userAdam Woolridgecancel

31 Commits over 61 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Added NVG specific AI design. NVG scientists now use home-point anchored roaming. Reduced how often NVG scientists roam. NVG scientists can now use healing items.
1 Year Ago
set door.hinged.NMS_green/grey/red prefabs isSecurityDoor to FALSE so that they don't respawn as security doors and cut the navmesh up when loading monument from a save file
1 Year Ago
Tweaked navmesh obstacle along fence and moved an AI move point. s2p.
1 Year Ago
applied the recent crate/spawn local scene changes to the AI prefab to keep it synched
1 Year Ago
Increased and squared navmesh bounds to fix navmesh generation issues when monument is rotated. s2p.
1 Year Ago
Scientist only move to one random spot when blinded. Increased the duration variance.
1 Year Ago
Move start gesture to the blinded state StateEnter. Slightly vary blinded duration.
1 Year Ago
Changed flash blinded gesture to loop. Clear gesture when leaving blinded state.
1 Year Ago
Fixed the doors in the new corridor being flagged as security doors, which was breaking the navmesh. s2p.
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Fixed and old spawner and the new spawners linking to the wrong AIZ
1 Year Ago
Increased BlindDurationMultiplier on NVG scientist variant so that they get blinded for longer.
1 Year Ago
removed unnecessary cast
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_blind
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
Disable above ground spawners for now.
1 Year Ago
Enable force collect terrain for navmesh. Scene. s2p.
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
scene, s2p.
1 Year Ago
Expanded AI_MiddleMiddle AIZ to include new corridor area. Added move & cover point data. Updated AI prefab.
1 Year Ago
Updated AI prefab to point spawners to new NVG variant scientists
1 Year Ago
Added ScientistNPC_Roam_NVG_Variant variant prefab. Added an additional NVG loadout with LR300 to match other scientist possible loadouts.
1 Year Ago
Added UsesAsOffset bool to LerpBetweenPointsBool to force offsetPosLocal to actualy work as an offset (defaults to false to preserve old behaviour)
1 Year Ago
merge from silo/ai
1 Year Ago
merge from silo/ai
1 Year Ago
Added AI prefab to silo scene. S2P.
1 Year Ago
merge from silo_ai
1 Year Ago
Unset IsSecurityDoor on all hinged.industrial doors so navmesh data generates correctly. S2P.
1 Year Ago
Enabled read/write access on mesh data needed for navmesh gen.
1 Year Ago
Added MonumentNavMesh to monument root, set MonumentInfo to have navmesh data.