in eye
Use in eye mode when sleeping instead of third person
updated unity to F4, added animated caterpillar track and sewer hole objects to test_court scene
Fixed calculated climate temperature being 1/4 of the actual temperature
Split `NetworkManager` into `Client` and `Server` components, which can be enabled or disabled to switch between a client, listen server or dedicated server.