
294 Commits over 700 Days - 0.02cph!

Standalone: Add `materials/error.vmat_c` to core whitelist
3 Days Ago
Remove WM_GETMINMAXINFO handler because it wasn't helping (was probably making things worse) Simplify window titlebar bounds check
3 Days Ago
Handle WM_GETMINMAXINFO to prevent maximizing issues
3 Days Ago
Ignore resize handles when window is maximized
3 Days Ago
Expand non-client frame bottom by 1 pixel to fix auto-hiding taskbar not being shown
5 Days Ago
UI: Allow both spellings of `grayscale`/`greyscale` inside `filter( ... )`
8 Days Ago
Force update title bar whenever title or icon changes
8 Days Ago
Make compile error dialog paths slightly more readable Frameless window fixes for hi-DPI monitors
8 Days Ago
Custom window frames (#1858)
17 Days Ago
Launcher: clean up UI, make a few things contextual rather than showing everything all at once Sweeper .sbproj update
17 Days Ago
Forgot to commit this with the object-fit stuff
17 Days Ago
UI: add support for `object-fit`, move aspect ratio code into source text template
21 Days Ago
Added `Color.LerpTo` for consistency with `Vector3.LerpTo`, `Rotation.LerpTo`, etc.
22 Days Ago
UI: linear gradients use premultiplied interpolation in & have quadratic easing on alpha channel to more closely match web
23 Days Ago
Asset browser: Fix drag-dropping of files from explorer onto asset browser, don't allow inside cloud browser Cloud browser: update list after uninstalling a package Don't reference `facepunch.concrete_barrier` inside `default.surface` 🙈 Cloud browser: allow setting default view, shows when cloud browser initialises, persists between sessions
24 Days Ago
JsonIgnore these
24 Days Ago
Standalone: initial support for /unsafe, clean up compiler options, rework project settings stuff to use "Standalone Only" instead of "Whitelist Enabled"
36 Days Ago
GenerateMipMaps shouldn't generate mips smaller than 1x1 (which might happen on textures with weird dimensions, e.g. 3x3) UI: support border-radius shorthand transitions
37 Days Ago
VR: Fix toggling VR inside the editor after launch
37 Days Ago
Standalone: differentiate between failing to copy (e.g. no disk space) and not finding a file Standalone: locate code resources in non-core locations (e.g. addons/base), fixes a couple of missing files Standalone: tweak wizard layout to move all executable stuff together Standalone: clean up exporter code, move into its own folder Standalone: fix base assets path Standalone: remove IsDevelopmentBuild and Version, move VersionDate to BuildDate & make it implicit
49 Days Ago
Standalone: better widgets for branding - can't figure out how to lay these out nicely right now though Standalone: make it clearer when we've finished an export
50 Days Ago
Standalone: we might need this DLL actually 🙈
51 Days Ago
Standalone: Separate operations up into build steps & sort Standalone: ignore dxcompiler
52 Days Ago
Standalone: projects that only have the VR control mode enabled should automatically launch in VR, otherwise default to using the `-vr` launch param
57 Days Ago
Standalone: build page shows failures and progress more clearly, don't auto advance so we can see what's fucking up
57 Days Ago
Standalone: export presets
57 Days Ago
Standalone: move stuff over to whitelist system, remove EnabledAddons (we only have `base` now)
57 Days Ago
Standalone: core file whitelist, reduces minimal export size by 300MB (1.2GB -> 800MB)
58 Days Ago
Editor: add non-collapsable group widget Standalone: make initial wizard page more bearable
58 Days Ago
Standalone: don't export citizen addon separately (we already work out which assets we need) Standalone: skip Sentry Load startup backgrounds from vtex Standalone: can pick custom startup image Standalone: Custom icon support Standalone: Don't set icon/splash screen if not specified
2 Months Ago
VR: Remove obsolete controller checking bools that nobody's using VR: Add IsHandTracked bool to VRController, update fpxr to 5cf7ff24f5b157166102c8e4898bb84b4accb952 VR: Add MotionRange to VRController.GetJoints, update fpxr to 8822f0461709fbd2eda8fe004d51af79d47e6aa9 e.g. ```csharp Input.VR.LeftHand.GetJoints( MotionRange.Hand ); // default Input.VR.LeftHand.GetJoints( MotionRange.Controller ); // tries to wrap hands around the controller ``` VR: Better controller interactions in menu, move panel to a more comfortable height
2 Months Ago
In VR, menu defaults to having VR tag enabled
2 Months Ago
Move VRSceneSwitcher + add warning and move back to OnAwake, recompile main menu
2 Months Ago
Force add compiled VR menu scene
2 Months Ago
Move VR scene switcher logic into OnStart
2 Months Ago
Editor: Launch dedicated server option (we probably want some way to join it from editor?)
2 Months Ago
VR: More stuttering-related fixes, don't alloc joint data every frame VR: Improved main menu scene VR: Only create debug callback if `-vrdebug` is specified as a launch parameter
3 Months Ago
VR: Deprecate List-based `VRController.GetJointData()`, replace with array-based `VRController.GetJoints()`
3 Months Ago
VR: clean up logging VR: Synchronization refactor, update Facepunch.XR to 1c1b65ae7ec5ef89ff2f1e508f4bcdbea58ebd3c Removes Sync() call, should remove jittering(!), and reduces unnecessary logging
3 Months Ago
Fix missing standalone files sbox-issues/issues/7241
3 Months Ago
Generated csproj LangVersion 11 -> 13
4 Months Ago
UI: Set Button.Active inside TabContainer rather than setting active class directly (consistent with ButtonGroup)
4 Months Ago
UI: Fix worldpanel filters, save off default viewport Z range when setting a render target (solves depth issues after pushing/popping worldpanel filters)
4 Months Ago
VR: more logging, always enable debug callback VR: add -novr force disable Update fpxr to 8e70816536da3c657eb9f9a7b815268c5ef7a729, improves headset checks
4 Months Ago
UI: Expose UI.WorldInput.Hovered inside WorldInput component
4 Months Ago
VR: check for headset in PreInit() instead of Init()
4 Months Ago
VR: init g_pVrSystem before finishing material system setup
5 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.XR to 1dce6d64669f0c19b0e43936bf53b1770d50a6f8, cache HasHeadset value Don't build VR Toggle Widget if there's no headset or runtime
5 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.XR and defs to 24b8e70e5c89d04b3f42d8b022bf97e05b82349f, adds check for headset/runtime availablity VR initialization changes - always load VR extensions if there's a runtime and headset available, so we can init mid-session Editor: Make ToggleSwitch look nicer Add toggle switch in editor for VR
5 Months Ago
Remove unused OpenXR launch environment variables Update Facepunch.XR to ec56d1c119e0251cbc105be8a26792e266b68ed3, fixes some minor launching issues VR hand component fixes VR world input component Remove unused VR bits in MenuSystem Basic VR scene menu, loads automatically if VR is enabled