7 Days Ago
Started hackweek trying to investigate why standing underneath a bear rug gives you 100% comfort but standing on top of one only gives you 25% comfort. Discovered that the very old CalculateComfort code gave you the most comfort at the edge of the comfort trigger, so moving away from a comfort deployable gave you more comfort - that didn't make sense. - Comfort is calculated from your closest position to the comfort deployable trigger, not your feet - Comfort is calculated as a SmoothStep based on the distance you are from the center of the trigger, with minComfortRange forgiveness - Increased rug.bear trigger size from 1.1 -> 3, base comfort (solo comfort) from 0.25 -> 0.5 on both bear rug comfort trigger spheres Going further with this branch will likely mean reviewing all comfort deployables and making some comfortSource tweaks. Would like to explore adding up different nearby comfort sources instead of taking max but wary of performance concerns of generating a data structure every ServerUpdate