2 Days Ago
Update RapidJSON to the latest version Improve JSON function compliance with the JSON spec util.TableToJSON - math.huge keys now become "Infinity" instead of "inf" util.JSONToTable - Handle NULLs in arrays, convert boolean looking keys ("true", "false") to booleans if this behavior is not disabled by the 3rd argument Minor optimization for util.TableToJSON make lua_run entity keyvalues case insensitive Call Entity:SetCreator on all Sandbox spawned entities Allow comments and trailing commas in JSON parsing Fixed Lua error when gmod_cameraprop and entity driving Added util.RemoveDecalsAt Added 4th argument to util.RemoveDecalAt - remove permanent decals Hammer: Fixed empty buttons appearing in Entity Properties When no entity has ever been selected in the session, and Alt+Enter are pressed Also some minor visual adjustments Improve handling of Spawnmenu category localizations Preserve alphabetical sorting Updated localization files Added 2nd argument to CompileFile - showError Minor code cleanups