8 Months Ago
Replace default cubemap texture with the one VBSP generates by default This affects maps that are renamed after compilation Fix CmdSeq.wc being broken on local builds Fixed Ceiling Turret trying to play non existent sounds on dry fire Was spamming warnings in console Fixed Alyx not being blinded by flashlight in Episode 1 More episodic behaviors, for Zombies and Headcrabs Fixed Alyx still following the player in darkness mode without flashlight Fix Alyx's darkness breathing breaking other voice lines Remount subbed addons if we unmounted server addons In case some file(s) were overwritten by server addons, which are now gone Clean up rope materials on disconnect, not game shutdown Allows rope materials to reach 0 refcounts Fixed intro screen material not being freed Also fixed __error material getting an extra forever refcount Also fixed __loading and __background getting forever refcounts Fixed certain sprites (such as physgun beam) being forever referenced if drawn