256,252 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Finished docs for GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Text and added docs for GameAPI.GameInfo and GameAPI.GraphicsInfo
Rearranged the tree prefabs to include standing & chopped variants.
Fixed emulator toolbar resizing in on itself, the pixel rect needed to be cached in awake instead of being used every update
Using correct Rect operator names
Very roughly scaled a tree's wood yield by its size again. Maintained the same average.
Added chopped/broken variants of all Speedtrees.
Less noticable dithering on tree LOD transitions.
Fixed the bad billboard render on E2 trees.
tweaked emulator gui colors
re-organized emulator gui
fixed the 3rd person pickaxe animations so the pickaxe doesnt clip into the player
Flicking sound assets around, hoping that it will make sounds work again
Fixed pickaxe attack distance
Tweaked sound compression method
Add console log when received respawn options (debug sleeping bag bug)
If this doesn't fix Google Analytics I'm gonna have give up
Backup committing chopped tree files.
tweaked the rotation of the pickaxe_wm
added hold & overlay shotgun layers (using rifle anims for now)
Removed all cmath calls from noise for testing purposes
Added descriptions to GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Animation
Added descriptions to GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Animation
Added descriptions to GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Animation
Tree species C,E,F,G's cheaper to animate.
Added descriptions to GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Image
Added descriptions to GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Image
Added descriptions to GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Image
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Debug
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Debug
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Debug
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Vector2i
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Vector2i
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Vector2i
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Vector2f
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Vector2f
Added descriptions to GameAPI.Vector2f
Some Weather related tweaks.
Added descriptions to GameAPI.RectI
Added descriptions to GameAPI.RectI
Added descriptions to GameAPI.RectI