11 Months Ago
Do not try to sign local builds on windows Merge pull requests * Added flags of the world to DIconBrowser (Community Contribution) * Do not set PANEL.ClassName in vgui.CreateFromTable to a missing variable (Community Contribution) Added render.RenderFlashlights This is aimed at completely replacing render.Push/PopFlashlightMode and allows to render flashlights on an IMesh correctly. Added some Position particle initializers from CS:GO * Position Along Ring * Position Along Epitrochoid * Position Modify Place On Ground * Position From Chaotic Attractor More particle operators & changes New initializers: * Scalar Random * Vector Random * Vector Component Random * Set Hitbox to Closest Hitbox * Set Hitbox Position on Model * Velocity Set from Control Point "hitbox" and "hitbox set" parameters added to: * Position on Model Random (initializer) - also `hitbox scale` is now `model hitbox scale` * Movement Lock to Bone (operator) * Cull relative to model (operator) Added more particle operators * Remap Particle Count to Scalar init * Remap Direction to CP to Vector op Fix DME Model picker not really working Build dmxconvert Fixed missing material warning in particle editor Added a few more particle attributes * screen space effect * normal * Visibility input dot * Visibility input distance Added "ender models" particle renderer unfuck C_EnvProjectedTexture header Fix some NPCs that create entities crashing when at the entity limit Sandbox tool & constraint library improvements when at entity limit Added filter_activator_context and filter_activator_model Added new inputs/outputs to func_tracktrain New inputs: * SetMaxSpeed * MoveToPathNode * TeleportToPathNode * LockOrientation * UnlockOrientation Outputs: * OnArrivedAtDestinationNode Added 6 new inputs to all entities * SetLocalOrigin * SetLocalAngles * DisableDraw * EnableDraw * DisableReceivingFlashlight * EnableReceivingFlashlight Also * Disable flashlight keyvalue * EF_NOFLASHLIGHT Lua enum Add input/output description to Entity Properties window https://files.facepunch.com/rubat/1b2011b1/4KdxnzGL4u.png ScreenSpace particles adjustments Set 'connect' Rich Presence string when joining a server Hackaround for static prop support for util.DecalEx Probably fixed a (linux only?) srcds crash with debugoverlay library Added prop_sphere to FGD and added 'radius' keyvalue removeid checks first argument for entire SteamID too Added Weapon.Set/GetDeploySpeed to all weapons