10 Years Ago
* Added hud_fastswitch & cl_downloadfilter to blocked convar list * Entity.SetSubMaterial now errors when given wrong arguments * Added Entity.GetEffects() * Added Entity.GetEFlags() * Added Entity.GetPredictable() - Clientside * Removed CLuaLocomotion.IsAscendingOrDescendingLadder - Alias of IsUsingLadder * Added CLuaLocomotion.JumpAcrossGap( Vector landingGoal, Vector landingForward ) * Added CLuaLocomotion.SetVelocity( Vector vel ) * Added CLuaLocomotion.IsOnGround() * Added Player.GetTimeoutSeconds() - Serverside * Added Player.IsTimingOut() - Serverside * Added CRecipientFilter.__tostring * CreateSound's 3rd argument is now CRecipientFilter, only works serverside * Finalized Vehicle.GetVehicleParams() * Fixed a crash issue with Vehicle.SetSpringLength()