userAlex Rehbergcancel

1,105 Commits over 3,439 Days - 0.01cph!

15 Days Ago
merge from main
15 Days Ago
fix one more case where audiosource spread could be end up being set incorrectly
16 Days Ago
Make sure EffectParentToWeaponBone calls BroadcastOnParentDestroying so gunshots finish playing when switching weapons
16 Days Ago
Fix EffectAudioPerspectiveSwitcher only modifying the first SoundPlayer on an effect prefab
16 Days Ago
fix custom spread curves being stomped when initializing sounds (fix for stereo spread weirdness w/ harbor cranes/gunshots)
19 Days Ago
SKS sounds
19 Days Ago
merge from main
19 Days Ago
Cargo ship sound updates
47 Days Ago
retro tool cupboard sounds
47 Days Ago
cargo ship harbor docking/crane/container sounds
48 Days Ago
military flamethrower sounds
49 Days Ago
minigun sounds
54 Days Ago
minigun spin + gunshot sound WIP
3 Months Ago
tutorial end cinematic audio tweaks
3 Months Ago
tutorial end cinematic mixdown tweak
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
tutorial end cinematic audio tweaks
3 Months Ago
tutorial end cinematic audio pass
4 Months Ago
metal detector sounds shovel sounds
4 Months Ago
dragon rocket launcher sounds
4 Months Ago
large backpack sound tweak
4 Months Ago
backpack sounds
5 Months Ago
small attack heli reload sound tweaks
5 Months Ago
merge from main
5 Months Ago
fix m4 shotgun playing wrong sounds with muzzle break attached m4 shotgun dryfire sound
5 Months Ago
set pinata physics mat to cloth so weapons play soft impact sounds remove confetti cannon sound from pinata-stage-destroy effect
6 Months Ago
confetti cannon sounds
6 Months Ago
piñata sounds
6 Months Ago
legacy shelter deploy sound
6 Months Ago
m4 shotgun sounds
7 Months Ago
fix rocking chair creak sound gain curve
7 Months Ago
fish trophy song???
7 Months Ago
remaining frontier item deploy sounds frontier item inventory handling sounds additional variations for storage barrel open/close sounds
7 Months Ago
bar door sounds rocking chair sounds deploy sounds for most new deployables
7 Months Ago
vampire stake sounds
7 Months Ago
attack heli rocket reload sound attack heli turret reload sound tweaks
8 Months Ago
interference spark sound
8 Months Ago
attack heli turret reload sounds additional movement/physics/explosion sounds for scrap transport heli and mini copter misc polish on player heli sounds
9 Months Ago
fix missing sounds on chinook (copied sound behavior from pre-refactor BaseHelicopterVehicle.cs to CH47Helicopter.cs)
9 Months Ago
attack heli flare sounds, rocket dryfire sound, rocket launch sound tweaks, and damaged fire sound position update
9 Months Ago
homing missile launcher sounds
9 Months Ago
radar lock alarm audio files
9 Months Ago
parachute sounds
9 Months Ago
fix sound error when firing attack heli rockets
9 Months Ago
attack heli distant flight sound tweaks (missed files)
9 Months Ago
attack heli distant flight sound tweaks
9 Months Ago
attack helicopter sounds
10 Months Ago
nexus ferry sounds
11 Months Ago
NRE fix
11 Months Ago
use a default value for wave attenuation if WaterSystem.Instance is null