31 Commits over 61 Days - 0.02cph!
Added NVG specific AI design.
NVG scientists now use home-point anchored roaming.
Reduced how often NVG scientists roam.
NVG scientists can now use healing items.
set door.hinged.NMS_green/grey/red prefabs isSecurityDoor to FALSE so that they don't respawn as security doors and cut the navmesh up when loading monument from a save file
Tweaked navmesh obstacle along fence and moved an AI move point.
applied the recent crate/spawn local scene changes to the AI prefab to keep it synched
Increased and squared navmesh bounds to fix navmesh generation issues when monument is rotated.
Scientist only move to one random spot when blinded.
Increased the duration variance.
Move start gesture to the blinded state StateEnter.
Slightly vary blinded duration.
Changed flash blinded gesture to loop.
Clear gesture when leaving blinded state.
Fixed the doors in the new corridor being flagged as security doors, which was breaking the navmesh.
Fixed and old spawner and the new spawners linking to the wrong AIZ
Increased BlindDurationMultiplier on NVG scientist variant so that they get blinded for longer.
merge from ai_aboveground
merge from ai_aboveground
Disable above ground spawners for now.
Enable force collect terrain for navmesh.
merge from ai_aboveground
Expanded AI_MiddleMiddle AIZ to include new corridor area.
Added move & cover point data.
Updated AI prefab.
Updated AI prefab to point spawners to new NVG variant scientists
Added ScientistNPC_Roam_NVG_Variant variant prefab.
Added an additional NVG loadout with LR300 to match other scientist possible loadouts.
Added UsesAsOffset bool to LerpBetweenPointsBool to force offsetPosLocal to actualy work as an offset (defaults to false to preserve old behaviour)
Added AI prefab to silo scene. S2P.
Unset IsSecurityDoor on all hinged.industrial doors so navmesh data generates correctly.
Enabled read/write access on mesh data needed for navmesh gen.
Added MonumentNavMesh to monument root, set MonumentInfo to have navmesh data.