
846 Commits over 639 Days - 0.06cph!

1 Year Ago
Add Server Browser
1 Year Ago
Add UnstuckMechanic Change GameStatus style Add OnReadyStateChanged Should sort out the ready system issues
1 Year Ago
Moved GunfightCapturePanel dir Remove a bunch of unused code
1 Year Ago
Fix EjectBrass NRE
1 Year Ago
Add different crouch action Fix not assigning correct gunfight camera target .sbproj update
1 Year Ago
Separate camera rotation / weapon rotation for sliding
1 Year Ago
Adjust FireModes location Scale up world models for USP / MP5 Remove rail for until we have the MP5 RMR
1 Year Ago
Fix chatbox margin Don't show GameScore bar if bar is 0 score
1 Year Ago
Add drop shadow to ActionButton / ExpandWidget
1 Year Ago
Removed more unused stuff
1 Year Ago
Add weapon asset files (incl. source) Renamed ShooterWeapon, adjusted MP5 and R870 stats Add PlayerController.IsAiming and WishSprinting Cleanup, hook up aim state Only apply crouch lerp if not aiming Weapons can define their own object avoidance stats Scale down avoidance significantly when ADS Don't ADS while sprinting, don't allow shooting while sprinting Work dump for resource-defined weapons ViewModel data cleanup Add 1911 weapon resource Simplified inventory system, use defined weapon slots Re-hooked up shooting, gun sounds, added firemodes Weapons can define supported firemodes, can cycle firemodes with Voice key Add a chatbox hint for now when the player switches fire mode Clip Size, Reload Time, Ammo Type all defined by resource Set up basics for generic crosshair types Pass player's speed into crosshair Remove code guns, they're not used now Fade out crosshair while ADS Lowered tickrate Added knife weapon.. yes I know it shoots bullets. Originate sounds from owner instead of the gun Fixed NRE on death Fixed another NRE on death Simple, weapon-contained recoil steup Give 1911 some recoil Synchronize recoil valus since they're predicted Add ViewModel recoil with separate scaling and recovery factor Fixed incorrectly calculated recoil Hooked up bullet values to weapon defs ADS, Ducking & Player Speed all modify a weapon's recoil Crude method to disable aiming while reloading More progress on viewmodel aim system, almost nailed it now. Weapon attachment changes Reorganized primary attack checks so it's consistent for each fire mode Decrease diagonal sprint speed, disallow sprinting backward Apply pitch and roll offset to the weapon when looking up / down Upped footstep volume as well as increased frequency Take note of when the player stopped sprinting Introduce PostSprintAttackDelay, to disallow attacking straight after exiting sprint Start killing player controller Add viewbob, increase walkbob when sprinting Scale viewbob from player speed Add CameraModifier, ScreenShake.Pitch Detect falls by comparing ground from last frame, see if it was a big fall and penalize the player for it. Improve the screen shake effect Use velocity.z to determine how hard we hit the ground Added quick viewmodel transform offset when in the air Added dry fire sounds per-weapon, only play once when firing Added ammo capacity cues to follow gunshots Recompiled some weirdly broken sounds, adjusted low ammo pitch to be less harsh Added WeaponDefinition.ReloadSingle Fully support shotguns as weapons Add R870 shotgun as resource Weapons can disable aiming feature testmap + compiled assets Add slide mechanic, GetEyeHeight instead of property, remove unstuck slight map tweaks Weapons can define their own slide position/angle offset Kill feed will try to recognize our weapons Fixed recoil being dependant on framerate Tweaked movement speeds, reduced jump power Replaced GroundFriction with a method, in preparation for weapons to override this. Hit markers recognize headshots, added new art for the icons Controller cleanup, fixed duck Sliding up slopes is doable, but slow. Sliding down slopes is fast. Adjusted slide to be continuous while traversing down a slope Adjusted MP5 sliding values, add screen shake based on slide speed gain Dress players in one army outfit for now Alternate between two outfits Updated HUD Updated Hit sound chat box tweak Reset activation time if we're sliding down a slope Recompiled sounds, update .addon Hook up sliding to Animator, use Citizen's "skid" parameter Add Slide.StartSliding, Slide.StopSliding - create follow particle scoreboard ui tweaks Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight Sliding particle Opps Added bullet trail Changed hit sound pitch if headshot Get most distant spawn point UI tweaks added weapon icon to hud rotate hud slightly remove log Little animation on spent ammo Add WeaponDefinition.ShootTrailParticleEffect Add Weapon.Name (grabs from def), Weapon.ShortName Add Weapon.IsLowAmmo(), assign class "low" if low ammo in UI. show gun name on hud Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight Add Weapon.BulletRange, knife is no longer a semi automatic rifle Changed health bar color All players start with 25 armor ViewModel: Ease out of slide while you're shooting No footsteps while sliding Buffed sliding speeds Add camera roll offset while sliding Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight adjusted bullet trail Add lowammo keyframe anim Add sliding sounds Add jump and land sounds Play separate heavy landing sound where needed Can grab IsSprinting out of simulation context, add sprint sounds Add reload radial fill to crosshair Update .addon maplist Cheap and nasty passive healing Fixed Reload arc showing weirdly sometimes Should have fixed slide sounds being whacky on non-host Adjusted killfeed position spawn firemode toggle to menu Added voice chat ui temp NRE fix for sliding UI element when regen health Wip hud inventory Simplify InventoryIcon button fetching Moved inventory bar, hide active weapon Restored InputHint functionality lost from Spire Add HudHints panel, add reload hint Don't use InputHint for InventoryIcon Weapon adjustments Started boilerplate for gamemodes Fixed NRE while the player has no weapons Fixed Burst firemode spamming dryfire sound. Not sure why that was there.. Rewrite player controller, with thanks to Boomer, with mechanics in mind, rewrote duck/slide Fixed client not getting Mechanic.IsActive correctly Add vaulting mechanic, accompanying hud hint Removed reachedVertically, just decrease forward vault offset Fixed font sizes on hints and inventory Add screen shake post-vault fixed shotgun anims Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight Inform the ViewModel when reload is finished with anim parameter Fixed deploy anim on shotgun Slouch the player while vaulting Validate Controller, fix HudHints NRE Fixed reload arc showing when you first spawn Added HudMarker system, hooked it up to players Adjusted MP5 recoil Buffed R870 Re-adjusted MP5 and R870 recoil, removed Drop functionality Fixed reload arc showing after cancelling a reload Add super basic cover aim mounting mechanic Add screen effects when mounting/dismounting a wall Added hud hints for CoverAimMechanic Added training dummy ent added missing shotgun sounds Don't show ammo if ammo type is none set up f1 Temp grenade hud and stance hud Stance NRE Spawn player facing spawn point angle little hud clean up Add ricochet Only pass reload frac while actually reloading Reset recoil when weapon becomes active Pass damage ref through TraceBullet, allow ricochet to dampen damage amount Added basic bullet penetration. Doesn't respect surface materials or glass yet Pass proper bullet range instead of hardcoded numbers Weapons can define their own damage flags, fixes knife being able to penetrate Add GunfightWeapon.ShouldPenetrate Apply damage reduction for both ricochet and penetration Fixed shotguns being absolutely useless due to damage reductions Accidently broke ricochet added ricochet effect removed background from stance hud Burst FireMode is simulated properly now Upped BulletSize for knife, R870 is a primary again Cleared up all compiler warnings Add gunfight_createweapon test command Weapons are usable, can pick them up Drop the player's Primary Weapon on death If the player collides with a weapon, siphon ammo from it until we don't need the weapon anymore. Then delete the weapon. Add Inventory.HasWeaponWithAmmoType Only siphon ammo if it benefits the player Temporary priamry weapon randomizer Add gamemode selection, map defines it as priority, then via convar (GameSetting) Add boilerplate Team System Added ToExtensions Update .addon w/ GameSettings Gamemodes can create their own hud style Restructure some team extensions, assign players to teams in Gunfight gamemode Added team system support to player hud markers Added scoring system Added more QoL accessors for TeamSystem Kill Feed will try to use team colors Added GunfightScorePanel, ready for gameplay loop! Unset debug scores Added Gamemode Prop ent (non functioning) Added GunfightWeapon.Start/StopDecaying, prioritize penetration over ricochet Started work on game states for Gunfight Added AKM model Added AKM weapon resource Start decaying the weapon once it's dropped Add Gamemode.PreSpawn( player ), RespawnAllPlayers, disable input when movement is disabled Prevent Damage if gamemode.AllowDamage is false Adjusted spawnpoint query, added SpawnPointTag More work on Gunfight gamemode rules & game flow Delete inventory contents on respawn Add post process overlay when in round countdown Use LifeState to decide different pathways for gamemodes to take when respawning a player. LifeState.Respawning = player will respawn in a few seconds. LifeState.Dead = gamemode must manually respawn them. Add AKM to random weapon rotation Fixed grabbing wrong weapon name in KillFeed Check for dead players and award the other team. Semi-working gameplay loop! Define Loadout GameResource Add Gamemode.PlayerLoadout, hook it up to Gunfight Loadouts can provide ammo Update AKM ammo-type Handle game won state, go back to WaitingForPlayers, which will now check the active player count and go straight to round cooldown. Add/RemoveScore returns new score Don't go to RoundOver if we've intended to end the game Show winning team at the end of the game Moved around slide effects, clear effects on death Players can respawn while waiting for players AKM sounds AKM icon Knife sounds Reset K/D on game reset Clear player effects on respawn Added more loadouts Upgraded score panel, bigger time countdown, alive player counts Create CapturePointEntity.cs Create GamemodeMarker.cs Create a capture point when RoundFlagActive, clean all capture points when starting the round Map update Add Gamemode.OnFlagCaptured Win the round on CTF Added revolver Updated AKM icon in resource Adjusted round lengths, don't end the round if someone is capturing the flag. Minor tweaks to CapturePoint, HudMarkers Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight Fixed damage not working outside of active gamemode Add Revolver resource, Cowboy loadout resourc Revolver can 1-hit headshot Added GunfightCapturePanel, simple UI template to show flag status Re-add code to omit capture point marker if we're capturing it Added wip flag updated akm aim pos First version of round won panel flag aoe particle Set CapturePointEntity model Fix NRE for Inventory.GetAll Added temp ui sounds Added round countdown sounds Also added the new sounds.. Hud Hints style tweaks Cover aim hint positions itself in the world Vaulting mechanic rewritten, will now test the next position and stop if we're going to get stuck Updated AKM sound in resource Decreased AKM pitch variance Don't shake screen while sliding Delete all loose weapons on the ground when map gets cleaned up Mess with tickrate some more Added WeaponDefinition.FindFromSlot, WeaponDefinition.Random( list ) Instead of hardcoded randomizer, use new methods to randomize loadout outside of Gunfight mode Try to handle aim vs non-aim viewmodel states better.. this is all a big mess Give ViewModel a flat FOV, for users who play at ridiculous FOV Remove MeleeWeapon. Got plans for this in the future. Hud Location Cleaned up unused VaultMoveMechanic code Pass current bullet count into DoTracer, originate from muzzle if first bullet pass Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight Add simple pinging system, needs sounds Can ping weapons, triggers call to parent for pings Remove ping if ping's tagged entity has a parent now Add PingSystem.GetLifetime, use that for deferred ping cleanup Give crosshair a dot Fixed pickup triggers accepting traces while actively held by a player Fixed enemy ping persisting across lives Decreased ping lifetime if not enemy / resource CapturePoint responds to player deaths Removed strange sprint walkbob offset, updated revolver walk bob Adjusted viewmodel weights for all weapons Ricochet impacts & trails Project backwards with penetration, so bullet holes are on both sides of a wall Added weapon accumulated spread. Shown visibly on the ViewModel Updated Revolver to include spread Fast firing penalty for the Revolver R870: reload time decreased by more than half Removed SimulateView Removed auto weapon switch when empty Changing weapon isn't immediate, added holster state to animgraph Add fallback pickup label hint, no more `[E] object` Update state order and removed debug print Fixed revolver animgraph holster anim Added CanChangeWeapon, queue weapon switches Moved Player weapon code into its own partial class Increased recoil scale penalty for firing while moving ApproximateWallHeight will only iterate up to 20 times. Before it would be iterating hundreds, if the wall was massive. ApproximateWallHeight will correctly calculate the height of a wall, relative to the player's location Mantle: Duck the player if wall height is low enough Show WallHeight traces if BasePlayerController.Debug is on Added WallInfo.AbsoluteHeight, fixed Vaulting Adjusted Crosshair setup Yet some more crosshair editing Fixed NRE with CoverAimMechanic.DoVisualEffects Updated MP5 anim graph to support holstering Added holster anims to all guns Started API for Weapon Attachments Temporary asset for Laser Sight, attachments can override ViewModel aim transform Inform ViewModel when attachments are added/removed Weapon.FrameSimulate correclty runs FrameSimulateAttachments Set up laser particles on laser sight Use attachment rotation if reloading Fixed players not running FrameSimulate on ActiveChild Add WeaponAttachment.Mirror( VIewModel ) Change laser direction if sprinting / sliding Added AimAttachmentStyle, first draft for overriding ADS with a laser sight Fixed strange behavior with laser sight transforms Fixed Laser dot not showing Don't render crosshair if dev camera is active Decreased laser radius Fixed Famas world laser spot Decreased laser dot sprite size Laser shouldn't follow eye position if it's not the local player Add Weapon.HasAttachment<T> Add gunfight_crosshair_always_show debug convar Updated how ADS is done Allow ADS while reloading Updated FAMAS aim offsets, including Laser Fix laser sights persisting when weapon isn't drawing Update laser sight model Redo laser sight attachment tracing code Fix NRE in LaserSIght.UpdateEyeTrace Hud adjustments Add Gamemode.CanPlayerRegenerate Restyled score panel Make first weapon active alwayas Updated AKM sight offset Support Laser for 1911, updated aim offsets Saturate player's view based on health, removed health hud Redone score panel style Update vignette color New Main HUD, added firemode switch panel Added GunfightDeathCamera Add GunfightSpectatorCamera Space bar while in death camera to spectate Added Gamemode.AllowSpectating Moved cycle fire mode to InputButton.View Add GunfightPlayerCamera sets target locally Replaced most hud pawn references with camera target Game post process refers to camera target as well Don't display weapon hud if we have no weapon Add Spectator HUD Fixed enemy dead color on status panel Fixed CycleFireMode not listening to the weapon's supported modes Fix FireModePanel NRE Don't try to update firemode if new result is the same as last Fixed compile, replaced StandardPostProcess with ScreenEffects Trying to pin down why I'm crashing Temporary Player.RenderHud workaround Played around with ScreenEffects Updated use of hitgroups Add LoadoutPanel that displays while the round is starting New scoreboard style for team-vs-team setup Gamemodes can define what teams are available, scoreboard simply iterates through that Changed loadout defs, added attachments to loadout panel Update Assets Updated some UI elements to use Razor (#6) - New chatbox UI - Rewritten scoreboard - InputHint is now a one-file utility that people can grab for their own projects without any faff Loadout Panel rewritten in Razor Slide: Don't stop sliding when releasing key Don't serialize some loadout properties, added a couple more loadouts to Gunfight gamemode Merge branch 'hitboxes-suck' Fixed loadouts being inconsistent, don't let new loadout be the same as old Add facepunch.prison as supported map Fixed UI issues where players weren't transmitting Fix scoreboard style Add Team Friend/Enemy state to chatbox messages New chatbox style Add GameStatus razor element, removed GunfightScorePanel Restyled Loadout Panel (again) KillFeed, Main HUD, and redone Gunfight specific elements New Scoreboard style Added tactical (burst) sprinting mechanic Added burst sprint fields for ViewModelSetup Minor sprint angle/pos offset fixes Added PlayerCard razor template Added DeathInformation razor template Don't show certain UI elements if dead Don't default to Local Client for DeathInformation DeathInfo: Added fallback if no Client is found Show DeathInformation when killed by another player, or suicide Improved player hud markers Added intro animation to DeathInformation Ceil health on GunfightStatus panel Don't show health bars if there's no-one's health to show Fixed strange text clipping when score bar is less than score's width Added Game State label to alleviate confusion when new players first join Start on NotificationManager with notification docks, use bottom dock for firemode hints Adjusted viewbob, akm recoil, added land camera impacts even if small falls Vault Mechanic is omnidirectional Decreased Vault EndZ offset, making vaulting a bit less clunky Adjust step size Tried to improve precision of wall detection Started work on Kill Confirmed mode Added small amount of crosshair position deviation Hide crosshair lines when in air / sprinting Show generic game state in GameScore component Fixed Frame NRE related to Laser Sights Add GamemodeIdentity panel Refresh GameScore when GameState has changed Added proper descriptions to game modes Don't show time label for game state on Kill Confirmed Fix crosshair NRE Added basic entity for Dogtags Spawn a dogtag on a player when they die, add score when it's picked up Fixed up hud marker for dogtag, fixed notifications being sent to everyone Gamemodes define max score now Can't fire while starting to aim, weapons can define this time. ViewModel matches this time Slow down lerp when not aiming Can't aim / shoot while sliding Fixed chatbox avatar size not getting set when image loads Don't allow aiming while in the air Up recoil scale when in the air Disable reload cancelling Added Gamemode.AllowFriendlyFire, turn friendly fire off in Kill Confirmed Attachments can impact aim speed, laser sights increase aim speed Add gunfight_friendly_fire_override, show friendly dogtag hud marker as friendly Added convars for configuring Kill Confirmed matches Scoreboard: Identify teams by name, score Add score bars to scoreboard team entries Restyle empty scoreboard teams Randomize loadout each time you spawn in Kill Confirmed Cleaned up killfeed padding Start on Progression Dog tags Add experience hints, add kill confirm / deny awards Hooked up dogtag particle to DogtagEntity Play a particle effect when destroying dogtag Group Experience entries Update scoreboard row when kills / deaths / score changes Properly clear all player stats on game restart Default the gamemode to Kill Confirmed for now Properly fix NRE for crosshair render on death Adjusted Revolver recoil, add MP5 & R870 loadouts Fixed MP5 laser, only use laser aim offsets if they're not zero'd Aiming down sights is snappier Add WinningTeamDisplay UI element Added hud visibility states, restyled game win/lose Slow timescale when game is over, add UI state for if the game is a draw Use DelayRealtimeSeconds for team display decay task Work on more spectator support Don't slide when not sprinting, tacsprint gives a speed boost when sliding Fixed being able to jump immediately after sliding to gain a large speed boost Always make newly picked up weapon active Players don't collide with one-another Redo mounting mechanic, actually perform recoil reduction while it's active Have to be aiming to try to start mount Add basic door slamming mechanic Create WeaponPanel component, use it for LoadoutPanel Update loadout panel if current loadout changes Bullshit loadout selector system, can define match loadouts, and if custom loadouts are allowed Proper exit animation for Loadout selection screen Loadout selector can be accessed with InputButton.Menu Add max effective bullet range, scale down damage based on range Balanced weapons effective ranges Add Double Kill, Triple Kill, Quad Kill awards Fixed kill feed not displaying Send multi kills to other players Record multi kill stats, we can show these later Use generic loadouts, span them properly Firemodes panel rewritten in razor, fixed layout bugs Hide and update FireModes panel when life state changes Add Weapon.GetFireRate, burst mode has its own fire rate, balanced some burst mode guns Can aim down sights with R870 shotgun Can't shoot while holstering/deploying a weapon Removed unused UI elements Aligned R870 aim position properly to screen center Restyled enemy player hud marker Fixed GetLocation returning something empty Aim state cleanup Sort scoreboard teams by score Fixed up issues with the ViewModel being sluggish when aiming down sights Reduced weapon recoil on the AKM When Team is assigned on TeamComponent, give its Entity a tag to match Reduced lerp speed for ADS a tad Can also bash doors while sliding Started work on War - large-scale combat test mode Add Capture Point marker style Add CapturePoints razor template Fix up CapturePanel to work on any gamemode Animate capture panel Updated style for WinningTeamDisplay Added proper contesting / capturing UI states to capture point markers Stop showing CapturePanel if you've already captured the point Notify game participants when a capture point is taken Drain tickets, 1 per capture point every 5 seconds, also on death War: Basic game loop running Added GunfightSpawnPoint GunfightSpawnPoint Team is checked when querying for a suitable spawnpoint Can tag gamemode ident in spawnpoint Prioritize GunfightSpawnPoint, then if we can't find one, look through the SpawnPoint list Gunfight Spawn Points can define SupportedGamemodes as Flags Moved Ping to InputButton.Zoom (previously InputButton.Flashlight) Reset all capture points when the game starts Added Slow Walk Fire Mode switch changed to Use+Reload Added gunfight_thirdperson ammo case Added GamemodeSpecificEntity, added static ammo crate entity Fixed padding for hud markers at the bottom of the screen Let's not network this as a test Added PistolCrosshair type Added ShotgunCrosshair too Slow down the player a bit more Fixed strange padding with Chatbox Gamemode rules refactor, add ISpawnPoint, redone how spawnpoints are decided, capture points can be spawn points if specified Added basic valid spawnpoint finder Show "WAITING" on Time Left panel if we're waiting for players to join Sprint sounds are much louder now Mess with ViewModel FOV while sprint / burst sprinting, alter real FOV if sprinting Punchier AKM recoil Decide winner of gamemode based on highest points if game time elapses War -> Conquest Recompiled assets, added third person to ProjectSettings Add CapturePoint razor component When entering a capture point, set the player's location to it (for HUD visuals) Add progress bar to capture points Fixed shitty alignment for capturepoints Let CapturePoints component know about flag captures, display it under the capture point list Proper style for "CAPTURED POINT" Removed FireMode hint until I figure out a better way to show it Messed with AKM recoil some more Messed with MP5 recoil also Reduced TTK for most weapons (1911 Damage 18->25, AKM Damage 16->23, FAMAS Damage 12->18, MP5 Damage 13-17, Revolver 40->52) Add quick and nasty hint display Added GunfightCamera.CameraOverride Work on Deployment UI Disable the spawnpoint button entirely when hint is there Override dead state flow in Conquest Add PlayerTransition camera modifier to Lerp from Overview to player's eyes (first pass) Add deploy / loadout menu actions to SpawnOverview screen Can ask to spawn at specific spawnpoints. Add GunfightSpawnVolume Spawn at random point within spawn volume Spawn volumes have a higher spawn priority (when picking from the spawn pool) Only allow to spawn at valid spawn points Refactor SpawnOption to hold no functionality, SpawnOverview handles onclick and decision-making Fix NRE Add GunfightSpawnVolume.IsBase, show "Friendly|Enemy Base" on deployment screen if set to true. Fixed style for non-primary buttons in spawnoverview Oh, this is why loadouts weren't working on Conquest. They weren't being given to the player.. Can't deploy on Capturing / Contested spawn points Unfucked spawn volumes, fixed death cam Fixed default match loadout never being set Cleaned up loadout randomization Fixed bounds calculation for GunfightSpawnVolume Fixed ViewModel avoidance trace hitting world triggers When looking at the sky / the ground, ViewModel rotation offset gets disabled when aiming Upped slide camera strength Upped walk bob, scaled walk bob down if sliding Trying to find out why ADS is laggy at high ping Can only bash down doors if it's closed / closing Removed spawnoverview border Need 4 people to start Conquest game. Refactor this soon Moved MinimumPlayers into Gamemode, no need to copy/paste this across game-types Kill sliding effects code as it's shit and barely works AKM received a small nerf to try to bring it in line with other weapons Increased F1 FAMAS base damage to match Doubled R870 damage Decreased Revolver's fire rate, as right now it's ridiculous Scale mouse sensitivity down while aiming down sights Show glow on usable entities Adjusted Revolver aim position, the idle animation sucks though When focusing on capture points, make their markers less intrusive Remove lobby state stuff from chatbox, add history Eliminated extra spread from MP5 Add some base spread Conquest: Add round countdown sound Add sound for when using the ammo crates Add scaled heartbeat sound when low on HP, fixed NRE when being murdered by fire Add weapon deploy sounds Added Kill sound New AKM sounds New 1911 sounds Add sound when taking bullet damage Conquest: Added an intro sound to when the actual game starts. It might be a little too much. Add a bunch of announcer events for kill streaks / first blood Updated Gunfight for Client Input Test: Turn off reverb Added WeaponDefinition.DeployTime, can switch weapon while reloading again Added CameraModifier.OnRemove Fixed NRE when suiciding Changed Spawn Overview style to match Lewis' concept a bit more Add linear gradient behind buttons on SpawnOverview Apply yaw / roll offset to viewmodel when walking sideways Blend airLerp based on if you're aiming down sights. This still doesn't feel right, though. Add jump windup, with first-draft jump camera modifier Remove Menu bind for LoadoutSelector Interpolate EyeHeight, use EyeHeight when calculating character's BBox. Means players can duck through crawl spaces, windows, etc. Test above space if the player tries to stop ducking, so they don't get stuck Sprint viewbob and start of sliding roll Allow aiming while crouching, lower the viewmodel a bit while moving Sliding roll, cooler slide mechanic Slide sound Don't sprint while crouching that's silly, and enable firing while sliding Nice sprint viewmodel bob Change sliding offsets ADS should feel instant Cleanup mechanic, give hint that view changes should be handled by mechanic Much better vaulting mechanic Check stuck when activating vaulting, add better checks for that, also dot to movment wish direction (not actual velocity) should be positive to that vector Slide further if we are aiming down sights, feels much better, also do view offsetting if we are aiming down Tweak all gun materials, seemed their PBR values were all uncalibrated, let them have proper nice contract Merge pull request #7 from Facepunch/better-feeling-movement Merge branch 'main' into custom-client-input Merge pull request #8 from Facepunch/custom-client-input Custom client input Replicate gunfight_gamemode cvar Fixed NRE caused on death from GunfightWeapon.BuildInput Work in progress UI2 Crosshair replacement Update MapList Don't set vault sound volume Hide Crosshair while aiming. Group Crosshair with main game HUD elements, so it'll fade out when the game asks. Removed a bunch of old UI elements, fixed up VoiceList so you can tell who's talking Delete PickupFeed Get rid of DuckMechanic bbox testing for now, it's shit Merge 'refactor' into 'main' Convert HudHints to razor Configure 1911 Remove screwed up walkbob code Don't crash the game because we didn't a valid loadout Re-add MP5, adjust base ViewModel FOV Don't look for unique loadout in War gamemode Remove tactical sprint - made sprint hold, instead of toggle Convert Ammo UI to razor Simulate eyes using real eye height Fixed NRE on death Fixed Ammo NRE Fixed NRE caused by aiming when you have no weapon Play skidding animation when slide is active Forgot to clamp ViewAngles when refactoring the player controller Hooked up weapon switching again Re-integrate holdtypes Don't assign view angles if input stopped processing earlier (dev cam) Fixed 1911 ADS Fixed MP5 recoil being ridiculously high Fixed player hudmarkers being in player's feet Re-add R870 Shotgun, fixed R870 world model physics being wonky Updated .addon tags Kill Confirmed: Added pickup sound when confirming a kill Fixed shotgun loadout Adjust alignment on scoreboard UI Refactor crosshair system - removed unused code Adjust right offset in thirdperson Fixed "object" showing up on usable hint, adjusted glow colors Disable gunfight trios as a gamemode choice for now Apply camera fov offset when ads Added door slam sound, buffed heavy land recovery speed Fixed Gamemode.AllowMovement not applying to input direction Store person who last killed you, add payback award (w/ announcer sound) Adjust 1911 + MP5 materials Improved viewmodel visual fidelity while sliding Have to press jump to vault - was causing unintended behavior when dropping down holes Moved Use to F Don't use obsolete code for player controller, fixed being able to get stuck when uncrouching Updated HudHints Upped duck movement speed Translate crosshair based on velocity, don't do it if we're sliding Fix NRE from crosshair when dead Update to use Input Actions Added actions for mount, firemode switch Set height of the player based on their real eye height - means mounting will adjust the player's height incrementally Decreased delay after sliding for when you can jump Recompile a bunch of assets Rip out gunfight mode Convert CapturePanel to razor Fix up some obsoletes Fixed player overriding devcam FOV .addon -> .sbproj Event -> GameEvent Asset compile Clean up the rest of the obsoletes / warnings Start working on main menu panel Added dot mask to action buttons, added ExpandWidget Full-height friends list widget Cleanup Landing page iteration ActionButton: Can define background and blend color Refresh friends list state every 5s Add hover / active state to ExpandWidget, only run OnClick if we click the header ExpandWidget: expanded by default, can set Expanded property to override this Stub for MatchmakingWidget MatchmakingWidget: Add finished class Work on MatchMakerUtility -> look for lobbies that match our gunfight mode, and map selection, then do the same for server list if we can't find any lobbies Less stylesheet repetition, started work on matchmaker page Package card Add package multi-selection Refactor MatchmakerPage, add PackageList component with multi-select and some extra render fragments Reset query status just before we find packages MatchmakingUtility -> MatchmakingSystem, start basic matchmaker and hook MatchmakingWidget up Add basic loading screen Lower the search time for now, set the state to "found a match" when we're making a server Remove unused div Add GamemodeList component Start work on GameLobbyPage Add stupid secret button to make a lobby for now If we don't find any games matchmaking, make a lobby GameLobbyPage iteration - show lobby data Add GamemodeCard Use GamemodeCard in lobby, as well as PackageCard to show map and mode Add basic lobby chat Add Start Match button for host Fix NRE when exiting lobby Look for package screenshots and add a background mask in the game lobby page Use another map for test lobby create Add intro anim to GameLobbyPage Made everything a bit less error spammy Made movement less clunky Lowered ground friction Moved Styles folder out of Resource folder Start ripping out use of <style>, put in scss files Move GameMenu folder Add Pause Menu Use map package data / stats for loading screen Edit PauseMenu to let through more of the game screen Include Styles/* in MenuResources Store own lobby reference, fix nuances with joining existing lobbies Add QuickLobbyListWidget which lists a few lobbies and lets you quick-join Add GunfightLobby wrapper - use lobby networking to communicate ready state to game lobby GunfightLobby file restructure Add ready countdown Add disabled state to ActionButton Theme update Nav to /lobby when joining through quick-list Reset TimeSinceSearch if we're directly joining a lobby Add pretty crappy net message wrapper NRE fix Use TypeLibrary to support code-defined weapons on top of weapon defs Remove debug Set up Rick's MP5 Use any loadout Lower the game start timer for now Prioritize joining active servers before lobbies Add CompatibleLobby, don't show incompatible lobbies, cleanup Fix my use of attack_hold Grab Sandbox's eject brass particle Change MP5 bob Hook up "camera" bone offsets Adjust holster / reload times Fix old hint Fix hud marker offset for players Fix up USP stats Rename internal name for usp Update loadouts Removed old guns
1 Year Ago
Removed old guns
1 Year Ago
Rename internal name for usp Update loadouts
1 Year Ago
Fix old hint Fix hud marker offset for players Fix up USP stats
1 Year Ago
Adjust holster / reload times
1 Year Ago
Change MP5 bob Hook up "camera" bone offsets
1 Year Ago
Grab Sandbox's eject brass particle
1 Year Ago
Fix my use of attack_hold
1 Year Ago
Add CompatibleLobby, don't show incompatible lobbies, cleanup
1 Year Ago
Prioritize joining active servers before lobbies
1 Year Ago
Lower the game start timer for now
1 Year Ago
Use any loadout
1 Year Ago
Set up Rick's MP5
1 Year Ago
Remove debug
1 Year Ago
Use TypeLibrary to support code-defined weapons on top of weapon defs
1 Year Ago
NRE fix
1 Year Ago
Add pretty crappy net message wrapper
1 Year Ago
Reset TimeSinceSearch if we're directly joining a lobby
1 Year Ago
Nav to /lobby when joining through quick-list
1 Year Ago
Theme update
1 Year Ago
Add disabled state to ActionButton
1 Year Ago
Add ready countdown
1 Year Ago
Add GunfightLobby wrapper - use lobby networking to communicate ready state to game lobby GunfightLobby file restructure
1 Year Ago
Add QuickLobbyListWidget which lists a few lobbies and lets you quick-join
1 Year Ago
Store own lobby reference, fix nuances with joining existing lobbies
1 Year Ago
Include Styles/* in MenuResources
1 Year Ago
Edit PauseMenu to let through more of the game screen
1 Year Ago
Use map package data / stats for loading screen
1 Year Ago
Move GameMenu folder Add Pause Menu
1 Year Ago
Moved Styles folder out of Resource folder Start ripping out use of <style>, put in scss files
1 Year Ago
Lowered ground friction
1 Year Ago
Made movement less clunky
1 Year Ago
Made everything a bit less error spammy
1 Year Ago
Add intro anim to GameLobbyPage
1 Year Ago
Use another map for test lobby create
1 Year Ago
Look for package screenshots and add a background mask in the game lobby page
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE when exiting lobby
1 Year Ago
Add Start Match button for host
1 Year Ago
Add basic lobby chat
1 Year Ago
Add GamemodeCard Use GamemodeCard in lobby, as well as PackageCard to show map and mode