4 Years Ago
tweaks to camera size and player gun aim speed speech bubble size increased, FPS display Cleanup Jenkinsfile Unity fullscreen bug workaround Fixed long standing stage select UI visual bug Trying out some main menu optimizations for Switch Fixed menu load times on switch again Added nex ranking category IDs for every stage / campaign whitelisted lastpos & movedelta unit funcparams Added NexPlugin WIP refactor to support either nex or steam leaderboards etc Merge branch 'master' into switch-port Speech bubble text scaling now platform dependant Add switch-specific player / gun json files made unused Level param more useful Working on leaderboard abstraction More abstraction Missing metas circle-line intersection utils func Still abstracting added parallel/fan num properties for bullets tweaked slowmo visual effect Fixed sentry user id Almost finished abstracting This might even compile soon Finished off ProgressionManager cleanup Powerup binding storage refactor player facingSpeedMultiplier modifier Network services abstraction tweaks Some more steamworks usages replacements Updated Facepunch.Steamworks Steamworks backend implementation Some final refactoring player status velocityModifier player lookSpeedPercent modifier Updated Facepunch.Steamworks Steam re-implementation mostly working! Filled out Result enum Fixed Application.persistentDataPath being accessed on a worker thread Fixed pause menu leaderboards Nex leaderboard implementation Fixed switch builds Fixed standalone development build error Some temp implementations for FetchUsername / FetchAvatar Updated README.md / .gitignore for NEX native libraries Updated switchApplicationID Fixed not being able to connect to NEX game server Testing NEX leaderboard service Got rid of some redundancy in json data loading Example standalone default player overrides Started working on platform-specific json overrides Made sure baking codegen is ordered / stable Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'master' into switch-port Fixed usages not being sorted / unique Fixed fuse stage baking error Merge branch 'master' into switch-port Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity edited some sprites initial stage -> none Fixed possible exception when loading json data Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Fixed codegen when some methods can't be baked Fixed possible NRE on StorageService.OpenRead() Fixed IStorageService.CreateFile(Domain.Local) standalone implementation Fixed regression causing some scores not to be submitted