
294 Commits over 700 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Correctly preserve worldpanel combo when popping UI layers Almost fixes worldpanel filters, but there's still some issues with depth
1 Year Ago
Worldpanel backdrop filters correctly sample from the framebuffer For sbox-issues/issues/3520
1 Year Ago
Motion blur post-processing component Color adjustments post-processing component (saturation, hue rotate, brightness, contrast) Blur post-processing component Adjust new post-process component orders Remove unused attributes & clean up post-processing shaders
1 Year Ago
Don't stomp sceneobject flags if passed an invalid override material Fixes glass etc. sbox-issues/issues/4461
1 Year Ago
Only run DXT compute on platforms with full support
1 Year Ago
Re-add DXT compute staging texture for platforms that don't support block texel views (dx11)
1 Year Ago
Allocate output & intermediate textures right before dispatching DXT compute
1 Year Ago
Minor fix for GetMemRequired call, was giving it the wrong parameters 🤦‍♂️
1 Year Ago
Fix GPU DXT5 mips
1 Year Ago
Re-write dxt compute upload/read to not crash Run DXT5 on CPU for mips > 1 until I can figure out why this isn't working
1 Year Ago
VR: Don't crash inside ControllerTypeFromString if we weren't able to fetch an index for the device
1 Year Ago
Blur LineEdit on escape pressed sbox-issues/issues/4438
1 Year Ago
Only change ident field inside project creator window if necessary Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4433
1 Year Ago
Add compiled cs_compress_dxt material
1 Year Ago
Texture Compression Speed Improvements (#1430) Improves DXT5 compression by moving it to GPU, other algorithms that still run on CPU also benefit (DXT1 etc.). Additionally fixes DXT crash (sbox-issues/issues/4165).
1 Year Ago
GetAuthToken returns string without quotes Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4381
1 Year Ago
UI: Apply `image-rendering` mode to masks
1 Year Ago
Add support for `white-space: pre;` Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4345, can see this being useful for rich text, syntax highlighting, etc.
1 Year Ago
VR: when saving off the HMD matrix, use the one we get directly from openvr - don't do any processing or bullshit
1 Year Ago
VR: Delete VRSkeleton, unused VR: Rename VRControllerType -> TrackedControllerType
1 Year Ago
VR: Experimental fast function for storing reprojected HMD matrix VR: Separate out stereo render/submit/blit, don't submit editor SceneCameras (We still render and blit companion while in the editor, we just don't submit a texture to the compositor while not in play mode)
1 Year Ago
VR: Fix out-of-editor rendering
1 Year Ago
VR: stop NoOpPostprocess layer trying to clear again in stereo mode
1 Year Ago
VR: Clean up stereo rendering logic, fixes aoproxy rendering, reduces memory requirements VR: TrackedDevice defaults
1 Year Ago
Horizontal scroll (#1236) Hold shift + mouse wheel to perform a horizontal scroll, if your mouse has a horizontally scrolling wheel then that will work too.
1 Year Ago
Add separate Matrix test for converting from a transform, verify manually
1 Year Ago
Make `Matrix.FromTransform` more generalized, move steamvr specific one into `VROverlay` where it's used Matrix test for converting to/from transforms
1 Year Ago
VR: Don't call GetPerformanceStats if VR isn't running (sorry)
1 Year Ago
VR: Lets be honest, nobody is using an xbox 360 controller or knuckles ev1 anymore VR: fix minor docs blunder VR: IsVive etc. now handled per-controller (was detecting controller type anyway before) Might be useful for anyone that likes to mix controller types (e.g. one vive controller and one knuckles) but the use case for this seems quite niche? sbox-issues/issues/994 VR: Basic internal HMD type detection VR: More HMD types, move controller type & hmd type conversion into relevant files VR: these should be internal, oops 🤦‍♂️ VR: Initial performance stats window Just basic stuff for now, will evolve over time
1 Year Ago
VR: Move all render model related stuff into VRNative.RenderModel.cs VR: Fix some minor input discrepancies, use ArgumentOutOfRangeException for anything out of range
1 Year Ago
VR: Clean up render model code, make everything non-blocking
1 Year Ago
VR: Hook up IVRRenderModels interface VR: Add render model support for controllers, VR Model Renderer component (sbox-issues/issues/1001) Uses `vr_controller_01_mrhat` if no model available VR: Render model textures, fix axes VR: Model renderer component is separate, takes a model renderer as property, doesn't run in non-vr
1 Year Ago
VR: More docs for `VROverlay` and `VROverlayPanel` VR: VrInput -> VRInput, extra docs for VRController
1 Year Ago
VR: Docs, rename Input VrHand to VRController VR: Normalize prefix casing to `VR` instead of mixing `Vr` and `VR` VR: VRHand component doesn't fetch skinned model renderer automatically, match behaviour of all other components instead
1 Year Ago
Make `Matrix` numerics value internal, similar to the one on `Vector3`
1 Year Ago
VR: Move `VROverlayPanel`, `VROverlay`, `VROverlayInput` into `Sandbox.VR` namespace
1 Year Ago
VR: Generate extra `GetXActionData` functions with `ulRestrictToDevice` = `k_ulInvalidInputValueHandle` VR: Menu chord bindings / action VR: Remove legacy layer, move VR stuff into Sandbox.VR namespace VR: Hook up WorldScale VR: Do a reset whenever GameMenuDll.ResetEnvironment is called, just resets world scale for now VR: Shorten Sandbox.Engine.VR to Engine.VR, maybe we should rename this class entirely VR: Move `VR` class into Sandbox.VR VR: Remove `VR` class, move any relevant properties over to `Input.VR` All of this was input-related anyway, this feels like a better place to have it. Modifying the anchor is done through `Input.VR.Anchor` now. The only exception to this is checking if we're running in VR; use `Game.IsRunningInVR` instead. This avoids us clashing with the `Sandbox.VR` namespace and causing a bunch of problems. Shouldn't be too different anyway as most things should be covered by our components. VR: Components don't update if VR isn't running
1 Year Ago
VR: fix some stereo-related render warnings
1 Year Ago
VR: perform copy before adding layers & don't create temporary back color buffer VR: overlays don't block input if there's a game running, use high quality rendering now that works again
1 Year Ago
Render menu Fix rendering `RootPanel`s in VR: separate out `IsWorldPanel` from `RenderedManually` Clear attributes after popping a layer when rendering UI
1 Year Ago
Set VR depth resolve & refract textures, fixes glass rendering in VR
1 Year Ago
Move `vr_depth_submit` convar over to managed
1 Year Ago
Respect `vr_spectator_show_left_eye` value
1 Year Ago
VR companion view, render stereo to its own back buffer
1 Year Ago
VR texture submit supports full depth submit (but we're not passing depth just yet) Pass depth buffer to submit
1 Year Ago
Rename VRNative CheckError function to Assert Move assert function for VR overlay errors into VRNative Remove unused VRNative functions Support for all types of VR textures (pose, depth+pose, depth, and neither)
1 Year Ago
Fix VR rendering crash Disable menu VR overlay
1 Year Ago
Make VRNative Compositor/System/etc. all properties TrackedDeviceInfo has battery percentage (cherry-picked from vr-stats branch) Battery percentage just displays in `vr_info` concommand for now
1 Year Ago
Change the way we handle VRTextureWithPose - create an initial VRTexture and then (optionally) append pose data, rather than just creating a VRTextureWithPose outright Reinstate VR overlay code using new internal VR backend Move FromTransform into Matrix so we can re-use it
1 Year Ago
Update OpenVR SDK from 1.26.7 to 2.0.10