
269 Commits over 92 Days - 0.12cph!

2 Months Ago
Animated ready-up
2 Months Ago
Fixed up card phase panel for when a card inventory is empty
2 Months Ago
Depth of field, animated avatar circle
2 Months Ago
Add cursor to UI buttons Collision rules for sounds vs players
2 Months Ago
Adjust UI style a bit Waiting screen UI changes
2 Months Ago
Some more logs dotted about
2 Months Ago
Update round_loop.prefab
2 Months Ago
Missed another spot
2 Months Ago
Adjust blocker bounds for arena 3
2 Months Ago
Nav mesh for arena 3, nav blocker
2 Months Ago
Add upper limit for how many pickups can be active at once
2 Months Ago
Fixed pickup spam Mark pickups so they clean up between rounds Don't spawn pickups unless we're in combat phase Networking Move the pickups up a bit
2 Months Ago
Missed a couple of spots
2 Months Ago
Arena two blockers
2 Months Ago
WIP pickup spawner
2 Months Ago
Networked pickup
2 Months Ago
Remove extra fluff Card pickups logic
2 Months Ago
Don't show a few card props in the editor
2 Months Ago
Should have solved issue with winning state
2 Months Ago
add Player.HasCard( name )
2 Months Ago
Fixed NRE for PlayerCorpse
2 Months Ago
Make stat type strictly typed instead of string, add CardModifier that can just add as many stats as you desire
2 Months Ago
Cleanup Improve stats to hold a collection of stat modifiers, recalculate final networked value - support fraction values (isPercent), so we can still do stuff like -25% health, add stat.Priority
2 Months Ago
Ragdolls get cleaned up between rounds
2 Months Ago
Tentative fix for networking mine damage
2 Months Ago
Work on fixing non-host stats Get rid of Stat class, StatsCollection is just a Component
2 Months Ago
Card world panel testing
2 Months Ago
Automatic reload
2 Months Ago
Add nav blocker to arena in prep for card pickups
2 Months Ago
Switched Card.Target to Ids
2 Months Ago
Fixed some stats being wrong
2 Months Ago
Error fixes
2 Months Ago
Refactor scoring a bit, should resolve scoring issues
2 Months Ago
Use Guid here
2 Months Ago
Show stats debug
2 Months Ago
Fixed broken damage FX
2 Months Ago
Death camera
2 Months Ago
Enhanced mine
2 Months Ago
Fix mine damage NRE
2 Months Ago
Don't allow double activating/deactivating cards Comments / cleanup
2 Months Ago
Change glass cannon card stats a bit These shouldn't be properties
2 Months Ago
Lowest HP stat possible is 1
2 Months Ago
Fix for abilities
2 Months Ago
Can quickly open the prefab from CardRow
2 Months Ago
Fixed Thick Skin card
2 Months Ago
WIP Card Explorer editor window
2 Months Ago
Use GameLoop.Instance where necessary Clear readied players on round start Fixed ready up sound being 3D Chatbox TextEntry font changed Fixed player friction being incorrect Fixed Pixelate effects getting stuck on-screen Only perform damage number effects on players - this was spawning at world origin if we hit the map :x
2 Months Ago
Don't use bebas for the chat font it was driving me absolutely insane
2 Months Ago
Don't count spectators in Readying system
2 Months Ago
Super simple spectator camera controls