6 Months Ago
Add "Browse" button to env_spritetrail in Hammer Fixed Rollermine visuals when it is hacked Error handle invalid spawnlist data Fixed crashes when trying to draw sprite textures Fixed TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE not respecting TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP Fixed IMaterial:SetVector4D not using float inputs Fixed changelevel crash to do with ragdolls Fixed erroring material in EP1 (Stalker teeth) Update Kleiner and Alyx models Fixes Kleiner's idle animation to be the unique Kleiner one Prioritize EP2 animations over EP1 or default animations for Alyx (such gun holster animations) Dog model with episodic animations This makes Episode 1 intro map fully playable. Also fixes Strider vs Dog scene. Moved stalker_animations.mdl to overrides folder Merged Eli model with Episodic animations