256,493 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed using statements being marked as unused when building with `--webplayer`.
status correclty shows player ping again
Print the ip address and the length of the packet in decrypt errors
Fixed another standalone build error.
Merge branch 'master' into deploy
Fixed error in standalone builds.
Assemblies are no longer signed for embedded builds.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
[zombies] soldiers can attack structures
That was completely the wrong file to commit.
Attempt to fix mysterious `MethodAccessException`.
Attempt to fix embedded player runtime error.
Added CRC hashing to network packets
Network protocol++
Added CRC to network packets
Documentation updated during deployment build d146493b-69a7-4fb0-a262-75c77810224b.
Documentation updated during deployment build d146493b-69a7-4fb0-a262-75c77810224b.
Fixed some errors when building the embedded player.
Fixed temp game assembly attempting to be deleted before game unloads when packaging to a file, causing an exception.
fixed some minor bugs with the 3rd person jumping / landing animations
[zombies] refactoring so that soldiers can target structures