userAdam Woolridgecancel

101 Commits over 60 Days - 0.07cph!

23 Days Ago
Merge from main
25 Days Ago
Add a convar to toggle LOS detection methods
25 Days Ago
Remove unnecessary list newing Remove a debug.log
25 Days Ago
Merge from main
25 Days Ago
Increase scientist timeout
25 Days Ago
Remove debug logs
25 Days Ago
Mere from main
32 Days Ago
Bradley scientist AI design update.
32 Days Ago
Reduce timer duration before returning to cover from chase.
32 Days Ago
Recall scientists if they or the bradley haven't been able to attack any targets for a while.
32 Days Ago
Added deploybradleyscientists and recallbradleyscientists Bradley commands for Paddy. Fixed some bugs I found in the process of adding and testing the commands: MountAfterNotAttackedDuration check now also makes sure the bradley has been deployed for that long too. Scientist spawn count now only resets (as part of the Bradley healing process) after a short deploy timer.
32 Days Ago
▉▇▆▆ ▊▉▊▉ ▊▊ ▇▇▉▄▊▋▊ ▆█▊ ▌▋▊▉▋ ▍▇ ▉▉ ▊▊▉▊▆▍ ▊▋ ▍▊▄▌ ▍▇▋▅ ███ ▇▄▊▅▅█ ▄▋▋▊█▋▅▄ ▄▄▍▌▊▇▄ ▄▍ ▊▊▇▋▌▇▌ █▇▉▍
32 Days Ago
Decreased ScientistRedeploymentMinInterval from 180 to 60 seconds
32 Days Ago
Fix area mask caching.
36 Days Ago
Updated stationary scientist AI design. Switch scientists to stationary AI design instead of immediately killing them if the Bradley gets destroyed.
36 Days Ago
Stationary design update
36 Days Ago
Added a stationary AI design and fille. Updated Bradley scientist prefabs to reference it as an additional design.
36 Days Ago
Compile fixes
37 Days Ago
Cache walkable navmesh layer. Added convar'd damage deploy check interval. Codegen.
37 Days Ago
Check for valid navmesh at scientist spawn points before deploying. Handle missing navmesh.
37 Days Ago
Randomise between take cover and combat states when spawning scientists
38 Days Ago
Deploy & recall smoke grenade usage (convar'd)
38 Days Ago
MonumentIsland_Bradley test scene
39 Days Ago
Updated bradley scientist AI design, more defensive, more use of bradley as cover.
39 Days Ago
Check scientist target move distance is within a suitable distance from bradley
39 Days Ago
▉▌██▌▍▍▉▋▆ ▄▋▍█ ▆▇▅▊▊▋▆ ▅▉▆▋▌▉ ▅▋▊▄▊▉▊▋ ▊▉ ▄▅ ▍▇▅▉▇▅▊ ▋▊▉▌ █▋▄▊██
39 Days Ago
CanSeeTarget can now take a source position offset, used to check move points.
39 Days Ago
39 Days Ago
Remove now unused LOS offset code
39 Days Ago
AIInformationZone LOS improvements for GetBestMovePointNear
39 Days Ago
Fix for recall loop when all scientists are killed, preventing the Bradley from leaving deployed state.
39 Days Ago
Merge from main
40 Days Ago
▌▇▊▋▄ ▆█▌▋█ ▊▄▆ ▍▇▋▇█ ▍▆▇ ▇▅█ ▆█▅▄▍▉ ▆▅▉▅▌█ ▅▍▉▌▍▆▄
40 Days Ago
Bradley scientist AI design update. AIInformationZone can now place move points on terrain. Disable AI data on spawn.
40 Days Ago
Extra AI data
40 Days Ago
Merge from main
43 Days Ago
Disable navmesh obastacle and AI data after all scientists are back on board, so they don't run through the APC on their way to mount it.
43 Days Ago
Merge from main
44 Days Ago
Raycast distance fix from earlier
44 Days Ago
Increase not-attacked timeout duration
44 Days Ago
44 Days Ago
Merge from main
45 Days Ago
Much more accurate navmesh placement of spawned scientists. BaseNavigator.PlaceOnNavMesh now takes parameter to control Y offset. Ifdef debug data to Editor only.
45 Days Ago
Temp debug gizmo drawing. TimeSince init fix.
45 Days Ago
More deploy/mount logic and balance convars.
45 Days Ago
45 Days Ago
Redeopment interval convar
45 Days Ago
NavMeshObstacle tweaks
45 Days Ago
Scientists store APC in their entity memory. Scientists tell the APC when they've mounted it. Correctly track the number of alive scientists that re-mounted the APC. Added new MountNPC AI state and design. Added new SpecialEntity reserved memory entity slot. Updated AI design.
45 Days Ago
Merge from main