userAdam Wcancel

101 Commits over 60 Days - 0.07cph!

7 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Add a convar to toggle LOS detection methods
8 Months Ago
Remove unnecessary list newing Remove a debug.log
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Increase scientist timeout
8 Months Ago
Remove debug logs
8 Months Ago
Mere from main
8 Months Ago
Bradley scientist AI design update.
8 Months Ago
Reduce timer duration before returning to cover from chase.
8 Months Ago
Recall scientists if they or the bradley haven't been able to attack any targets for a while.
8 Months Ago
Added deploybradleyscientists and recallbradleyscientists Bradley commands for Paddy. Fixed some bugs I found in the process of adding and testing the commands: MountAfterNotAttackedDuration check now also makes sure the bradley has been deployed for that long too. Scientist spawn count now only resets (as part of the Bradley healing process) after a short deploy timer.
8 Months Ago
▉▇▆▆ ▊▉▊▉ ▊▊ ▇▇▉▄▊▋▊ ▆█▊ ▌▋▊▉▋ ▍▇ ▉▉ ▊▊▉▊▆▍ ▊▋ ▍▊▄▌ ▍▇▋▅ ███ ▇▄▊▅▅█ ▄▋▋▊█▋▅▄ ▄▄▍▌▊▇▄ ▄▍ ▊▊▇▋▌▇▌ █▇▉▍
8 Months Ago
Decreased ScientistRedeploymentMinInterval from 180 to 60 seconds
8 Months Ago
Fix area mask caching.
8 Months Ago
Updated stationary scientist AI design. Switch scientists to stationary AI design instead of immediately killing them if the Bradley gets destroyed.
8 Months Ago
Stationary design update
8 Months Ago
Added a stationary AI design and fille. Updated Bradley scientist prefabs to reference it as an additional design.
8 Months Ago
Compile fixes
8 Months Ago
Cache walkable navmesh layer. Added convar'd damage deploy check interval. Codegen.
8 Months Ago
Check for valid navmesh at scientist spawn points before deploying. Handle missing navmesh.
8 Months Ago
Randomise between take cover and combat states when spawning scientists
8 Months Ago
Deploy & recall smoke grenade usage (convar'd)
8 Months Ago
MonumentIsland_Bradley test scene
8 Months Ago
Updated bradley scientist AI design, more defensive, more use of bradley as cover.
8 Months Ago
Check scientist target move distance is within a suitable distance from bradley
8 Months Ago
▉▌██▌▍▍▉▋▆ ▄▋▍█ ▆▇▅▊▊▋▆ ▅▉▆▋▌▉ ▅▋▊▄▊▉▊▋ ▊▉ ▄▅ ▍▇▅▉▇▅▊ ▋▊▉▌ █▋▄▊██
8 Months Ago
CanSeeTarget can now take a source position offset, used to check move points.
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Remove now unused LOS offset code
8 Months Ago
AIInformationZone LOS improvements for GetBestMovePointNear
8 Months Ago
Fix for recall loop when all scientists are killed, preventing the Bradley from leaving deployed state.
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
▌▇▊▋▄ ▆█▌▋█ ▊▄▆ ▍▇▋▇█ ▍▆▇ ▇▅█ ▆█▅▄▍▉ ▆▅▉▅▌█ ▅▍▉▌▍▆▄
8 Months Ago
Bradley scientist AI design update. AIInformationZone can now place move points on terrain. Disable AI data on spawn.
8 Months Ago
Extra AI data
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Disable navmesh obastacle and AI data after all scientists are back on board, so they don't run through the APC on their way to mount it.
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Raycast distance fix from earlier
8 Months Ago
Increase not-attacked timeout duration
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Much more accurate navmesh placement of spawned scientists. BaseNavigator.PlaceOnNavMesh now takes parameter to control Y offset. Ifdef debug data to Editor only.
8 Months Ago
Temp debug gizmo drawing. TimeSince init fix.
8 Months Ago
More deploy/mount logic and balance convars.
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Redeopment interval convar
8 Months Ago
NavMeshObstacle tweaks
8 Months Ago
Scientists store APC in their entity memory. Scientists tell the APC when they've mounted it. Correctly track the number of alive scientists that re-mounted the APC. Added new MountNPC AI state and design. Added new SpecialEntity reserved memory entity slot. Updated AI design.
8 Months Ago
Merge from main